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[C] The geological reader hardly requires to be reminded that many of the minor streams would have their courses determined, or greatly modified, by the geological structure of the ground. Thus, such streams often flow along the “strike” and other “lines of weakness,” and similar causes, doubtless, influenced the main rivers during the gradual excavation of their valleys.

That the valleys which discharge their water-flow north and east to the Moray Firth and the North Sea have been excavated by rivers and the allied agents of erosion, is sufficiently evident. All the large rivers of that wide region are typical. They show the orthodox three courses—namely, a torrential or mountain-track, a middle or valley-track, and a lower or plain-track. The same is the case with some of the rivers that flow east from the great north-and-south water-parting of the North-west Highlands, as, for example, those that enter the heads of Beauly Firth, Cromarty Firth, and Dornoch Firth. Those, however, which descend to Loch Lochy and Loch Linnhe, and the sea-lochs of Argyllshire, have no lower or plain-track. When we cross the north-and-south water-parting of the North-west Highlands, we find that many of the streams are destitute of even a middle or valley-track. The majority are mere mountain-torrents when they reach the sea. Again, on the eastern watershed of the same region, a large number of the valleys contain lakes in their upper and middle reaches, and this is the case also with not a few of the valleys that open upon the Atlantic. More frequently, however, the waters flowing west pass through no lakes, but enter the sea at the heads of long sea-lochs or fiords. This striking contrast between the east and west is not due to any difference in the origin of the valleys. The western valleys are as much the result of erosion as those of the east. The present contrast, in fact, is more apparent than real, and arises from the fact that the land area on the Atlantic side has been greatly reduced in extent by subsidence. The western fiords are merely submerged land-valleys. Formerly the Inner and Outer Hebrides were united to themselves and the mainland, the country of which they formed a part stretching west into the Atlantic, as far probably as the present 100 fathoms line. Were that drowned land to be re-elevated, each of the great sea-lochs would appear as a deep mountain-valley containing one or more lake-basins of precisely the same character as those that occur in so many valleys on the eastern watershed. Thus we must consider all the islands lying off the west coast of the Highlands, including the major portions of Arran and Bute, as forming part and parcel of the Highland division of Scotland. The presence of the sea is a mere accident; the old lands now submerged were above its level during a very recent geological period—a period well within the lifetime of the existing fauna and flora.

The old table-land of which the Highlands and Islands are the denuded and unsubmerged relics, is of vast geological antiquity. It was certainly in existence, and had even undergone very considerable erosion, before the Old Red Sandstone period, as is proved by the fact that large tracts of the Old Red Sandstone formation are found occupying hollows in its surface. Glenmore had already been excavated when the conglomerates of the Old Red Sandstone began to be laid down. Some of the low-lying maritime tracts of the Highland area in Caithness, and the borders of the Moray Firth, are covered with the sandstones of that age; and there is evidence to show that these strata formerly extended over wide regions, from which they have since been removed by erosion. The fact that the Old Red Sandstone deposits still occupy such extensive areas in the north-east of the mainland, and in Orkney, shows that the old table-land shelved away gradually to north and east, and the same conclusion may be drawn, as we have seen, from the direction followed by the main lines of the existing drainage-system. We see, in short, in the table-land of the Highlands, one of the oldest elevated regions of Europe—a region which has been again and again submerged either in whole or in part, and covered with the deposits of ancient seas and lakes, only to be re-elevated, time after time, and thus to have those deposits in large measure swept away from its surface by the long-continued action of running water and other agents of denudation.

The Central Lowlands.—The belt of low-lying ground that separates the Highlands from the Southern Uplands is, as we have seen, very well defined. In many places the Uplands rise along its southern margin as abruptly as the Highlands in the north. The southern margin coincides, in fact, for a considerable distance (from Girvan to the base of the Moorfoots) with a great fracture that runs in the same direction as the bounding fracture or fault of the Highlands. The Central Lowlands may be described, in a word, as a broad depression between two table-lands. A glance at the map will show that the principal features of the Lowlands have a north-easterly trend—the same trend, in fact, as the bounding lines of the division. To this arrangement there are some exceptions, the principal being the belt of hilly ground that extends from the neighbourhood of Paisley, south-east through the borders of Renfrewshire and Ayrshire, to the vicinity of Muirkirk. The major part of the Lowlands is under 500 feet in height, but some considerable portions exceed an elevation of 1000 feet, while here and there the hills approach a height of 2000 feet—the two highest points (2352 and 2335 feet) being attained in Ben Cleugh, one of the Ochils, and in Tinto. Probably the average elevation of the Lowland division does not exceed 350 or 400 feet. Speaking generally, the belts of hilly ground, and the more or less isolated prominences, are formed of more durable rocks than are met with in the adjacent lower-lying tracts. Thus the Sidlaws, the Ochil Hills, and the heights in Renfrewshire and Ayrshire, are composed chiefly of more or less hard and tough volcanic rocks; and when sandstones enter into the formation of a line of hills, as in the Sidlaws, they generally owe their preservation to the presence of the volcanic rocks with which they are associated. This is well illustrated by the Lomond Hills in Fifeshire, the basal and larger portion of which consists chiefly of somewhat soft sandstones, which have been protected from erosion by an overlying sheet of hard basalt-rock. All the isolated hills in the basin of the Forth are formed of knobs, bosses, and sheets of various kinds of igneous rock, which are more durable than the sandstones, shales, and other sedimentary strata by which they are surrounded. Hence it is very evident that the configuration of the Lowland tracts of Central Scotland is due to denudation. The softer and more readily disintegrated rocks have been worn away to a greater extent than the harder and less yielding masses.

Only in a few cases do the slopes of the hill-belts coincide with folds of the strata. Thus, the northern flanks of the Sidlaws and the Ochils slope towards the north-west, and this also is the general inclination of the old lavas and other rocks of which those hills are composed. The southern flanks of the same hill-belt slope in Fifeshire towards the south-east—this being also the dip or inclination of the rocks. The crest of the Ochils coincides, therefore, more or less closely, with an anticlinal arch or fold of the strata. But when we follow the axis of this arch towards the north-east into the Sidlaws, we find it broken through by the Tay valley—the axial line running down through the Carse of Gowrie to the north of Dundee. From the fact that many similar anticlinal axes occur throughout the Lowlands, which yet give rise to no corresponding features at the surface, we may conclude that the partial preservation of the anticline of the Ochils and Sidlaws is simply owing to the greater durability of the materials of which those hills consist. Had the arch been composed of sandstones and shales it would most probably have given rise to no such prominent features as are now visible.

Another hilly belt, which at first sight appears to correspond roughly to an anticlinal axis, is that broad tract of igneous rocks which separates the Kilmarnock coal-field from the coal-fields of the Clyde basin. But although the old lavas of that hilly tract slope north-east and south-west, with the same general inclination as the surface, yet examination shows that the hills do not form a true anticline. They are built up of a great variety of ancient lavas and fragmental tuffs or “ashes,” which are inclined in many different directions. In short, we have in those hills the degraded and sorely denuded fragments of an ancient volcanic bank, formed by eruptions that began upon the bottom of a shallow sea in early Carboniferous times, and subsequently became sub-aërial. And there is evidence to show that after the eruptions ceased the volcanic bank was slowly submerged, and eventually buried beneath the accumulating sediments of later Carboniferous times. The exposure of the ancient volcanic bank at the surface has been accomplished by the denudation of the stratified masses which formerly covered it, and its existence as a dominant elevation at the present day is solely due to the fact that it is built up of more resistant materials than occur in the adjacent low-lying areas. The Ochils and the Sidlaws are of greater antiquity, but have a somewhat similar history. Into this, however, it is not necessary to go.

The principal hills of the Lowlands form two interrupted belts, extending north-east and south-west, one of them, which we may call the Northern Heights, facing the Highlands, and the other, which may in like manner be termed the Southern Heights, flanking the great Uplands of the south. The former of these two belts is represented by the Garvock Hills, lying between Stonehaven and the valley of the North Esk; the Sidlaws, extending from the neighbourhood of Montrose to the valley of the Tay at Perth; the Ochil Hills, stretching along the south side of the Firth of Tay to the valley of the Forth at Bridge-of-Allan; the Lennox Hills, ranging from the neighbourhood of Stirling to Dumbarton; the Kilbarchan Hills, lying between Greenock and Ardrossan; the Cumbrae Islands and the southern half of Arran; and the same line of heights reappears in the south end of Kintyre. A well-marked hollow, trough, or undulating plain of variable width, separates these Northern Heights from the Highlands, and may be followed all the way from near Stonehaven, through Strathmore, to Crieff and Auchterarder. Between the valleys of the Earn and Teith this plain attains an abnormal height (the Braes of Doune); but from the Teith, south-west by Flanders Moss and the lower end of Loch Lomond to the Clyde at Helensburgh, it resumes its characteristic features. It will be observed also that a hollow separates the southern portion of Arran from the much loftier northern or Highland area. The tract known as the Braes of Doune, extending from Glen Artney south-east to Strath Allan, although abutting upon the Highlands, is clearly marked off from that great division by geological composition and structure, by elevation and configuration. It is simply a less deeply eroded portion of the long trough or hollow.

Passing now to the Southern Heights of the Lowlands, we find that these form a still more interrupted belt than the Northern Heights, and that they are less clearly separated by an intermediate depression from the great Uplands which they flank. They begin in the north-east with the isolated Garleton Hills, between which and the Lammermoors a narrow low-lying trough or hollow appears. A considerable width of low ground now intervenes before we reach the Pentland Hills, which are in like manner separated from the Southern Uplands by a broad low-lying tract. At their southern extremity, however, the Pentlands merge more or less gradually into a somewhat broken and interrupted group of hills which abut abruptly on the Southern Uplands, in the same manner as the Braes of Doune abut upon the slate hills of the Highland borders. In this region the greatest heights reached are in Tinto (2335 feet), and Cairntable (1844 feet), and, at the same time, the hills broaden out towards north-west, where they are continued by the belt of volcanic rocks already described as extending between the coal-fields of the Clyde and Kilmarnock. Although the Southern Heights abut so closely upon the Uplands lying to the south, there is no difficulty in drawing a firm line of demarcation between the two areas—geologically and physically they are readily distinguished. No one with any eye for form, no matter how ignorant he may be of geology, can fail to see how strongly contrasted are such hills as Tinto and Cairntable with those of the Uplands, which they face. The Southern Heights are again interrupted towards the south-east by the valleys of the Ayr and the Doon, but they reappear in the hills that extend from the Heads of Ayr to the valley of the Girvan.

Betwixt the Northern and Southern Heights spread the broad Lowland tracts that drain towards the Forth, together with the lower reaches of the Clyde valley, and the wide moors that form the water-parting between that river and the estuary of the Forth. The hills that occur within this inner region of the Central Lowlands are usually more or less isolated, and are invariably formed by outcrops of igneous rock. Their outline and general aspect vary according to the geological character of the rocks of which they are composed—some forming more or less prominent escarpments like those of the Bathgate Hills and the heights behind Burntisland and Kinghorn, others showing a soft rounded contour like the Saline Hills in the west of Fifeshire. Of the same general character as this inner Lowland region is the similar tract watered by the Irvine, the Ayr, and the Doon. This tract, as we have seen, is separated from the larger inner region lying to the east by the volcanic hills that extend from the Southern Heights north-west into Renfrewshire.

The largest rivers that traverse the Central Lowlands take their rise, as might be expected, in the mountainous table-lands to the north and south. Of these the principal are the North and South Esks, the Tay and the Isla, the Earn, and the Forth, all of which, with numerous tributaries, descend from the Highlands. And it will be observed that they have breached the line of the Northern Heights in three places—namely, in the neighbourhood of Montrose, Perth, and Stirling.

The only streams of importance coming north from the Southern Uplands are the Clyde and the Doon, both of which in like manner have broken through the Southern Heights. Now, just as the main water-flows of the Highlands indicate the average slope of the ancient land-surface before it was trenched and furrowed by the innumerable valleys that now intersect it, so the direction followed by the greater rivers that traverse the Lowlands mark out the primeval slopes of that area. One sees at a glance, then, that the present configuration of this latter division has been brought about by the erosive action of the principal rivers and their countless affluents, aided by the sub-aërial agents generally—rain, frost, ice, etc. The hills rise above the average level of the ground, not because they have been ridged up from below, but simply owing to the more durable nature of their component rocks. That the Northern and Southern Heights are breached only shows that the low grounds, now separating those heights from the adjacent Highlands and Southern Uplands, formerly stood at a higher level, and so allowed the rivers to make their way more or less directly to the sea. Thus, for example, the long trough of Strathmore has been excavated out of sandstones, the upper surface of which once reached a much greater height, and sloped outwards from the Highlands across what is now the ridge of the Sidlaw Hills. Here then, in the Central Lowlands, as in the Highlands, true mountain- or hill-ranges are absent. But if we are permitted to term any well-marked line or belt of high ground a “range,” then the Northern and Southern Heights of the Lowlands are better entitled to be so designated than any series of mountains in the Highlands.

The Southern Uplands.—The northern margin of this wide division having already been defined, we may now proceed to examine the distribution of its mountain-masses. Before doing so, however, it may be as well to point out that considerable tracts in Tweeddale, Teviotdale, and Liddesdale, together with the Cheviot Hills, do not properly belong to the Southern Uplands. In fact, the Cheviots bear the same relation to those Uplands as the Northern Heights do to the Highlands. Like them they are separated by a broad hollow from the Uplands, which they face—a hollow that reaches its greatest extent in Tweeddale, and rapidly wedges out to south-west, where the Cheviots abut abruptly on the Uplands. Even where this abrupt contact takes place, however, the different configuration of the two regions would enable any geologist to separate the one set of mountains from the other. But for geographical purposes we may conveniently disregard these geological contrasts, and include within the Southern Uplands all the area lying between the Central Lowlands and the English Border.

If there are no mountains in the Highlands so grouped and arranged as to be properly termed “ranges,” this is not less true of the Southern Uplands. Perhaps it is the appearance which those Uplands present when viewed from the Central Lowlands that first suggested the notion that they were ranges. They seem to rise like a wall out of the low grounds at their base, and extend far as eye can reach in an approximately straight line. It seems more probable, however, that our earlier cartographers merely meant, by their conventional hill-shading, to mark out definitely the water-partings. But to do so in this manner now, when the large contour maps of the Ordnance Survey may be in any one’s hands, is inexcusable. A study of those maps, or, better still, a visit to the tops of a few of the dominant points in the area under review, will effectually dispel the idea that the Southern Uplands consist of a series of ridges zigzagging across the country. Like the Highlands, the area of the Southern Uplands is simply an old table-land, furrowed into ravine and valley by the operation of the various agents of erosion.

Beginning our survey of these Uplands in the east, we encounter first the Lammermoor Hills—a broad undulating plateau—the highest elevations of which do not reach 2000 feet. West of this come the Moorfoot Hills and the high grounds lying between the Gala and the Tweed—a tract which averages a somewhat higher elevation—two points exceeding 2000 feet in height. The next group of mountains we meet is that of the Moffat Hills, in which head a number of important rivers—the Tweed, the Yarrow, the Ettrick, and the Annan. Many points in this region exceed 2000 feet, others approach 2500 feet; and some reach nearly 3000 feet, such as Broad Law (2754 feet), and Dollar Law (2680 feet). In the south-west comes the group of the Lowthers, with dominant elevations of more than 2000 feet. Then follow the mountain-masses in which the Nith, the Ken, the Cree, the Doon, and the Girvan take their rise, many of the heights exceeding 2000 feet, and a number reaching and even passing 2500 feet, the dominant point being reached in the noble mountain-mass of the Merrick (2764 feet). In the extreme south-west the Uplands terminate in a broad undulating plateau, of which the highest point is but little over 1000 feet. All the mountain-groups now referred to are massed along the northern borders of the Southern Uplands. In the south-west the general surface falls more or less gradually away towards the Solway—the 500 feet contour line being reached at fifteen miles, upon an average, from the sea-coast. In the extreme north-east the high grounds descend in like manner into the rich low grounds of the Merse. Between these low grounds and Annandale, however, the Uplands merge, as it were, into the broad elevated moory tract that extends south-east, to unite with the Cheviots—a belt of hills rising along the English Border to heights of 1964 feet (Peel Fell), and 2676 feet (the Cheviot).

The general configuration of the main mass of the Southern Uplands—that is to say, the mountain-groups extending along the northern portion of the area under review, from Loch Ryan to the coast between Dunbar and St. Abb’s Head—is somewhat tame and monotonous. The mountains are flat-topped elevations, with broad, rounded shoulders and smooth grassy slopes. Standing on the summits of the Higher hills, one seems to be in the midst of a wide, gently undulating plain, the surface of which is not broken by the appearance of any isolated peaks or eminences. Struggling across the bogs and peat-mosses that cover so many of those flat-topped mountains, the wanderer ever and anon suddenly finds himself on the brink of a deep green dale. He discovers, in short, that he is traversing an elevated undulating table-land, intersected by narrow and broad trench-like valleys that radiate outwards in all directions from the dominant bosses and swellings of the plateau. The mountains, therefore, are merely broad ridges and banks separating contiguous valleys; in a word, they are, like the mountains of the Highlands, monuments of erosion, which do not run in linear directions, but form irregular groups and masses.

The rocks that enter into the formation of this portion of the Southern Uplands have much the same character throughout. Consequently there is less variety of contour and colour than in the Highlands. The hills are not only flatter atop, but are much smoother in outline, there being a general absence of those beetling crags and precipices which are so common in the Highland regions. Now and again, however, the mountains assume a rougher aspect. This is especially the case with those of Carrick and Galloway, amongst which we encounter a wildness and grandeur which are in striking contrast to the gentle pastoral character of the Lowthers and similar tracts extending along the northern and higher parts of the Southern Uplands. Descending to details, the geologist can observe also modifications of contour even among those monotonous rounded hills. Such modifications are due to differences in the character of the component rocks, but they are rarely so striking as the modifications that arise from the same cause in the Highlands. To the trained eye, however, they are sufficiently manifest, and upon a geologically coloured map, which shows the various belts of rock that traverse the Uplands from south-west to north-east, it will be found that the mountains occurring within each of those separate belts have certain distinctive features. Such features, however, cannot be depicted upon a small orographical map. The separation of those mountains into distinct ranges, by reference to their physical aspect, is even less possible here than in the Highlands. Now and again, bands of certain rocks, which are of a more durable character than the other strata in their neighbourhood, give rise to pronounced ridges and banks, while hollows and valleys occasionally coincide more or less closely with the outcrops of the more readily eroded strata; but such features are mere minor details in the general configuration of the country. The courses of brooks and streams may have been frequently determined by the nature and arrangement of the rocks, but the general slope of the Uplands and the direction of the main lines of water-flow are at right angles to the trend of the strata, and cannot therefore have been determined in that way. The strata generally are inclined at high angles—they occur, in short, as a series of great anticlinal arches and synclinal curves, but the tops of the grand folds have been planed off, and the axes of the synclinal troughs, so far from coinciding with valleys, very often run along the tops of the highest hills. The foldings and plications do not, in a word, produce any corresponding undulations of the surface.

Mention has been made of the elevated moory tracts that serve to connect the Cheviots with the loftier Uplands lying to north-west. The configuration of these moors is tamer even than that of the regions just described, but the same general form prevails from the neighbourhood of the Moffat Hills to the head-waters of the Teviot. There, however, other varieties of rock appear, and produce corresponding changes in the aspect of the high grounds. Not a few of the hills in this district stand out prominently. They are more or less pyramidal and conical in shape, being built up of sandstones often crowned atop with a capping of some crystalline igneous rock, such as basalt. The Maiden Paps, Leap Hill, Needs Law, and others are examples. The heights draining towards Liddesdale and lower reaches of Eskdale, composed chiefly of sandstones, with here and there intercalated sheets of harder igneous rock, frequently show escarpments and terraced outlines, but have a general undulating contour; and similar features are characteristic of the sandstone mountains that form the south-west portion of the Cheviots. Towards the north-east, however, the sandstones give place to various igneous rocks, so that the hills in the north-east section of the Cheviots differ very much in aspect and configuration from those at the other extremity of the belt. They have a more varied and broken outline, closely resembling many parts of the Ochils and other portions of the Northern and Southern Heights of the Central Lowlands.

The low-lying tracts of Roxburghshire and the Merse, in like manner, present features which are common to the inner region of the Central Lowlands. Occasional ridges of hills rise above the general level of the land, as at Smailholm and Stitchell to the north of Kelso, while isolated knolls and prominences—some bald and abrupt, others smooth and rounded—help to diversify the surface. Bonchester Hill, Rubers Law, the Dunian, Penielheugh, Minto Hills, and the Eildons may be mentioned as examples. All of these are of igneous origin, some being mere caps of basalt resting upon a foundation of sandstone, while others are the stumps of isolated volcanoes.

In the maritime tracts of Galloway the low grounds repeat, on a smaller scale, the configuration of the lofty Uplands behind, for they are composed of the same kinds of rock. Their most remarkable feature is the heavy mountain-mass of Criffel, rising near the mouth of the Nith to a height of 1800 feet.

Everywhere, therefore, throughout the region of the Southern Uplands, in hilly and low-lying tracts alike, we see that the land has been modelled and contoured by the agents of erosion. We are dealing, as in the Highlands, with an old table-land, in which valleys have been excavated by running water and its helpmates. Nowhere do we encounter any linear banks, ridges, or ranges as we find described in the class-books, and represented upon many general maps of the country. In one of those manuals we read that in the southern district “the principal range of mountains is that known as the Lowther Hills, which springs off from the Cheviots, and, running in a zigzag direction to the south-west, terminates on the west coast near Loch Ryan.” This is quite true, according to many common maps, but unfortunately the “range” exists upon those maps and nowhere else. The zigzag line described is not a range of mountains, but a water-parting, which is quite another matter.

The table-land of the Southern Uplands, like that of the Highlands, is of immense antiquity. Long before the Old Red Sandstone period, it had been furrowed and trenched by running water. Of the original contour of its surface, all we can say is that it formed an undulating plateau, the general slope of which was towards south-east. This is shown by the trend of the more important rivers, such as the Nith and the Annan, the Gala and the Leader; and by the distribution of the various strata pertaining to the Old Red Sandstone and later geological periods. Thus, strata of Old Red Sandstone and Carboniferous age occupy the Merse and the lower reaches of Teviotdale, and extend up the valleys of the Whiteadder and the Leader into the heart of the Silurian Uplands. In like manner Permian sandstones are well developed in the ancient hollows of Annandale and Nithsdale. Along the northern borders of the Southern Uplands we meet with similar evidence to show that even as early as Old Red Sandstone times the old plateau, along what is now its northern margin, was penetrated by valleys that drained towards the north. The main drainage, however, then as now, was directed towards south-east.

Many geological facts conspire to show that the Silurian table-land of these Uplands has been submerged, like the Highlands, in whole or in part. This happened at various periods, and each time the land went down it received a covering of newer accumulations—patches of which still remain to testify to the former extent of the submergences. From the higher portions of the Uplands those accumulations have been almost wholly swept away, but they have not been entirely cleared out of the ancient valleys. They still mantle the borders of the Silurian area, particularly in the north-east, where they attain a great thickness in the moors of Liddesdale and the Cheviot Hills. The details of the evolution of the whole area of the Southern Uplands form an interesting study, but this pertains rather to Geology than to Physical Geography. It is enough, from our present point of view, to be assured that the main features of the country were chalked out, as it were, at a very distant geological period, and that all the infinite variety in the relief of our land has been brought about directly, not by titanic convulsions and earth-movements, but by the long-continued working of rain and rivers—of frost and snow and ice, supplemented from time to time by the action of the sea.

The physical features more particularly referred to in this paper are of course only the bolder and more prominent contours—those namely which can be expressed with sufficient accuracy upon sheets of such a size as the accompanying orographical map of Scotland (Plate I.). With larger maps considerably more detail can be added, and many characteristic and distinguishing features will appear according to the care with which such maps are drawn. In the case of the Ordnance Survey map, on the scale of 1 inch to a mile, the varying forms of the surface are so faithfully delineated as frequently to indicate to a trained observer the nature of the rocks and the geological structure of the ground. The artists who sketched the hills must indeed have had good eyes for form. So carefully has their work been done, that it is often not difficult to distinguish upon their maps hills formed of such rocks as sandstone from those that are composed of more durable kinds. The individual characteristics of mountains of schist, of granite, of quartz-rock, of slate, are often well depicted: nay, even the varieties of igneous rock which enter into the formation of the numerous hills and knolls of the Lowlands can frequently be detected by the features which the artists have so intelligently caught. Another set of features which their maps display are those due to glaciation. These are admirably brought out, even down to the smallest details. A glance at such maps as those of Teviotdale and the Merse, for example, shows at once the direction taken by the old mer de glace. The long parallel flutings of the hill-slopes, roches moutonnées, projecting knolls and hills with their “tails,” the great series of banks and ridges of stony clay which trend down the valley of the Tweed—these, and many more details of interest to specialists, are shown upon the maps. All over Scotland similar phenomena are common, and have been reproduced with marvellous skill on the shaded sheets issued by the Ordnance Survey. And yet the artists were not geologists. The present writer is glad of this opportunity of recording his obligations to those gentlemen. Their faithful delineations of physical features have given him many valuable suggestions, and have led up to certain observations which might otherwise not have been made.


Mountains: Their Origin, Growth, and Decay.[D]

[D] Scottish Geographical Magazine, vol. ii., 1886.

Mountains have long had a fascination for lovers of nature. Time was, however, when most civilised folk looked upon them with feelings akin to horror; and good people, indeed, have written books to show that they are the cursed places of the earth—the ruin and desolation of their gorges and defiles affording indubitable proof of the evils which befell the world when man lapsed from his primitive state of innocence and purity. All this has changed. It is the fashion now to offer a kind of worship to mountains; and every year their solitudes are invaded by devotees—some, according to worthy Meg Dods, “rinning up hill and down dale, knapping the chuckie-stanes to pieces wi’ hammers, like sae mony roadmakers run daft—to see, as they say, how the warld was made”—others trying to transfer some of the beauty around them to paper or canvas—yet others, and these perhaps not the least wise, content, as old Sir Thomas Browne has it, “to stare about with a gross rusticity,” and humbly thankful that they are beyond the reach of telegrams, and see nothing to remind them of the fumun et opes strepitumque Romæ. But if the sentiment with which mountains are regarded has greatly changed, so likewise have the views of scientific men as to their origin and history. Years ago no one doubted that all mountains were simply the result of titanic convulsions. The crust of the earth had been pushed up from below, tossed into great billows, shivered and shattered—the mountains corresponding to the crests of huge earth-waves, the valleys to the intervening depressions, or to gaping fractures and dislocations. This view of the origin of mountains has always appeared reasonable to those who do not know what is meant by geological structure, and in some cases it is pretty near the truth. A true mountain-chain, like that of the Alps, does indeed owe its origin to gigantic disturbances of the earth’s crust, and in such a region the larger features of the surface often correspond more or less closely with the inclination of the underlying rocks. But in many elevated tracts, composed of highly disturbed and convoluted strata, no such coincidence of surface-features and underground structure can be traced. The mountains do not correspond to great swellings of the crust—the valleys neither lie in trough-shaped strata, nor do they coincide with gaping fractures. Again, many considerable mountains are built up of rocks which have not been convoluted at all, but occur in approximately horizontal beds. Evidently, therefore, some force other than subterranean action must be called upon to explain the origin of many of the most striking surface-features of the land.

Every geologist admits—it is one of the truisms of his science—that corrugations and plications are the result of subterranean action. Nor does any one deny that when a true mountain-chain was first upheaved the greater undulations of the folded strata probably gave rise to similar undulations at the surface. Some of the larger fractures and dislocations might also have appeared at the surface and produced mural precipices. So long a time, however, has elapsed since the elevation of even the youngest mountain-chains of the globe that the sub-aërial agents of erosion—rain, frost, rivers, glaciers, etc.—have been enabled greatly to modify their primeval features. For these mountains, therefore, it is only partially true that their present slopes coincide with those of the underlying strata. Such being the case with so young a chain as the Alps, we need not be surprised to meet with modifications on a still grander scale in mountain-regions of much greater antiquity. In many such tracts the primeval configuration due to subterranean action has been entirely remodelled, so that hills now stand where deep hollows formerly existed, while valleys frequently have replaced mountains. And this newer configuration is the direct result of erosion, guided by the mineralogical composition and structural peculiarities of the rocks.

It is difficult, or even impossible, for one who is ignorant of geological structure to realise that the apparently insignificant agents of erosion have played so important a rôle in the evolution of notable earth-features. It may be well, therefore, to illustrate the matter by reference to one or two regions where the geological structure is too simple to be misunderstood. The first examples I shall give are from tracts of horizontal strata. Many readers are doubtless aware of the fact that our rock-masses consist for the most part of the more or less indurated and compacted sediments of former rivers, lakes, and seas. Frequently those ancient water-formed rocks have been very much altered, so as even sometimes to acquire a crystalline character. But it is enough for us now to remember that the crust of the globe, so far as that is accessible to observation, is built up mostly of rocks which were originally accumulated as aqueous sediments. Such being the case, it is obvious that our strata of sandstone, conglomerate, shale, limestone, etc., must at first have been spread out in approximately horizontal or gently inclined sheets or layers. We judge so from what we know of sediments which are accumulating at present. The wide flats of our river valleys, the broad plains that occupy the sites of silted-up lakes, the extensive deltas of such rivers as the Nile and the Po, the narrow and wide belts of low-lying land which within a recent period have been gained from the sea, are all made up of various kinds of sediment arranged in approximately horizontal layers. Now, over wide regions of the earth’s surface the sedimentary strata still lie horizontally, and we can often tell at what geological period they became converted into dry land. Thus, for example, we know that the elevated plateau through which the river Colorado flows is built up of a great series of nearly horizontal beds of various sedimentary deposits, which reach a thickness of many thousand feet. It is self-evident that the youngest strata must be those which occur at the surface of the plateau, and they, as we know, are of lacustrine origin and belong to the Tertiary period. Now, American geologists have shown that since that period several thousands of feet of rock-materials have been removed from the surface of that plateau—the thickness of rock so carried away amounting in some places to nearly 10,000 feet. Yet all that prodigious erosion has been effected since early Tertiary times. Indeed, it can be proved that the excavation of the Grand Ca¤on of the Colorado, probably the most remarkable river-trench in the world, has been accomplished since the close of the Tertiary period, and is therefore a work of more recent date than the last great upheaval of the Swiss Alps. The origin of the ca¤on is self-evident—it is a magnificent example of river-erosion, and the mere statement of its dimensions gives one a forcible impression of the potency of sub-aërial denudation. The river-cutting is about 300 miles long, 11 or 12 miles broad, and varies from 3000 to 6000 feet in depth.

Take another example of what denuding agents have done within a recent geological period. The Faröe Islands, some twenty in number, extend over an area measuring about 70 miles from south to north, and nearly 50 miles from west to east. These islands are composed of volcanic rocks—beds of basalt with intervening layers of fine fragmental materials, and are obviously the relics of what formerly was one continuous plateau, deeply trenched by valleys running in various directions. Subsequent depression of the land introduced the sea to these valleys, and the plateau was then converted into a group of islands, separated from each other by narrow sounds and fiords. Were the great plateau through which the Colorado flows to be partially submerged, it would reproduce on a larger scale the general phenomena presented by this lonely island-group of the North Atlantic. The flat-topped “buttes” and “mesas,” and the pyramidal mountains of the Colorado district would form islands comparable to those of the Faröes. Most of the latter attain a considerable elevation above the sea—heights of 1700, 2000, 2500, and 2850 feet being met with in several of the islands. Indeed, the average elevation of the land in this northern archipelago can hardly be less than 900 feet. The deep trench-like valleys are evidently only the upper reaches of valleys which began to be excavated when the islands formed part and parcel of one and the same plateau—the lower reaches being now occupied by fiords and sounds. It is quite certain that all these valleys are the work of erosion. One can trace the beds of basalt continuously across the bottoms, and be quite sure that the valleys are not gaping cracks or fractures. Now, as the strata are approximately horizontal, it is obvious that the hollows of the surface have nothing whatever to do with undulations produced by earth-movements. The sub-aërial erosion of the islands has resulted in the development of massive flat-topped and pyramidal mountains. These stand up as eminences simply because the rock-material which once surrounded them has been gradually broken up and carried away. Nothing can well be more impressive to the student of physical geology than the aspect presented by these relics of an ancient plateau (Plate II. Fig. 1). Standing on some commanding elevation, such as Nakkin in Suderöe, one sees rising before him great truncated pyramids—built up of horizontal beds of basalt rising tier above tier—the mountains being separated from each other by wide and profound hollows, across which the basalt-beds were once continuous. Owing to the parallel and undisturbed position of the strata, it is not hard to form an estimate of the amount of material which has been removed during the gradual excavation of the valleys. In order to do so we have simply to measure the width, depth, and length of the valleys. Thus in Suderöe, which is 19 miles long and 6 miles broad, the bottoms of the valleys are 1000 feet at least below the tops of the mountains, and some of the hollows in question are a mile in width. Now, the amount of rock worn away from this one little island by sub-aërial erosion cannot be less than that of a mass measuring 10 miles in length by 6 miles in breadth, and 800 feet in thickness. And yet the Faröe Islands are composed of rocks which had no existence when the soft clays, etc., of the London Basin were being accumulated. All the erosion referred to has taken place since the great upheaval of the Eocene strata of the Swiss Alps.

But if the evidence of erosion be so conspicuous in regions composed of horizontal strata, it is not less so in countries where the rocks are inclined at various angles to the horizon. Indeed, the very fact that inclined strata crop out at the surface is sufficient evidence of erosion. For it is obvious that these outcrops are merely the truncated ends of beds which must formerly have had a wider extension. But while the effects produced by the erosion of horizontal strata are readily perceived by the least-informed observer, it requires some knowledge of geological structure to appreciate the denudation of curved or undulating strata. And yet there is really no mystery in the matter. All we have to do is by careful observation to ascertain the mode of arrangement of the rocks—this accomplished, we have no difficulty in estimating the minimum erosion which any set of strata may have experienced. An illustration may serve to make this plain. Here, for example, is a section across a region of undulating strata (Fig. 2). Let the line A B represent the surface of the ground, and C D be any datum line—say, the sea-level. An observer at A, who should walk in the direction of B, would cross successively eight outcrops of coal; and, were he incapable of reading the geological structure of the ground, he might imagine that he had come upon eight separate coal-seams. A glance at the section, however, shows that in reality he had met with only two coals, and that the deceptive appearances, which might be misread by an incautious observer, are simply the result of denudation. In this case the tops of a series of curved or arched beds have been removed (as at E), and, by protracting the lines of the truncated beds until they meet, we can estimate the minimum amount of erosion they have sustained. Thus, if the strata between o and p be 300 feet thick, it is self-evident that a somewhat greater thickness of rock must have been removed from the top of the anticlinal arch or “saddleback” at E.

Again, let us draw a section across strata which have been fractured and dislocated, and we shall see how such fractures likewise enable us to estimate the minimum amount of erosion which certain regions have experienced. In Fig. 3 we have a series of strata containing a bed of limestone L, and a coal-seam a. The present surface of the ground is represented by the line A B. At F the strata are traversed by a fault or dislocation—the beds being thrown down for say 500 feet on the low side of the fault—so that the coal at a2 occurs now at a depth of 500 feet below its continuation at a1. At the surface of the ground there is no inequality of level—the beds overlying the coal (a2) having been removed by denudation. Were the missing rocks to be replaced, they would occupy the space contained within the dotted lines above the present surface A B. Such dislocations are of common occurrence in our coal-fields, and it is not often that they give rise to any features at the surface. We may thus traverse many level or gently-undulating tracts, and be quite unconscious of the fact that geologically we have frequently leaped up or dropped down for hundreds of feet in a single step. Nay, some Scottish streams and rivers flow across dislocations by which the strata have been shifted up or down for thousands of feet, and in some places one can have the satisfaction of sitting upon rocks which are geologically 3000 yards below or above those on which he rests his feet. In other words, thousands of feet of strata have been removed by denudation from the high sides of faults. These, as I have said, often give rise to no feature at the surface; but, occasionally, when “soft” rocks have been shifted by dislocations, and brought against “hard” rocks, the latter, by better resisting denudation than the former, cause a more or less well-marked feature at the surface, and thus betray the presence of a fault to the geologist. The phenomena presented by faults, therefore, are just as eloquent of denudation as is the truncated appearance of our strata; and only after we have carefully examined the present extension and mutual relations of our rock-masses, their varied inclination, and the size of the dislocations by which they are traversed, can we properly appreciate the degree of erosion which they have sustained. Before we are entitled to express any opinion as to the origin of the surface-features of a country, we must first know its geological structure. Until we have attained such knowledge, all our views as to the origin of mountains are of less value than the paper they are written upon.

I have spoken of the evidence of denudation which we find in our truncated and dislocated rock-masses; there is yet another line of evidence which I may very shortly point out. As every one knows, there exist in this and many other countries enormous masses of igneous rocks, which have certainly been extruded from below. Now, some of these rocks, such as granite, belong to what is called the plutonic class of rocks; they are of deep-seated origin—that is to say, they never were erupted at the surface, but cooled and consolidated at great depths in the earth’s crust. I need not go into any detail to show that this is the case—it is a conclusion based upon incontrovertible facts, and accepted by every practical geologist. When, therefore, we encounter at the actual surface of the earth great mountain-masses of granite, we know that in such regions enormous denudation has taken place. The granite appears at the surface simply because the thick rock-masses under which it solidified have been gradually removed by erosion.

The facts which I have now briefly passed in review must convince us that erosion is one of the most potent factors with which the geologist has to deal. We have seen what it has been able to effect in certain tracts composed of strata which date back to a recent geological period, such as the plateau of the Colorado and the pyramidal mountains of the Faröe Islands. If in regions built up of strata so young as the rocks of those tracts the amount of erosion be so great, we may well expect to meet with evidence of much more extensive denudation in regions which have been subjected for enormously longer periods to the action of the eroding agents.

The study of geological structure, or the architecture of the earth’s crust, has enabled us to group all mountains under these three principal heads:—

1. Mountains of Accumulation. 2. Mountains of Elevation. 3. Mountains of Circumdenudation.

1. Mountains of Accumulation.—Volcanoes may be taken as the type of this class of mountains. These are, of course, formed by the accumulation of igneous materials around the focus or foci of eruption, and their mode of origin is so generally understood, and, indeed, so obvious, that I need do no more than mention them. Of course, they are all subject to erosion, and many long-extinct volcanoes are highly denuded. Some very ancient ones, as those of our own country, have been so demolished that frequently all that remains are the now plugged-up pipes or flues through which the heated materials found a passage to the surface—all those materials, consisting of lavas and ashes, having in many cases entirely disappeared. In former times volcanic eruptions often took place along the line of an extensive fissure—the lava, instead of being extruded at one or more points, welled-up and overflowed along the whole length of the fissure, so as to flood the surrounding regions. And this happening again and again, vast plateaux of igneous rock came to be built up, such as those of the Rocky Mountains, Iceland, the Faröes, Antrim and Mull, Abyssinia and the Deccan. These are called plateaux of accumulation (see Fig. 1), and all of them are more or less highly denuded, so that in many cases the plateaux have quite a mountainous appearance. Of course, plateaux of accumulation are not always formed of igneous rocks. Any area of approximately horizontal strata of aqueous origin, rising to a height of a thousand feet or more above the sea, would come under this class of plateau—the plateau of the Colorado being a good example. Although that plateau is of recent origin, yet its surface, as we have seen, has been profoundly modified by superficial erosion; and this is true to a greater extent of plateaux which have been much longer exposed to denudation. It is obvious that even mountains and plateaux of accumulation often owe many of their present features to the action of the surface-agents of change.

2. Mountains of Elevation.—We have seen that the strata which enter most largely into the composition of the earth’s crust, so far as that is open to observation, consist of rocks which must originally have been disposed in horizontal or approximately horizontal layers. But, as every one knows, the stratified rocks are not always horizontally arranged. In Scotland they rarely are so. On the contrary, they are inclined at all angles from the horizon, and not infrequently they even stand on end. Moreover, they are often traversed by dislocations, large and small. No one doubts that these tilted and disturbed rocks are evidence of wide-spread earth-movements. And it has been long known to geologists that such movements have happened again and again in this and many other countries where similar disturbed strata occur. Some of these movements, resulting in the upheaval of enormous mountain-masses, have taken place within comparatively recent geological times. Others again date back to periods inconceivably remote. The Pyrenees, the Alps, the Caucasus, the Himalaya, which form the back-bone of Eurasia, are among the youngest mountains of the globe. The Highlands of Scotland and Scandinavia are immeasurably more ancient; they are, in point of fact, the oldest high grounds in Europe, nor are there any mountain-masses elsewhere which can be shown to be older. But while the Alps and other recent mountains of elevation still retain much of their original configuration, not a vestige of the primeval configuration of our own Highlands has been preserved; their present surface-features have no direct connection with those which must have distinguished them in late Silurian times. Our existing mountains are not, like those of the Alps, mountains of elevation.

The structure of a true mountain-chain is frequently very complicated, but the general phenomena can be readily expressed in a simple diagram. Let Fig. 5 be a section taken across a mountain-chain, i.e. at right angles to its trend or direction. The dominant point of the chain is shown at B, while A and C represent the low grounds. Now, an observer at A, advancing towards B, would note that the strata, at first horizontal, would gradually become undulating as he proceeded on his way—the undulations getting always more and more pronounced. He would observe, moreover, that the undulations, at first symmetrical, as at a, would become less so as he advanced—one limb of an arch or anticline, as it is termed, being inclined at a greater angle than the other, as at b. Approaching still nearer to B, the arches or anticlines would be seen eventually to bend over upon each other, so as to produce a general dip or inclination of the strata towards the central axis of the chain. Crossing that axis (B), and walking in the direction of the low grounds (C), the observer would again encounter the same structural arrangement, but of course in reverse order. Thus, in its simplest expression, a true mountain-chain consists of strata arranged in a series of parallel undulations—the greater mountain ridges and intervening hollows corresponding more or less closely to the larger undulations and folds of the strata. Now, could these plicated strata be pulled out, could the folds and reduplications be smoothed away, so as to cause the strata to assume their original horizontal position, it is obvious that the rocks would occupy a greater superficial area. We see, then, that such a mountain-chain must owe its origin to a process of tangential or lateral thrusting and crushing. The originally horizontal strata have been squeezed laterally, and have yielded to the force acting upon them by folding and doubling up. It seems most probable that the larger contortions and foldings which are visible in all true mountain-chains, owe their origin to the sinking down of the earth’s crust upon the cooling and contracting nucleus. During such depressions of the crust the strata are necessarily subjected to enormous lateral compression; they are forced to occupy less space at the surface, and this they can only do by folding and doubling-back upon themselves. If the strata are equally unyielding throughout a wide area, then general undulation may ensue; but should they yield unequally, then folding and contortion will take place along one or more lines of weakness. In other words, the pressure will be relieved by the formation of true mountain-chains. Thus, paradoxical as it may seem, the loftiest mountains of the globe bear witness to profound depression or subsidence of the crust. The Andes, for example, appear to owe their origin to the sinking down of the earth’s crust under the Pacific; and so in like manner the Alps would seem to have been ridged up by depression of the crust in the area of the Mediterranean. Mountain-chains, therefore, are true wrinkles in the crust of the earth; they are lines of weakness along which the strata have yielded to enormous lateral pressure.

A glance at the geological structure of the Alps and the Jura shows us that these mountains are a typical example of such a chain; they are mountains of elevation. In the Jura the mountains form a series of long parallel ridges separated by intervening hollows; and the form or shape of the ground coincides in a striking manner with the foldings of the strata. In these mountains we see a succession of symmetrical flexures, the beds dipping in opposite directions at the same angle from the axis of each individual anticline. There each mountain-ridge corresponds to an anticline, and each valley to a syncline, or trough-shaped arrangement of strata. But as we approach the Alps the flexures become less and less symmetrical, until in the Alps themselves the most extraordinary convolutions and intricate plications appear, the strata being often reversed or turned completely upside down.

Though it is true that the slopes of this great mountain-chain not infrequently correspond more or less closely to the slope or inclination of the underlying rocks, it must not be supposed that this correspondence is often complete. Sometimes, indeed, we find that the mountains, so far from coinciding with anticlines, are in reality built up of synclinal or basin-shaped strata; while in other cases deep and broad valleys run along the lines of anticlinal axes (Fig. 6). All this speaks to enormous erosion. A study of the geological structure of the Alps demonstrates that thousands of feet of rock have been removed from those mountains since the time of their elevation. A section drawn across any part of the chain would show that the strata have been eroded to such an extent, and the whole configuration so profoundly modified, that it is often difficult, or even impossible, to tell what may have been the original form of the surface when the chain was upheaved. And yet the Alps, it must be remembered, are of comparatively recent age, some of their highly-confused and contorted rocks consisting of marine strata which are of no greater antiquity than the incoherent clays and sands of the London Tertiary basin. Now, when we reflect upon the fact that, in the case of so young a mountain-chain, the configuration due to undulations of the strata has been so greatly modified, and even in many places obliterated, it is not hard to believe that after sufficient time has elapsed—after the Alps have existed for as long a period, say, as the mountains of middle Germany—every mountain formed of anticlinal strata shall have disappeared, and those synclines which now coincide with valleys shall have developed into hills. The reader who may have paid little or no attention to geological structure and its influence upon the form of the ground, will probably think this a strange and extravagant statement; yet I hope to show presently that it is supported by all that we know of regions of folded strata which have been for long periods of time subjected to denudation.

3. Mountains of Circumdenudation.—In countries composed of undulating and folded strata which have been for long ages exposed to the action of eroding agents, the ultimate form assumed by the ground is directly dependent on the character of the rocks, and the mode of their arrangement. The various rock-masses which occur in such a neighbourhood as Edinburgh, for example, differ considerably in their power of resisting denudation. Hence the less readily eroded rocks have come in time to form hills of less or greater prominence. Such is the case with the Castle Rock, Corstorphine Hill, the Braids, the Pentlands, etc. These hills owe their existence, as such, to the fact that they are composed of more enduring kinds of rock than the softer sandstones and shales by which they are surrounded, and underneath which they were formerly buried to great depths. Some hills, again, which are for the most part built up of rocks having the same character as the strata that occur in the adjacent low grounds, stand up as prominences simply because they have been preserved by overlying caps or coverings of harder rocks—rocks which have offered a stronger resistance to the action of the denuding agents. The Lomond Hills are good examples. Those hills consist chiefly of sandstones which have been preserved from demolition by an overlying sheet of basalt-rock.

But the mode in which rocks are arranged is a not less important factor in determining the shape which the ground assumes under the action of the agents of erosion. Thus, as we have already seen, flat-topped, pyramidal mountains, and more or less steep-sided or trench-like valleys, are characteristic features in regions of horizontal strata. When strata dip or incline in one general direction, then we have a succession of escarpments or dip-slopes, corresponding to the outcrops of harder or less readily eroded beds, and separated from each other by long valleys, hollows, or undulating plains, which have the same trend as the escarpments (Fig. 7). This kind of configuration is well exemplified over a large part of England. The general dip or inclination of the Mesozoic or Secondary strata throughout that country, between the shores of the North Sea and the English Channel, is easterly and south-easterly—so that the outcrops of the more durable strata form well-defined escarpments that face the west and north-west, and can be followed almost continuously from north to south. Passing from the Malvern Hills in a south-easterly direction, we traverse two great escarpments—the first coinciding with the outcrop of the Oolite, and forming the Cotswold Hills; and the second corresponding to the outcrop of the Chalk, and forming the Chiltern Hills. The plains and low undulating tracts that separate these escarpments mark the outcrops of more yielding strata—the low grounds that intervene between the Cotswolds and the Malvern Hills being composed of Liassic and Triassic clays and sandstones. In Scotland similar escarpments occur, but owing to sudden changes of the dip, and various interruptions of the strata, the Scottish escarpments are not so continuous as those of the sister-country. Many of the belts of hilly ground in the Scottish Lowlands, however, exemplify the phenomena of escarpment and dip-slope. Thus, the Sidlaws in Forfarshire consist of a series of hard igneous rocks and interbedded sandstones and flags—the outcrops of which form a succession of escarpments with intervening hollows. The same appearances recur again and again all over the Lowlands. Wherever, indeed, any considerable bed of hard rock occurs in a series of less enduring strata—the outcrop of the harder rock invariably forms a well-marked feature or escarpment. As examples, I may refer to Salisbury Crags, Craiglockhart Hill, Dalmahoy Crags, the Bathgate Hills, King Alexander’s Crag, etc. All these are conspicuous examples of the work of denudation—for it can be demonstrated that each of these rock-masses was at one time deeply buried under sandstones and shales, and they now crop out at the surface, and form prominent features simply because the beds which formerly covered and surrounded them have been gradually removed.

From what has now been said it will be readily understood that in regions composed of strata the inclination or dip of which is not constant but continually changing in direction, the surface-features must be more or less irregular. If the strata dip east the outcrops of the harder beds will form escarpments facing the west, and the direction of the escarpments will obviously change with the direction of the dip. Undulating strata of variable composition will, in short, give rise to an undulating surface, but the superficial undulations will not coincide with those of the strata. On the contrary, in regions consisting of undulating strata of diverse consistency the hills generally correspond with synclinal troughs—or, in other words, trough-shaped strata tend to form hills; while, on the other hand, arch-shaped or anticlinal strata most usually give rise to hollows (see Fig. 2). This remarkable fact is one of the first to arrest the attention of every student of physical geology, and its explanation is simple enough. An anticlinal arrangement of strata is a weak structure—it readily succumbs to the attacks of the denuding agents; a synclinal arrangement on the contrary, is a strong structure, which is much less readily broken up. Hence it is that in all regions which have been exposed for prolonged periods to sub-aërial denudation synclinal strata naturally come to form hills, and anticlinal strata valleys or low grounds. In the case of a mountain-chain so recently elevated as that of the Alps, the mountain-ridges, as we have seen, often coincide roughly with the greater folds of the strata. Such anticlinal mountains are weakly built, and consequently rock-falls and landslips are of common occurrence among them—far more common, and on a much larger scale, than among the immeasurably older mountains of Scandinavia and Scotland. The valleys of the Pyrenees, the Alps, and the Apennines, are cumbered with enormous chaotic heaps of fallen rock-masses. From time to time peaks and whole mountain-sides give way, and slide into the valleys, burying hamlets and villages, and covering wide tracts of cultivated land. Hundreds of such disastrous rock-falls have occurred in the Alps within historical ages, and must continue to take place until every weakly-formed mountain has been demolished. The hills and mountains of Scotland have long since passed through this phase of unstable equilibrium. After countless ages of erosion our higher grounds have acquired a configuration essentially different from that of a true mountain-chain. Enormous landslips like that of the Rossberg are here impossible, for all such weakly-constructed mountains have disappeared.

A little consideration will serve to show how such modifications and changes have come about. When strata are crumpled up they naturally crack across, for they are not elastic. During the great movements which have originated all mountains of elevation, it is evident that the strata forming the actual surface of the ground would often be greatly fissured and shattered along the crests of the sharper anticlinal ridges. In the synclinal troughs, however, although much fissuring would take place, yet the strata would be compelled by the pressure to keep together. Now, when we study the structure of such a region as the Alps, we find that the tops of the anticlines have almost invariably been removed, so as to expose the truncated ends of the strata—the ruptured and shattered rock-masses having in the course of time been carried away by the agents of erosion. Such mountains are pre-eminently weak structures. Let us suppose that the mountains represented in the diagram (Fig. 8) consist of a succession of strata, some of which are more or less permeable by water, while others are practically impermeable. It is obvious that water soaking down from the surface will find its way through the porous strata (p), and come out on the slopes of the mountains along the joints and cracks (c) by which all strata are traversed. Under the influence of such springs and the action of frost, the rock at the surface will eventually be broken up, and ever and anon larger and smaller portions will slide downwards over the surface of the underlying impermeable stratum. The undermining action of rivers will greatly intensify this disintegrating and disrupting process. As the river deepens and widens its valley (v), it is apparent that in doing so it must truncate the strata that are inclined towards it. The beds will then crop out upon the slopes of the valley (as at b, b), and so the conditions most favourable for a landslip will arise. Underground water, percolating through the porous beds (p), and over the surface of the underlying impermeable beds (i, i, i), must eventually bring about a collapse. The rocks forming the surface-slopes of the mountain will from time to time give and slide into the valley, or the whole thickness of the truncated strata may break away and rush downwards; and this process must continue so long as any portion of the anticlinal arch remains above the level of the adjacent synclinal troughs.

Thus it will be seen that an anticlinal arch is a weak structure—a mountain so constructed falls a ready prey to the denuding agents; and hence in regions which have been exposed to denudation for as long a period as the Scottish or Scandinavian uplands, a mountain formed of anticlinally arranged strata is of very exceptional occurrence. When it does appear, it is only because the rocks of which it is composed happen to be of a more enduring character than those of the adjacent tracts. The Ochil Hills exemplify this point. These hills consist of a great series of hard igneous rocks, which are arranged in the form of a depressed anticlinal arch—the low grounds lying to the north and south being composed chiefly of sandstones and shales. Here it is owing to the more enduring character of the igneous rocks that the anticlinal arch has not been entirely removed. We know, however, that these igneous rocks were formerly buried under a great thickness of strata, and that their present appearance at the surface is simply the result of denudation.

If an anticlinal arch be a weak structure, a synclinal arrangement of strata is quite the opposite. In the case of the former each bed has a tendency to slip or slide away from the axis, while in a syncline it is just the reverse—the strata being inclined towards and not away from the axis. Underground water, springs, and frost are enabled to play havoc with anticlinal strata, for the structure is entirely in their favour. But in synclinal beds the action of these powerful agents is opposed by the structure of the rocks—and great rock-falls and landslips cannot take place. Synclinal strata therefore endure, while anticlinal strata are worn more readily away. Even in a true mountain-range so young as the Alps, denudation has already demolished many weakly-built anticlinal mountains, and opened up valleys along their axes; while, on the other hand, synclinal troughs have been converted into mountains. And if this be true of the Alps, it is still more so of much older mountain-regions, in which the original contours due to convolutions of the strata have entirely disappeared (see Fig. 9).

The mountains of such regions, having been carved out and modelled by denuding agents, are rightly termed mountains of circumdenudation, for they are just as much the work of erosion as the flat-topped and pyramidal mountains which have been carved out of horizontal strata. The Scottish Highlands afford us an admirable example of a mountainous region of undulating and often highly-flexed strata, in which the present surface-features are the result of long-continued erosion. As already remarked, this region is one of the oldest land-surfaces in the world. In comparison with it, the Pyrenees, the Alps, and the Himalayas are creations of yesterday. The original surface or configuration assumed by the rocks composing our Highland area at the time when these were first crushed and folded into anticlines and synclines had already been demolished at a period inconceivably more remote than the latest grand upheaval of the Alps. Even before the commencement of Old Red Sandstone times, our Archæan, Cambrian, and Silurian rocks had been planed down for thousands of feet, so that the bottom beds of the Old Red Sandstone were deposited upon a gently undulating surface, which cuts across anticlines and synclines alike. In late Silurian and early post-Silurian times the North-west Highlands probably existed as a true mountain-chain, consisting of a series of parallel ranges formed by the folding and reduplication of the strata. The recent observations of my friends, Professor Lapworth and Messrs. Peach and Horne, in Sutherland, have brought to light the evidence of gigantic earth-movements, by which enormous masses of strata have been convoluted and pushed for miles out of place. We see in that region part of a dissected mountain-chain. The mountain-masses which are there exposed to view are the basal or lower portions of enormous sheets of disrupted rock, the upper parts of which have been removed by denudation. In a word, the mountains of Sutherland are mountains of circumdenudation—they have been carved out of elevated masses by the long-continued action of erosion. To prove this, one has only to draw an accurate section across the North-west Highlands, when it becomes apparent that the form or shape of the ground does not correspond or coincide with the convolutions of the strata, and that a thickness of thousands of feet of rock has been denuded away since those strata were folded and fractured. All over the Highlands we meet with similar evidence of enormous denudation. The great masses of granite which appear at the surface in many places are eloquent of the result produced by erosion continued for immeasurable periods of time. Every geologist knows that granite is a rock which could only have been formed and consolidated at great depths. When, therefore, such a rock occurs at the surface, it is evidence beyond all doubt of prodigious erosion. The granite has been laid bare by the removal of the thick rock-masses underneath which it cooled and consolidated.

Fragments of Earth Lore: Sketches & Addresses Geological and Geographical

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