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B. C 753 Traditional Date of Foundation of Rome.
578-535 Servius Tullius. Division into thirty Tribes. Military Organization of Centuries. Institution of Census.
509 Office of Consuls instituted.
494 First Secession of Plebs. Institution of Tribuni Plebis.
451-448 Law of the Twelve Tables.
449 Second Secession of Plebs—Leges Valeriae Horatiae.
445 Lex Canuleia, legalizing marriages between Patricians and Plebeians.
443 Censorship established.
366 Office of Praetor established.
326 Lex Poetelia about this time.
304 Cnaeus Flavius publishes forms of actions and calendar of dies fasti and nefasti.
300 Lex Ogulnia, admitting Plebeians to College of Pontiffs.
287 Last Secession of Plebs—
Lex Hortensia.
Lex Aquilia.
280 Tiberius Coruncanius (subsequently first Plebeian Pontifex Maximus), Consul.
242 First appointment of a Praetor Peregrinus about this time.
204 Lex Cincia.
198 Sextus Aelius Paetus (earliest commentator on the Twelve Tables), Consul.
170-150 Lex Aebutia probably enacted within this period.
169 Lex Voconia.
105 P. Rutilius Rufus, Consul.
95 Q. Mucius Scaevola (pontifex), Consul.
92 Sulla, Dictator.
89 End of Social War.
Leges Corneliae.
66 C. Aquilius Gallus, Praetor.
63 Cicero, Consul.
59 Julius Caesar, Consul.
51 Servius Sulpicius, Consul.
49 Accession of Julius Caesar to supreme power.
Lex Rubria.
45 Lex Julia municipalis.
44 Assassination of Caesar.
40 Lex Falcidia.
27 Caesar Octavianus receives title of Augustus (first Constitution of the Principate).
23 Second and final Constitution of the Principate.
27-14 A D. Principate of Augustus.
M. Antistius Labeo.
C. Ateius Capito.
18 Lex Julia de adulteriis et de maritandis ordinibus.
4 Lex Aelia Sentia.
6 Lex Julia de vicesima hereditatium
9 Lex Papia Poppaea.
14-37 Tiberius, Emp.
Masurius Sabinus.
19 Date to which Lex Junia (Norbana) is generally ascribed.
30 C. Cassius Longinus, Consul.
37-41 Caligula, Emp.
41-54 Claudius, Emp.—
Lex Claudia.
S. C. Claudianum.
46 S. C. Vellaeanum or Velleianum.
54-68 Nero, Emp.—
S. C. Neronianum.
62 S. C. Trebellianum.
68 Galba, Emp.
Vitellius, Emp.
68-79 Vespasian, Emp.
70 S. C. Pegasianum.
79-81 Titus, Emp
81-96 Domitian, Emp.
96-98 Nerva, Emp.
98-117 Trajan, Emp.
117-138 Hadrian, Emp.
Edictum Perpetuum of Salvius Julianus.
138-161 Antoninus Pius, Emp.
First and part of second book of Gaius probably written at this time.
161-180 M. Aurelius Antoninus, Emp.
Institutes of Gaius probably completed under this Emperor.
178 S. C. Orfitianum.
180-193 Commodus, Emp.
193 Pertinax and Julianus successively Emperors.
193-211 Septimius Severus, Emp.
204 Papinian, praefectus praetorio.
211-217 Caracalla, Emp —
Papinian killed.
Edict of Caracalla—extending citizenship.
217-218 Macrinus, Emp.
218-222 Elagabalus, Emp.
222-235 Severus Alexander, Emp.
222 Ulpian, praefectus praetorio.
228 Ulpian killed.
235-238 Maximinus, Emp.
238 Gordianus I and II, Emp.
238-244 Gordianus III, Emp.
244-249 Philippus, Emp.
249-251 Decius, Emp.
251-253 Trebonianus Gallus, Emp.
253 Aemilianus, Emp.
253-260 Valerian and Gallienus, joint Emperors.
260-268 Gallienus, sole Emperor.
268-270 Claudius II, Emp.
270-275 Aurelian, Emp.
275-276 Tacitus, Emp.
276 Florianus, Emp.
276-282 Probus, Emp.
282-283 Carus, Emp.
283-284 Carinus and Numerianus, joint Emperors.
285 Carinus, sole Emperor.
285-286 Diocletian, sole Emperor.
286-305 Diocletian and Maximian, joint Emperors
305-306 Constantius I and Galerius, joint Emperors.
306 Constantius I, Galerius, and Constantine the Great, joint Emperors.
307-311 Galerius, Constantine the Great, and Licinius, joint Emperors.
311-323 Constantine the Great and Licinius, joint Emperors.
323-337 Constantine the Great, sole Emperor.
330 Constantinople, the seat of government.
337-340 Constantius II, Constantine II, and Constans I, joint Emperors.
340-350 Constantius II and Constans I, joint Emperors.
350-361 Constantius II, sole Emperor.
361-363 Julian, Emperor.
363-364 Jovian, Emperor.
364 Valentinian I and Valens, joint Emperors. They divided the Empire into the Western and Eastern.
A. D.
364-367 Valentinian I, Emp.
367-375 Valentinian I and Gratian, Emp.
375-383 Gratian and Valentinian II, Emp.
383-392 Valentinian II, sole Emperor.
392-395 Theodosius I, Emperor of East and West.
395-423 Honorius, Emp.
423-425 Theodosius II, Emperor of East and West.
425-455 Valentinian III, Emp.
426 Law of Citations.
439 Codex Theodosianus.
455 Petronius Maximus, Emp.
Sack of Rome by the Vandals.
455-456 Avitus, Emp.
457-461 Majorian, Emp.
461-467 Government practically in hands of the barbarian Ricimer.
467-472 Anthemius, Emp.
472 Olybrius, Emp.
472-475 Julius Nepos, Emp.
475-476 Romulus Augustulus, Emp.
End of Western Empire.
500 Lex Romana Burgundionum.
506 Lex Romana Visigothorum, or Breviarium Alarici, containing Epitome of Gaius.
511-515 Edictum Theodorici (Lex Romana Ostrogothorum).

A. D.
364-378 Valens, Emp.
378-392 Theodosius I, Emp.
395-408 Arcadius, Emp.
408-423 Theodosius II, Emp.
425-450 Theodosius II, Emp.
450-457 Marcian, Emp.
457-474 Leo I, Emp.
474 Leo II, Emp.
474-491 Zeno, Emp.
491-518 Anastasius I, Emp.
518-527 Justin, Emp.
527-565 Justinian, Emp.
528 Code ordered.
529 Code published.
530 Digest ordered.
533 Digest and Institutes published.
534 Revised edition of Code published.
Institutes of Roman Law

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