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Table of Contents

Periplus, an Essay on the Early History of Charts, and Sailing Directions. A. E. Nordenskiöld, Stockholm, 1897.

Maps, their Uses and Construction. G. James Morrison, London, 1902.

Charts and Chart Making. Lieut. John E. Pillsbury, U.S.N., in Proceedings U. S. Naval Institute, 1884.

Principal Facts relating to the Earth's Magnetism. L. A. Bauer, in U. S. Magnetic Declination Tables, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1903.

Marine Hydrographic Surveys of the Coasts of the World. G. W. Littlehales, in Report of the Eighth International Geographic Congress, 1904.

Smithsonian Geographical Tables. R. S. Woodward, Washington, 1906.

Admiralty Charts, Abridged list of. Published by J. D. Potter, London, 1907.

Military Topography. Capt. C. B. Hagadorn, U.S.A., West Point, 1907.

Service Hydrographique de la Marine, Paris, 1900.

A Manual of Conventional Symbols in Use on Official Charts. United States Hydrographic Office, Gustave Herrle, 1903.

Hydrographical Surveying. Admiral W. J. L. Wharton, London, 1898.

On the Correction of Charts, Light Lists, and Sailing Directions. Published by J. D. Potter, London, 1904.

Notes Relative to the Use of Charts. D. B. Wainwright, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1900.

The Law relating to Charts and Sailing Directions. H. Stuart Moore, London, 1904.

Notes bearing on the Navigation of H. M. Ships. Hydrographic Office, London, 1900.

The Relations of Harbors to Modern Shipping. W. H. Wheeler, in Engineering News, September 6, 1906, New York.

Wrinkles in Practical Navigation. Capt. S. T. S. Lecky, London, 1899.

Navigation and Compass Deviations. Commander W. C. P. Muir, U.S.N., Annapolis, 1906.

The Practice of Navigation. Henry Raper, London, 1898.

Lehrbuch der Navigation. Reichs-Marine-Amt, Berlin, 1906.

The Nautical Magazine, London.

Dangers and Ice in the North Atlantic Ocean. Bureau of Navigation, U. S. Navy Department, 1868.

Reported Dangers in the North Pacific Ocean. U. S. Hydrographic Office, 1871.

Pacific Islands, Vol. III, chapter on "Vigias." British Hydrographic Office, London, 1900.

Harriman Alaska Expedition, Vol. II, Bogoslof, our Newest Volcano, by C. Hart Merriam, New York, 1901.

Expedition to the Aleutian Islands, 1907. T. A. Jaggar, Jr., in The Technology Review, 1907, Boston.

Recent Changes in Level in the Yakutat Bay Region, Alaska, by R. S. Tarr and Lawrence Martin, in Bulletin of the American Geological Society, 1906.

An Index to the Islands of the Pacific Ocean. W. T. Brigham, Honolulu, 1900.

Geography, articles by C. R. Markham, A. R. Clarke, and H. R. Mill in Encyclopædia Britannica.

Development in Dimensions of vessels, Elmer L. Corthell, Tenth International Navigation Congress, 1905.


Nautical Charts

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