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In an LLC, like a corporation, the owners do not face personal liability for business debts or for legal claims made against the company. In this day and age when litigation can unexpectedly wipe out a lifetime of savings, limited liability protection is of paramount importance.

The LLC, as well as the LP, offers even greater protections through the changing order procedure. This will be further discussed in Chapter 4.

It is important to note that in an LLC, as with a corporation, you may become personally liable for certain debts of the company if you sign a personal guarantee. As an example, most landlords will require the owners or officers of a new business to personally guarantee that the lease payments will be made. If the business goes under, the landlord has the right to seek monthly payments against the individual guarantors until the premises are leased to a new tenant. Likewise, loans backed by the Small Business Administration will require a personal guarantee. The SBA’s representative will state that they will only loan to those persons committed enough to put their own assets at risk. In truth, as with any bank, they want as much security as they can get. Such personal guarantees are standard business requirements that will not change.

The important point to remember is that you are not going to sign a personal guarantee for each and every vendor agreement and customer transaction you enter. And in these matters, you will be protected through the proper use of an LLC. To obtain such protection it is important to sign any agreement as an officer of the LLC. By signing an agreement “Joe Doe” without adding “Manager, XYZ, LLC” you can become personally liable. The world must be put on notice that you are operating as an independent entity. To that end, it is important to include LLC—or Inc. if you use a corporation, or LP for a limited partnership—on all your stationery, checks, invoices, promotional literature, and especially written agreements.

Start Your Own Corporation

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