Читать книгу The Cinderella Moment - Gemma Fox - Страница 5
Оглавление‘I need another couple of weeks.’
There was a long silence at the far end of the phone line and then the man said slowly, in an even voice, ‘James, we both know you’ve had long enough. I want my money back, every last penny – or…’ He paused. The quiet that filled James Devlin’s office was darker, colder and more eloquent than any or else.
James Devlin nodded even though he knew that the caller couldn’t see him. ‘I just need a couple more weeks, that’s all,’ he said, making the effort to keep his voice steady, calm, confident.
‘A week,’ said the man. ‘And if you don’t pay up then –’
‘I know,’ said James Devlin, to the empty burring line. ‘And what I don’t know, I can guess.’