Читать книгу Happy ABC in Use - Галина Викторовна Ботерашвили - Страница 6
ОглавлениеExercise 1. Study the vocabulary
1. back (n) [бэк] – спина
2. baguette (n) [бэ'гет] – багет
3. balloon (n) [бэ'лу: н] – воздушный шарик
4. banquet (n) ['бэнкwит] – банкет
5. barber (n) ['ба: бə] – мужской парикмахер
(женский, мужской, детский – hairdresser)
6. bat (n) [бэт] – летучая мышь
7. beefeater (n) ['би: фи: тə] – бифитер
8. Beethoven ['бeйтхəувəн] – Бетховен
9. Beijing (n) [бэй'джин] – Пекин
10. Belfast (n) [бэл'фа: ст] – Белфаст
11. bend (v) [бенд] – сгибать, гнуть
12. bitter (adj) ['битə] – горький
13. blackcurrаnt (n) [блэк'кaрəнт] —
черная смородина
14. blame (v) [блейм] – обвинять
15. blanket (n) ['блэнкит] – одеяло
16. blood (n) [блад] – кровь
17. blow (v) [блəу] – дуть
18. boil (v) [бойл] – кипятить
19. borrow (v) ['борəу] – одолжить
20. bulldozer (n) ['булдоузə] – бульдозер
Exercise 2. Match the columns
Exercise 3. Crossword puzzle
1) B ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2) ___ ___ R ___ ___ ___
3) ___ I ___ ___ ___ ___
4) ___ ___ T
5) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ A ___ ___ ___
6) ___ ___ I ___
7) ___ ___ ___ N ___ ___ ___
1) A German composer, one of the best known and admired ever, who continued writing music after he lost the ability to hear at the age of 30.
2) To take something from a person with the understanding that it will be returned after a certain time.
3) Having a sharp biting taste, like black coffee without sugar.
4) A flying mouse-like animal that usually eats insects or fruit and is active at night.
5) A guard at the Tower of London, who wears a traditional old-fashioned red uniform and guards the Crown Jewels.
6) To cause a liquid to reach the temperature at which liquid changes into a gas.
7) A thick usually woolen covering used especially on beds.
Exercise 4. Compose the words
1. nakebtl _____________
2. obli ________________
3. ludlbzreo _____________
4. tnquabe _____________
5. lbwo _____________
6. antcklrburac _____________
7. tefeberae _____________
8. Bhonevete _____________
9. Bignjei _____________
10. Bafstel _____________
11. tba _____________
12. etritb _____________
13. denb _____________
14. almeb _____________
15 akbc _____________
16. odlob _____________
17. brerab _____________
18. teteguba _____________
19. rowbro _____________
20. olbanlo _____________