Читать книгу OBSERVATIONS, INTERPRETATIONS, & FEELINGS - Gail Robinson Huntley - Страница 3

A Note from the Author


We all have events in our lives that make impressions upon us. For as far back as I can remember my life and emotions have been somewhat of a rollercoaster for me. Then in February 2009, at a point when I was at one of the lows in that emotional ride, something started happening. Words of expressions started taking shape in my mind and they seemed to feel a need to be put down on paper. This book is a collection of my observations and interpretations of some of the physical events that I have encountered in my life since that time. Also included are my feelings with regards to some of the emotional events that have taken place as well. Hopefully you will see, feel, and understand the emotional roller coaster that life can present to a person.

If my grammar is not perfect, I apologize in advance. The poems in my book were written by me and I am someone who has not been accustomed to writing, especially poetry. They are here on these pages as they were written at the moment that I saw, heard, or felt something that my mind found a need to respond to the stimuli that it had received. My experiences of the awe of nature, the joy of everyday happenings, the beauty of happiness, and the pain of hurt and sorrow are included in these writings.

Here is hoping that you will follow me on my life’s journey so far, enjoying and understanding the trip…


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