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Thanks to my friend Brenda Evans who made contact for me with Kimberly Springsdorf in Owosso, Michigan, the executive director of the Convention and Visitors Bureau. Kimberly gave us a tour of the city and showed us the highlights of the town as well as parks and residential areas so I could find the perfect street on which to set my story. She answered a volume of questions and was a valuable resource for my research for the Lilac Circle Series. Thank you so much, Kimberly. My thanks, too, to the lovely sales staff at Owosso Books, Janet O’Shea and Carla Bates, who spent time with us and answered my questions. Thanks also to numerous members of my Facebook group, Readers of Gail Gaymer Martin’s Books, for their support, ideas and wonderful reviews. A huge thank-you to my agent, Chip MacGregor. And as always my deepest thanks and love to my husband, Bob. Without his support and patience (especially that), I wouldn’t be the writer I am today.

A Mother to Love

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