Читать книгу Only One Way? - Gavin D'Costa - Страница 25

Theological method


The job description for theologians has been classically summarized as fides quaerens intellectum – faith seeking understanding.1 That’s what theology is. That, really, is what Christian life is all about – faith trying to make sense of itself within the world, the culture, the particular context of one’s life. Faith naturally seeks understanding. And if it doesn’t find it, it dwindles and disappears. After all, why believe something that doesn’t make sense? Not even God would require that of us.

So to begin my section of this book, I’ll try to lay out, as crisply and clearly as I can: (a) how theology works; (b) the role of language in theology; and (c) two of the most challenging issues that confront Christian faith and theology today.

Only One Way?

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