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It was late afternoon. Ed had just got back to her apartment when her personal mobile buzzed with a message from Daniel. His rugby friendly had finished and he was waiting for her in the bar of a large hotel on the High Street. The County was the last place Ed wanted to meet him, but she didn’t want to raise questions by suggesting he move somewhere else. Instead, she called him back.

‘Hi, Daniel, I’ve just got home and I’m about to take a shower.’

Ed paused for a response, but he remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

‘If you don’t get ideas, you could come here and we’ll have that drink at my place before going out to eat.’

‘If that works for you. Where are you?’

Ed gave him her address and then added, ‘Give me fifteen minutes.’ She was just stepping into the shower when the phone rang again. With a curse, she dashed into her bedroom to answer it.

‘Hi, Ed, I know it’s short notice, but I was wondering if you fancied a drink?’

It was her friend Verity Shaw, who edited the local newspaper. ‘Hi, Verity, a drink sounds good but I’ve got something on this evening. How about next Friday?’

‘Next Friday would be good. I’ll look forward to catching up.’

‘Me too. Sorry, but I’ve got to dash. Bye.’

‘Until next week. Bye.’

Back under the shower, Ed wondered if she’d have time to blow-dry her hair.

Daniel arrived with flowers and a sports bag, which he dropped in the hall. Neither of them mentioned it when it was time to leave for the restaurant. The bag remained where Daniel had left it until late Sunday evening when he returned to Maidstone.

The Victim

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