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A little more than twenty years ago, I discovered Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Ben Graham and the art of Intelligent Investing. Even before attending my first Berkshire Hathaway meeting, I had become a converted disciple—such that, when I first arrived at Berkshire, I felt like I had found “my tribe.” At the time, we were one or two thousand people in Omaha. But the tribe was growing. Today, tens of thousands attend the Berkshire meeting, and many more watch online.

And just as the size of the tribe has not been static, neither has its world view or self-understanding. Back in those early days, I saw value investing as merely a way to invest well, get rich, and live The Good Life. But as the years went on, I came to realize that there was far more to it than this. I began to see it as a system for living the best possible life. Thus, the Value Investor’s view of life encompasses far more than concepts like Mr. Market, and Margin of Safety. It extends to questions like, “What is Worldly Wisdom and How does one Acquire it?,” “How does one build a Latticework of Mental Models,” “What role can and should Stoicism play in life and investing?,” and “What can the Mahabarata, the Gita and other great works of Eastern Wisdom teach us about investing and life?”

Gautam Baid’s book is another step in the Value Investing tribe’s unfolding knowledge about the world we inhabit. In it, you will learn his lessons from the greats—as updated by more recent students. So in addition to Buffett, Munger, and Graham, you will read about what Baid has learned from people like Mohnish Pabrai, Tom Russo, Mike Mauboussin, Peter Bevelin, Saurabh Madaan, Marcelo Lima, Paul Lountzis, and others. You will also benefit from Baid’s broad reading across many disciplines as he distils his understanding of works by a broad range of authors, including Herbert Simon, Shane Parrish, Nassim Taleb, Rolf Dobelli, Richard Zeckhauser, and others.

And, just as all true value investors are travelers on a path, this book itself has come a long way since it crossed my desk not so long ago. This Columbia Business School Publishing edition benefits from improved organization around topics and a clearer focus on Gautam’s voice and insights. It offers fresh opportunity to learn and relearn those key lessons that will make us better investors and better human beings.

Guy Spier

Zurich, Switzerland

The Joys of Compounding

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