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He wasn’t supposed to be framed for murder.

And he sure as hell wasn’t supposed to be embroiled in an espionage case involving his former lover—a woman he couldn’t trust.

“I want to see that message you intercepted.”

She blinked. “You still don’t believe me?”

“After everything you’ve done to me?”

Not bothering to answer, she headed toward the door. But he blocked her path. “I’ll only say this once,” he said. “I’m in charge here. From here on out, you do what I say.”

“I don’t take orders from you.”

“You do now.”

Temper flashed in her eyes. Then she pushed past him and stalked outside the hut.

She’d devastated him before, crushing any illusions he had.

And he’d be damned if she’d make a fool of him twice.

High-Risk Reunion

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