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"The page numbers in this index refer to the print edition of this book."

Page numbers in italics refer to photographs.

Aberdeen, Earl of. See Governor General

Aberdeen, Lady Ishbel (spiritualist),137, 149, 160; death, 162; 16.5

Act to Prohibit the Manufacture, Importation and Sale of White Phosphorus Matches, 51 , 1.54

Addams, Jane (founder of HullHouse), 26, 31, 32, 148

Alberta coal miners' strike (190619(7),43

Aldershot, England, III

“Arc de Triomphe” (part of Kingsmere ruins), 96, 97 161

Athlone, Earl of. See Governor General

baby bonus (Family Allowance Act, 194.5), 131 164

Balfour Report, 80, 158, 160

Baltimore, Maryland, 102

Barrie, Ontario, 35

Battle of Nonnandy (Second 'World War), 164

Battle of the Windmill, 8, 145

Beauharnois scandal, 93, 160

Belgium, 130

Bennett, R.B., 86, 88, 89, 95, 96,1.59, 160

Berlin, Gennany, 97-99, 161

Berlin, Ontario, ii, 3, 10-1.5, 4,5, 88,

99, 144, 147, 1.55. See also Kitchener, Ontario

Berliner (newspaper), 3

Bill (horse) , 4

Blake, Edward, 95

Bleaney, Mrs. (fortuneteller), 86,160

Borden, Robert (Liberal leader) ,63,89,154,155,157

Bowlby, Dr., 6

Breithaupt, Louis, 21, 129

Britain (or England), 36, 44, 68,

70-72, 7.5, 79, 100-102, 106, 112,

118, 124, 130-134, 139, 147,

151 , 15.5, 1.59, 160, 162, 164

British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, 106, 162

British government, 5

Brockville, Ontario, 90

Byng, Lord, and Lady Byng. See Governor General

Cameron, Nina, 27,28

Canadian Citizenship Act (1947),131,16.5

Canadian Corps, 112 , 163

Canadian Expeditionary Force, 118

Canadian Liberal, 56

Canadian Press Association, 13

Cardin, P.J.A., 120

Carillon (Peace Tower, Ottawa),81, 159

Carruthers, Mrs. James. See Markham, Violet

Chamberlain, Sir Neville, 98

Chanak crisis (Dardanelles), 70

Chicago, Illinois, 30-32, 148, 1.50

Chinese immigration to Canada, 44 , 1.50, 152

Churchill, Sir Winston, 112, 133, 147, 162-164

Colorado, .53-58, 69

Colorado Fuel and Iron Company,57,1.54

Commonwealth (British), 80, 101,106 ,13.5, 160,162

conscription, 1, 63, 67, 104-108,112-115, 118-126, 156, 162-164

Conservative Party of Canada, 63,73, 76, 79, 86-88, 1.54, 1.57-160;

joins with Progressives, 163

Conservative Party of Ontario, 107

Co-operative COInmonwealth Federation (CCF Party), 96,160 , 161

Cross, Charlie, 30

Cummins, Geraldine (spiritualist,

London, England), 136-138, 16.5

Customs scandal (192.5), 76

Declaration of War (by Canada, 1939), 10.5, 162

Detroit, Michigan, 90

Diamond Jubilee (of Canadian Confederation), 66, 80, 1.59, 16.5

Diefenbaker, John G., 162, 163

Duplessis, Maurice, 108, 119. 120, 161

Edward VIII (King of England),102 , 161

Elizabeth, Queen (King George's wife), 104 , 162

Elizabeth, Princess (wedding of),137 ,165

England. See Britain Ethiopia, 97

Fair Wages Resolution Act, 39

Family Compact (Upper Canada),5,143,144

Fanny (King family dog) , 4, 16-18

First World War, .55, 104, 119, 136 , 155 , 1.56

Flora (great-aunt), 6

France, 36, 118 , 120 , 130 , 151, 1.5.5

Fulford, Senator and Mrs. , 90

Gatineau Hills, Quebec, 37

Geneva, Switzerland, 97, 161

George VI (King of England), 98 ,

105, 136, 161, 16.5;visits

Canada, 162

Germany, 97, 98,101,113,1.51 ,

162, 164

Gerry family, 3.5, 1.50

Gibbes, Miss. E.B. (assistant to

Geraldine Cummins), 136 , 137

Gibson, James (secretary), 2

Gladstone, "'.E. (British prime

minister), 26, 28, 47, 73, 9.5, 102,

112, 113, 12.5, 148 149; death,


Goodling, Mal)' Ellen (spiritualist

pastor, Baltimore), 102, 103

Gouzenko affair, 132, 164

Governor General

Aberdeen, Earl of (from 1893 to 1898), 137, 149, 150, 160

Athlone, Earl of (from 1940 to 1946), 124, 162

Byng, Lord (from 1921 to 1926)

and Lady Byng, 71-78, 157-159,164

Grey, Earl (from 1904 to 1911),45, 112, 133, 152

Tweedsmuir, Lord (from 193-5 to 1940),106,161

Willingdon, Viscount (from 1926 to 1931), 81, 1.58

Grange Road (King horne in Toronto), 25

Grant, Julia (Ulysses Grant's grand-daughter), 35, 134, 150

Grant, Ulysses S., 35, 134, 137, 148, 150

Grey, Earl. See Governor General

Grosset, Mathilde, 34, .5, 150 17,5

Halibut Fisheries Treaty (with U.S.), 71,157,158

Handy (secretary), 127

Harper, Henry Albert (Bert), 21,

35, 37, 39, 40; drowns (1901),


Harvard University, 20, 35, 36, 39,40

Head, Sir Francis Bond

(Lieutenant Governor, Upper

Canada), 71, 145

Heeney, Arnold (secretary, War

Committee), 106

Hepburn, Mitchell (premier of

Ontario), 107, 108, 160, 162

Herridge, Rev., and Mrs. (family

friends), 40, 42

Hitler, Adolf, 97-9, 102, 105, 132,

161, 162

Holland, 130; liberation of, 164

Hull, Cordell (secretary of state,


Hull-House, Chicago, 31, 32, 148,


Imperial Conferences, (1923), 75,104, 158; (1926), 79, 104, 158,159; (1937), 98,104. 161; (1948),133,135

Independents (Independent Labour Party), 79,157

India, 135, 136, 165

Indian immigration to Canada, 44,45, 153, 155

Industrial Disputes Investigation

Act (1907), 44, 153

Italy,36, 113, 118, 151, 162,163

Japanese immigration to Canada,

labour disputes, 44; riot in

Vancouver (1907), 44; internment

in 1941, 163

Kilhasco, Marilyn, 127, 128, 129.

See also Woodside

King, Bombardier John (paternal

grandfather), 8, 144, 14.5

King, Christina (paternal grandmother),6

King, Dougall Macdougall (Max,

brother), 4; hirth, 147; 10, 16,

17, 28, 41; tuberculosis, 53, .54,

.56, 15.5; muscular dystrophy, 70,

72, 157; death, 73, 74, 1.57;

after-death communication with

WLMK, 94, 95,110,131,139

King, Isabel, nee Mackenzie

(mother), x; birth, 146; marriage,

147; 3, 4, .5, 6; plays piano, 7; 811;

paints, 12; 16, 28, 31, 34; disapproves

of Mathilde Grosset,

3.5, 150; 47-49, .55, .59; suffers

stroke, 60, 61, 155; 62; death,

63, 1.56; after-death messages to

WLMK, 68,73,74,85,86,9094,

110, 113, 125, 131, 138, 139;

WLMK's memories of, 64, 69,70,72,142

King, Isabel (Bella, sister), 4; birth,

147; 6,10, 14, 16-18,24,28,46,

47,49: death, .54, 1.55; WLMK's

memories of, and spiritual C0111munication

with, 55, 64, 68, 69,

73, 74, 110, 131, 138

King, Janet Lindsey (sister), 4;

hirth, 147; 7, 10, 17, 18, 28, 34;

disapproval of Mathilde Grosset

3.5, 150; 40, 47, .59, 63, 70; Mrs.Lay,88

King, John (father), x; birth, 146;

marriage, 147; 3, 5-7, 9-13, 15,

16; Queen's Counsel, 18; 23,2.5,

28, 29, 31, 33, 34; disapproval of

Mathilde Grosset, 35, 150; 46,

47, .5.5; .59; senator, 60; death,.59, 60, 159;

after-death presenceand messages for WLMK, 68 ,74,90,92,94,110,113,125,

131 , 138; WLMK's memories of,


King, Lyon (nephew), 1, 53, 54

King, May (sister-in-law), 53, 54

King, William Lyon Mackenzie


birth, 3-6, 147

and Canadian autonomy, 70. 71, 75,80, 131, 158,160

and Canadian unity, 104, 115,126, 131, 163

childhood, 4,7-9, 11-14

Companion of the Order of St.

Michael and St. George, 45

death, 139, 166

deputy minister of labour, 39 ,41-43,44,134

diary, 24, 2.5, 28, 29, 97 , 112,131, 141, 149, 1.51

early interest in politics, 11, 14,24,33,148


Berlin High School, 13, 14

studies Gennan, 13

BA in political science at

University of Toronto (1894),20, 21-24, 28, 149

wins Blake scholarship, 24,


refused MA scholarship at U

ofT, 28

studies law, 28, 29; Bachelor

of Laws, U ofT (1896),29, 150

studies political economics,

U of Chicago, 31, 32, 34, 150

MA from U of T (1897), 20,

3.5, 1.50

MA from Harvard (1898) 20,

3.5, 150

PhD at Harvard (1909), 35,

151, 153

elected leader of Liberal Party

(Ottawa, 1919),6.5,67,68, 156

fascination with maternal grandfather,

19,21-23,26,34,39,48,62, 71

federal election campaigns

wins seat for North Waterloo

(1908),45, 46, 153

loses seat (1911), .51, 154

loses election (1917), 63, 156

wins seat in Prince, P.E.I.(1919), 1.57

elected prime minister (riding

of North York, 1921),68,69,157

loses seat (192.5), 76, 158

wins in by-election, Prince

Albert, Sask. (1926),76, 158

re-elected prime minister (1926), 79, 1.58

loses election (1930), 85-89,159, 160

re-elected as prime minister(1935),96, 161

re-elected as prime minister(1940), 108, 162

re-elected as prime minister

in Glengarry, Onto (194.5),126, 131, 164

frustrated love, 34, 35, 150

grief upon death of Belt Harper,

42, 43 , 151, 152

and immigration issues, 35, 44 ,153

Industry and Hurnanity (1918) ,


journalist and editor, 29, 30 , 33,


labour negotiator and investigator,

41-44, 54, 56, 57, 131, 149,

1.51. See also Rockefeller, John

D., Jr.

letters to parents, 15·J7, 23

longevity as Liberal leader, and

in ofBee, 82, 103, 104, 138, 165

memoirs, project to write, 132,133

(The) Message ofthe Carillon

and Other Addresses(1927)

minister of labour under

Laurier, 38, 46, 48, 131, 1.53

nicknames, "Billy," 14,47,62,

125; "Old Grandpa," 14; "Rex,"

23,28,39,56,68,69,90,94, 134-136

opinion of Hitler, 97-99, 161

physical appearance, 7.5, 133

radio broadcasts by, 81, 86, 116

retires as Liberal leader (1948), 165

righteousness and Christian religiosity

(see also sense of mission), 14,24,32,34, 58, 60,74, 78

Scottish ancestry, 7, 8, .54, 143, 144

(The) Secret of Heroism, 43, 152 sense of mission, 14, 18, 19,2226,43,48,68,74,78,79,99serves on royal commissions on industrial disputes, 41, 44, 151 social conscience, 22, 23, 25, 26, 134

works at Hull-House, 31, 32,150

visits children's hospital , 24, 26,27,131,149

tries to rehabilitate fallen woman, 27,28

and spiritualism

perceived messages and advice from beyond the grave, 85,86,94,95,10.5, 113, 115,124-126, 130-133, 135, 136, 138, 139 personal belief in, 74, 80, 89, 92,95,99, 11(~ 114, 124, 130, 134-137,160,163 seances, 90-92, 93-95, 113 115, 125, 126, 131, 132, 137 139, 160, 163, 165 sense of occult guidance, 2, 31,48,68,74,79,88,94,95, 125

sports training, 24

student politics, 28, 33, 149

trips to England, 44,133,137,

153, 158, 163, 165 See also

Imperial Conferences

20th anniversary as Liberal

leader, 84, 103, 104, 162

typhoid fever, 34, 150

works in father's ofHce, 15-17, 148

King Lake, 37

King Mountain, 37

Kingsmere, Quebec, 46, 47, 59-61,69,84,88,96,109,113,132,133, 139, 154, 155, 161, 166

Kingston, Ontario, 86

Kingstone, Henry, 30

Kitchener, Lord, 102

Kitchener, Ontario, ii, 88, 129,

130, 155. See also Berlin, Ontario

Labor Gazette, 36, 39, 41,43,151

Lapointe, Ernest, 71,84,88,109,

157-159; death, 114, 163; afterdeath

messages, 115, 119, 126

Larkin, Peter, 72, 86, 110

Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, 34, 43-46, 48,49,63,104,147,1.50,153,156

death, 1.56; WLMK's tributes to,memories of, 65, 68, 73, 86;

after-death messages to WLMK,90,94,9.5, 110, 113, 114, 124,125, 132, 138

Laurier, Lady Zoe, 49, 72,73, 110

Laurier House, Ottawa, ii, 1,38,68,71-74,80,83,85,86,88,95,104,123,127,132,138

League of Nations, 97, 157, 161

Liberal Party of Canada, .5, 34, 45,56,62,63,65,67,72,73,76,79,88,92,93,96,103,104,107-109,120, 129, 132, 138, 154,156, 157, 160, 161, 162, 164

Liberal Party of Ontario, 107-109

Liberal Party of Quebec, 120

Lindbergh, Charles, 80-82, 1.59

Liverpool, England, 79

Lodge, Sir Oliver (spiritualist), 80

London, England, 70, 72, 75, 79,98, 133, 136, 137, 158, 165

Ludlow, Colorado, .56, 1.54, 1.5.5

Macdonald, Sir John A., 11, 104,

146, 147; death, 149; 152

Macdougall, Dougall (great-uncle), 3,6,10,13

Mackenzie, Willianl Lyon (maternal

grandfather), x, .5,8-10, 13, 19,21,22,24,26,34,39,43,48, 49,54,62,68,72,73,78,86,90, 92,95,105,108,110,125,132, 138, 143, 144, 145, 1.57, 160; death, 146

MacLeod (valet), 109, 110

Manion, Robert (federal

Conservative leader, 1940), 109

Markham, Violet (Mrs. James

Carruthers), .56, 133-136, 1.52,

165; assists Mackenzie King

financially, 136, 139, 154

McNaughton, Lt.-General

Andrew, 100, 112, 122, 162-165

Macphail, Agnes, 76, 157, 158, 159

Meighen, Arthur (federal

Conservative leader), 73,77-79,157, 158

Menden, Mrs. (fortuneteller), 30,150

Mennonites, 3

Military Service Act, 156

Montreal, Quebec, 58, 101, 102

Montreal Gazette, 40, 101, 102

Meighen, Arthur (federal

Conservative leader), 73,77-79,157, 158

Menden, Mrs. (fortuneteller), 30,150

Mennonites, 3

Military Service Act, 156

Montreal, Quebec, 58, 101, 102

Montreal Gazette, 40, 101, 102

Moss, Mab, 23

Mother Jones, 57

Mulock, Willianl (postmaster general),33, 34, 36, 40, 41,109,150-152

Muskoka Lakes, Ontario, 35

NRMA men. See National Resource Mobilization Act. See also Zombies

National Liberation Foundation, 93, 160

National Resources Mobilization Act (1940), 119, 122, 124, 125,162. See also Zombies

Newfoundland, 112, 132

New York City, 57, 58

New York State, 9, 146

New York Times, 126

New Zealand, 87, 136, 160

Nichol (valet), 126

Nixon, Henry Corwin (Ontario

provincial secretary), 108, 109

North Waterloo riding, 46, 153

North York riding, 62, 70, 73, 157

old age pension, 76, 131

Ontario, 82, 107-109,1.53, 1.57, 160, 162

Ontario Liberal Party. See Liberal Party of Ontario Osgoode Hall (law school, Toronto), 25, 60, 144, 145

Ottawa, 37-39, 42,43,54,57,62, 63,65,76,77,80,88,90,93,97, 101, 105-107, 117, 121, 122, 125, 127, 138, 146, 156, 160, 161, 164

Pakistan, 135, 136, 165

Pat (dogs), 11,82,84,90,95, 104,

140; death of Pat the first, 109-11, 113, 163

Patteson, Godfroy, 69, 84, 94

Patteson, Joan, 68, 69, 81, 84;

shares WLMK's spiritualist

beliefs, 90-96, 110, Ill, 113,


Petrie (nurse), 60, 63

phrenology, 72, 73

plebiscite (concerning conscription),114, 118, 119, 163

Power, Charles Gavan (minister for air defence), 117-124

Prince, Prince Edward Island, 157

Prince Albert (Sask.) riding, 76, 108

Progressive Party, 67, 73, 76, 79,

157, 158; joins with Conservatives, 163

Quebec, 41, 114,147, 157,158,

161, 164; and conscription, 1, 104, 108, 115, 119, 120, 156, 163

Quebec City, 114, 120, 1.56

radio broadcasting in Canada, 81,116, 156, 157

Railway Labour Disputes Act, 44

Ralston, James Layton (minister ofdefence), 114, 117-122, 162-164

Reform Association, Berlin,Ontario (1874), 5

Reform movement (UpperCanada), 144

Renfrew, Ontario, 82

Rhode Island, 3.5, 150

Rideau Hall, Ottawa, 133

Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 52, 55, 58,61,86,136,154

Rockefeller Foundation, .54, .57, 154,155

Rogers, Norman (minister of defence), 113, 115

Roosevelt, Franklyn D. (FOR), 105,112,133,13.5,138,160;

death, 164

Roosevelt, Theodore, 44, 112, 151, 153

Rossland, B.C., 41

Roxborough Apartments, Ottawa, 61,62,69

ruins at Kingsmere, 96, 97

Russia, 156. See also Soviet Union and Soviets

San Francisco, California, 116, 126, 164

Sandy Hill, Ottawa, 73

Second World War, 101, 102, 104-108,111-113, 118-126, 133, 162-164

Skelton, O.D., (undersecretary of state for external affairs), 114, 126, 158; death, 163

Smith, Goldwin, 25, 147, 149

Social Credit party, 96, 161

Soviet Union and Soviets, 132, 135.

See also Russia

Spain, 97

Spanish Civil War, 161, 162

Special War Session (Parliament), 105

Stalin, Joseph, 132

St. Laurent, Louis (minister of justice and attorney general), 120-123, 138, 164, 165

St. Lawrence Seaway scandal, 93

Stuart, General (chief of general statl), 118

Switzerland, 151

Toronto, Ontario, .5, 103, 107, 108,

113, 145, 147, 149, 151

Toynbee, Arnold, 25,26, 148

Toynbee Hall, London, England, 25,31,148


Tweedsmuir, Lord. See Governor General

Unemployment Insurance Act, 162

Union Liberals, 67,73,156

Union Nationale, 161

United Farmers of Alberta, 79

United Fanners of Ontario, 67, 159

United Mine Workers of America, ,57

United Nations, 126, 164-166

United States (U.S.), 9, 35, 44, 55,

st. 67, 10,5-107, 126, 14,5, 147,

149, 151, 1.5,5, 160, 162, 16,5

University of Chicago, 28,30, 149,150

University of Toronto, 9,20,21-24, 28,33,3,5, 149

Upper Canada Rebellion (1837), ,5, 8, 9, 48, 71, 92, 10,5, 108, 12,5,145

"Valley of Humiliation," 93, 160.

See also Beauharnois scandal Vancouver, B.C., 44, 153, 163

Verdun Progressive Spiritualist Church, 102

Victorian Order of Nurses, 137, 150

War Committee, 106

War Measures Act, 124, 125

Wartime Elections Act, 63, 1.56

Washington, D.C., 71

Waterloo, Ontario, 38, 46

Western Canada, 85, 88, 1.59

Willingdon, Viscount. See

Governor General

Wilson, Senator Cairine, 104, 159,16,5

Winchester, Rev., 13

Winnipeg, Manitoba, 67

Winnipeg General Strike (1919),67, 156

Woodside (King family horne), 4,12,13,19,25,88,95,112,128,129-132,148

Woodside National Historic Site, ii

Woodsworth, J.S., 1.52, 153, 1,57, 159, 160; death, 163

World War I. See First World War

World war II. See Second World War

Wriedt, Etta (spiritualist), 82, 88,96-160

York (Toronto), .5, 8-10 , 22,143-145

Zombies (NRMA men), 119, 122, 124, 125, 162, 164. See also National Resources Mobilization Act 181

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 11–15

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