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Gideon had returned to Tyl Islands Province to continue his education in the spellweaving arts. It had been only a week ago when he was finishing his time in the Order of the Platinum Griffon and had been paid for his time as a sphenate or captain of a squadron wing.With his earnings, coupled with the monies his Elven Aunt Faiella sent to him on a regular basis, he was quite comfortable and could pay the tuition. His first accelerated semester was paid for entirely by Lady Faiella. Gideon wanted some independence, so he had joined one of the militant orders to help others and to gain some coin for his expenses. After the magical coin-containing bag Ragan had given him in Mindon had been mostly depleted, Gideon felt he had to earn some money.The magical coin-containing bag was an enchanted reddish cloth pouch, imbued to hold many more coins than its apparent size.

Ragan had given him that pouch almost full of coins as a gift, as he wanted Gideon to get some clothes and enchanted equipment. Gideon used the monies to purchase several changes of clothes including a suit fit for a lord. He eventually bought several multifunction enchanted or imbued items with various offensive or defensive properties, including a cloak, two swords, two rings, and a circlet for his head. He also obtained an Ithelrein mail shirt.

After arriving in the city of Tyl Haven on the island Province of Tyl by a series of travel gateways from the Order’s citadel on the continent of Ascalon, Gideon had purchased a Zedrul ticket in Tyl Haven and was now traveling onboard the train-like conveyance. This Zedrul ran on motivator engines, similar to the ones that powered the skyships he had been on. “Ticket, sir. Oh I see you’re going all the way from Tyl Haven to the main university in the mountain region.”

“Yes, that’s right. I have to restart my lessons,” Gideon replied, as he handed the paper pass to the Zedrul conductor with a year of travel time stamped on it. Gideon looked out the window and down at the port of Tyle Haven, as the Zedrul headed up, then inland. He thought about the last time he had been on a Zedrul with his Alor companions Gil Gallow and Glade Gilding who were now his superior officers in the Order of the Platinum Griffon. They each occasionally served in the Order, as it was for all of them more of a part-time job.

Gideon had also traveled with some Dwarro as well, Lord Sim Oakenbrand and Tain Ironfoot. He recalled that Tain had shown him where to shower on the underground Zedrul. Finally, the last companion who actually turned out to be very like an uncle was Pyne Calandon the retired Lord of Noordlinden. Gideon thought Pyne was more like what he would call a gnome; although his people called themselves Norgtor or, perhaps, that is what their creators the Erradans called them. Pyne had arranged for Gideon to stay at his citadel while he was training with the Order and taking classes at one of Noordlinden’s best spellweaving schools.

After several hours traveling on the Zedrul, and a few stops later, Gideon noticed the spires of the university in the distance as the Zedrul came around a curve. Looking beyond the university’s many towers, he viewed through his Zedrul car’s glass window the majestic mountain peaks in the distance. There were other students from many races on their way to Tyl University, as the next semester was beginning in the next few days. Gideon had been enrolled in an accelerated class for the students who had the time and desire to learn quickly. He learned that on Illúmaril there was a very strong education ethic. If that were not enough, the Tauri were basically an order of a thousand exceptional traveling teachers who could teach nonstop if necessary. The commonplace presence of the universities and the education ethic, coupled with the Tauri teaching visits across the world, stimulated in the populace a desire for learning in many areas, especially in the spellweaving arts.

Upon arriving at the campus, he walked across one of the many courtyards, noticing there was minor snowfall across the ground. The season was moving toward winter and, in the higher altitudes of the Tyl Islands Province, it snowed on occasion.

“Hello, Finelen,” said one of the students he had met previously on his first long semester at the university. His name was Noril, and he was an Eldren from Calendor Province. He was not in all of Gideon’s classes. “I was wondering if you were going to return to classes.”

“Good day to you, Noril, I had a busy time with the Order of the Platinum Griffon. I even took part in a few battles. Now, after a short rest, I’m ready to continue my studies,” Gideon replied.

“I’ll see you in a few classes. Until then, good day to you as well,” Noril replied. Gideon nodded and continued on toward his room. He hoped that Noril did not use his natural abilities as a mind reader to try to eavesdrop on his mind. He did not sense any intrusion, so Noril was probably willing to wait for any interesting tales, and the ring Lord Talmor had given him would protect his mind from most any intrusion, anyway.

There were people from all the races on Illúmaril studying at Tyl University. He passed several students, including a few of the catlike Bashann, a few Dwarro, and some Norgtor, some reptilian Ikhsar, various menfolk, a few insect-like Edrix and, of course, Eldren and Alor students. Most came to Tyl University, because its Academy of Spellweaving Arts was probably the best, and the general university one of the best on the World of Illúmaril.

Students could also learn spellweaving arts and other subjects at one of the various lodge chapter houses located in any city or large town. There were eleven major lodges: the White, Black, Gray, and Brown Lodges, and one for each of the seven spectral colors, the Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet Lodges. Gideon recalled his time studying in the Blue and the Brown Lodge centers in the city of Noordlindien in Urzan Province as he passed the courtyards to his quarters.

Gideon had first gotten an application for the Tyl Academy during a festival he had attended in Andrim several months before from one of the senior Tauri. After recommendations from Ragan, Zenethor, and Lady Faiella, he was accepted and proved to be an excellent student, having been awarded a full semester of advanced placement. Tauri Ragan was Gideon’s first mentor and instructor of spellweaving. Tauri Zenethor took over teaching him for a short period of time. Zenethor was also a grandmaster spellweaver and the Brown Lodge’s senior guild master for the city of Tetherin chapter house.

Both Ragan and Zenethor were high-level guild council members of the lodges to which they belonged, and as such, they were allowed to take the honorarium of the lodge’s color and add it to their names. Ragan, a high-guild council member was known primarily as Ragan the Red, even though he had active membership in the Blue Lodge and White Lodge. Zenethor was known primarily as Zenethor the Brown, even though he too belonged to other lodges. Other individuals who had achieved the rank of at least a senior guild council member of a lodge used this ancient honor custom of adding the lodge color to their names. This custom had been more common centuries ago when the lodges were more prominent.

Seeing the Dwarro students talking with some of the Norgtor gnomes reminded him of his friends Sim Oakenbrand, Tain Ironfoot, and Pyne Calandon. He had met them last year and they had helped him greatly in their own ways. He had learned a lot from them, and it was partly because of them that he was allowed to get into the advanced program at Tyl University’s Academy of Spellweaving Arts. Because he had already had several lessons before he entered the Tyl Academy of Spellweaving Arts, he was allowed to enter an accelerated program. Gideon also benefited from the waters of the Pool of Tetherin as the mystical energies inherent in the special subterranean water permanently augmented him in many ways including his physique, memory, and intellect.

Over the course of Gideon’s various travels the year before, most of his new friends provided arcane or spellweaving training for him when they were together. Senior master Glade Gilding and Archmaster Ragan had also been instrumental in instructing him in spellweaving, when they had all adventured together last year, prior to his joining the Order of the Platinum Griffon, during the battles with the Unlife and the forces of the Dark Lord that broke out across a few of the northern and central provinces. Gideon thought back to when he was staying with his Dwarro friends for a short time in the city of Melengrod. He had learned some things about crafting enchanted metals and their various types from Lord Sim Oakenbrand.

As he was passing one of several large fountains dedicated to the Erradans, Gideon saw an image of someone in the water. It appeared as if the individual was watching him from another place beyond the water.This particular fountain was dedicated to Ashkelion, an Erradan Lord. The Erradans were, according to the Alor, a name for the creative smiths of the multiverse who resided near Illúmaril. They were entities that protected the world of Illúmaril as well as the other Key Worlds. Illumaril was somewhat larger than Earth and had a slightly higher gravity. He learned later that Ragan and Zenethor, even most of the Tauri Order, were Erradans or “powers” that walked the world. The Erradans, or eternals, had among them those referred to as greater powers. These were the chief eternals, also known as the Erradan Lords.

Gideon recalled that the degree of reverence varied among the peoples of Illúmaril. It seemed the Alor and Eldren had a more parent-child relationship and basically revered the Erradans. While others like the Bashann, some of the Edrix, and some menfolk in the Taros region had shamans or pryors and almost, but not quite, worshipped these Erradans. Gideon had in his past spent some time on a world called Earth and studied as an archaeologist; yet, at the same time, being secretly hidden there, Gideon found this semi-religiousness intriguing from a cultural point of view. Instead of priests, the Alor and all the other races had wardens or pryors who served and were supported by an Erradan. One of his former teachers, Pyne Calandon, was not only an archmaster spellweaver but also a High Warden of Ashkelion.

Gideon found out later that some menfolk held even Ragan in reverence to a degree. It was why he chose a more manlike form. These wardens, as most were called, could draw power in some fashion from the Erradan whom they served. Gideon had observed this as one of his companions, Laurelin Leaflock, and other members of the Order of the Horn, called upon Ashkelion whose very fountain Gideon now stood before. Ashkelion was also known as the lord of the woodlands and the inland seas.

Before he left the area, Gideon asked more to himself than to anyone else, why the people here had such interesting abilities. At times, he felt as if he was in competition for developing powers of his own. “Why are things like this?” In a few moments, Gideon noticed clarity to the water as he continued to move around the large fountain toward the dormitories. He then sensed with his newly developed part Elven senses a strong yet subtle presence. Then the image in the fountain cleared and Gideon felt transferred and was standing in another place before a rather large Alor-like being.

“I think perhaps it is time I answered a question for you, Gideon Finelen Lith-Gilad,” the shimmering being said. “I am Ashkelion.”

“You’re an Erradan Lord and you’re manifesting to me?” Gideon said, astounded. Ashkelion appeared like a transcendent Alor crossed with a great tree that was surrounded by water, and Gideon felt and sensed immense spiritual pressure.

“In a manner, I am manifesting to you. As you are already aware, from time to time, we Erradan Lords check on things,” Ashkelion stated. “As you were passing one of my auror fountains, I was inclined to speak or rather pass a vision of things to you, since speaking would take much longer.” In something more than a vision, the Erradan Lord explained to Gideon why some things were the way they were. Images and sounds passed before him and in moments the visitation was over.

“Succeeding generations must have the necessary knowledge and abilities to defend the Key Worlds from being taken by the Lords of Entropy and Chaos,” Ashkelion said. “The changing and, at times, increasing powers of the forces of Chaos, as well as Dormas’ several attempts to conquer Illúmaril, forced the Erradans and the other forces of Order to maintain an edge with their creations. So, early on, skills and abilities were fostered in the people to enable them to defend this Key World if necessary. The strong education ethic, the physical presence of the Tauri, and the many academies and universities all foster the development of various skills, powers, or abilities to defend this Key World.”

The visitation transmitted a large amount of information, but Gideon realized that only a short amount of time had passed, even though it seemed as if it was longer. “You must develop and improve if you wish to protect yourself or if you desire to regain control of your ancestors’ lands and defend them from the Darkspawn,” Lord Ashkelion said, finishing.

Gideon blinked and found himself starring into the waters of the fountain. He shook himself slightly and then continued on to his room. He had classes soon and still had a few letters to write to his friends. Gideon realized on the remainder of his walk to his dorm that, if he wanted to reclaim any Gilad family lands, he would need to be more prepared for the potential dangers associated with that endeavor.

The Return of the Ancient Ones

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