B. C 753 | Traditional Date of Foundation of Rome. |
578-535 | Servius Tullius. Division into thirty Tribes. Military Organization of Centuries. Institution of Census. |
509 | Office of Consuls instituted. |
494 | First Secession of Plebs. Institution of Tribuni Plebis. |
451-448 | Law of the Twelve Tables. |
449 | Second Secession of Plebs—Leges Valeriae Horatiae. |
445 | Lex Canuleia, legalizing marriages between Patricians and Plebeians. |
443 | Censorship established. |
366 | Office of Praetor established. |
326 | Lex Poetelia about this time. |
304 | Cnaeus Flavius publishes forms of actions and calendar of dies fasti and nefasti. |
300 | Lex Ogulnia, admitting Plebeians to College of Pontiffs. |
287 | Last Secession of Plebs— |
| Lex Hortensia. |
| Lex Aquilia. |
280 | Tiberius Coruncanius (subsequently first Plebeian Pontifex Maximus), Consul. |
242 | First appointment of a Praetor Peregrinus about this time. |
204 | Lex Cincia. |
198 | Sextus Aelius Paetus (earliest commentator on the Twelve Tables), Consul. |
170-150 | Lex Aebutia probably enacted within this period. |
169 | Lex Voconia. |
105 | P. Rutilius Rufus, Consul. |
95 | Q. Mucius Scaevola (pontifex), Consul. |
92 | Sulla, Dictator. |
89 | End of Social War. |
| Leges Corneliae. |
66 | C. Aquilius Gallus, Praetor. |
63 | Cicero, Consul. |
59 | Julius Caesar, Consul. |
51 | Servius Sulpicius, Consul. |
49 | Accession of Julius Caesar to supreme power. |
| Lex Rubria. |
45 | Lex Julia municipalis. |
44 | Assassination of Caesar. |
40 | Lex Falcidia. |
27 | Caesar Octavianus receives title of Augustus (first Constitution of the Principate). |
23 | Second and final Constitution of the Principate. |
27-14 | A D. Principate of Augustus. |
| M. Antistius Labeo. |
| C. Ateius Capito. |
18 | Lex Julia de adulteriis et de maritandis ordinibus. |
A.D. | |
4 | Lex Aelia Sentia. |
6 | Lex Julia de vicesima hereditatium |
9 | Lex Papia Poppaea. |
14-37 | Tiberius, Emp. |
| Masurius Sabinus. |
| Proculus. |
19 | Date to which Lex Junia (Norbana) is generally ascribed. |
30 | C. Cassius Longinus, Consul. |
37-41 | Caligula, Emp. |
41-54 | Claudius, Emp.— |
| Lex Claudia. |
| S. C. Claudianum. |
46 | S. C. Vellaeanum or Velleianum. |
54-68 | Nero, Emp.— |
| S. C. Neronianum. |
62 | S. C. Trebellianum. |
68 | Galba, Emp. |
| Vitellius, Emp. |
68-79 | Vespasian, Emp. |
70 | S. C. Pegasianum. |
79-81 | Titus, Emp |
81-96 | Domitian, Emp. |
96-98 | Nerva, Emp. |
98-117 | Trajan, Emp. |
117-138 | Hadrian, Emp. |
| Edictum Perpetuum of Salvius Julianus. |
138-161 | Antoninus Pius, Emp. |
| First and part of second book of Gaius probably written at this time. |
161-180 | M. Aurelius Antoninus, Emp. |
| Institutes of Gaius probably completed under this Emperor. |
178 | S. C. Orfitianum. |
180-193 | Commodus, Emp. |
193 | Pertinax and Julianus successively Emperors. |
193-211 | Septimius Severus, Emp. |
204 | Papinian, praefectus praetorio. |
211-217 | Caracalla, Emp — |
| Papinian killed. |
| Edict of Caracalla—extending citizenship. |
217-218 | Macrinus, Emp. |
218-222 | Elagabalus, Emp. |
222-235 | Severus Alexander, Emp. |
222 | Ulpian, praefectus praetorio. |
228 | Ulpian killed. |
235-238 | Maximinus, Emp. |
238 | Gordianus I and II, Emp. |
238-244 | Gordianus III, Emp. |
244-249 | Philippus, Emp. |
249-251 | Decius, Emp. |
251-253 | Trebonianus Gallus, Emp. |
253 | Aemilianus, Emp. |
253-260 | Valerian and Gallienus, joint Emperors. |
260-268 | Gallienus, sole Emperor. |
268-270 | Claudius II, Emp. |
270-275 | Aurelian, Emp. |
275-276 | Tacitus, Emp. |
276 | Florianus, Emp. |
276-282 | Probus, Emp. |
282-283 | Carus, Emp. |
283-284 | Carinus and Numerianus, joint Emperors. |
285 | Carinus, sole Emperor. |
285-286 | Diocletian, sole Emperor. |
286-305 | Diocletian and Maximian, joint Emperors |
305-306 | Constantius I and Galerius, joint Emperors. |
306 | Constantius I, Galerius, and Constantine the Great, joint Emperors. |
307-311 | Galerius, Constantine the Great, and Licinius, joint Emperors. |
311-323 | Constantine the Great and Licinius, joint Emperors. |
323-337 | Constantine the Great, sole Emperor. |
330 | Constantinople, the seat of government. |
337-340 | Constantius II, Constantine II, and Constans I, joint Emperors. |
340-350 | Constantius II and Constans I, joint Emperors. |
350-361 | Constantius II, sole Emperor. |
361-363 | Julian, Emperor. |
363-364 | Jovian, Emperor. |
364 | Valentinian I and Valens, joint Emperors. They divided the Empire into the Western and Eastern. |
A. D. | | |
364-367 | Valentinian I, Emp. | |
367-375 | Valentinian I and Gratian, Emp. | |
375-383 | Gratian and Valentinian II, Emp. | |
383-392 | Valentinian II, sole Emperor. | |
392-395 | Theodosius I, Emperor of East and West. | |
395-423 | Honorius, Emp. | |
423-425 | Theodosius II, Emperor of East and West. | |
425-455 | Valentinian III, Emp. | |
426 | Law of Citations. | |
439 | Codex Theodosianus. | |
455 | Petronius Maximus, Emp. | |
| Sack of Rome by the Vandals. | |
455-456 | Avitus, Emp. | |
457-461 | Majorian, Emp. | |
461-467 | Government practically in hands of the barbarian Ricimer. | |
467-472 | Anthemius, Emp. | |
472 | Olybrius, Emp. | |
472-475 | Julius Nepos, Emp. | |
475-476 | Romulus Augustulus, Emp. | |
| End of Western Empire. | |
500 | Lex Romana Burgundionum. | |
506 | Lex Romana Visigothorum, or Breviarium Alarici, containing Epitome of Gaius. | |
511-515 | Edictum Theodorici (Lex Romana Ostrogothorum). | |
| | | |