Читать книгу The Gift Of Twins - Gabrielle Meyer - Страница 3


Emmy hadn’t known Ben for long, but she sensed he was out of sorts the whole day.

It was almost as if Ben was jealous of Adam—but that would be preposterous. Ben had never intimated that his feelings were more than platonic.

“Is something wrong, Emmy?” Ben took a step toward her, concern clouding his eyes.

“I—I was going to ask you the same question.”

For a moment, he didn’t say anything, and when he looked up she saw the old Ben reappear. “Nothing is wrong.”

“Then why the sullen mood today?”

“I’m sorry I’ve been so moody. There’s no excuse for it.”

“Maybe not, but is there a reason?” The question came of its own accord, as if her heart longed to hear that his feelings did run deeper while her mind begged her to walk away—nay, run—before he answered.

He studied her for a moment, as if he, too, wanted something he knew he shouldn’t want, but then he shook his head and started toward the door. “Good night, Emmy.”

Ben’s actions were so out of character she didn’t know what to think or believe. But his feelings were not what concerned her the most—her feelings scared her even more.

The Gift Of Twins

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