Reckoning with Race
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Reckoning with Race confronts America's most intractable problem—race. The book outlines in a provocative, novel manner American racial issues from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present. It explodes myths about the South as America's exclusive racial scapegoat. The book moves to the Great Migration north and the urban ghettos which still plague America. Importantly, the evergreen topics of identity, assimilation, and separation come to the fore in a balanced, uncompromising, and unflinching narrative. People, cities, and regions are profiled. Despite civil rights legislation, the racial divide between the races remains a chasm. A plethora of reports, commissions, conferences, and other highly visible gestures, purporting to do something have generated publicity, but little else. There remain no adequate structures—family, community or church—to provide leadership. Destructive cultural traits cannot be explained solely by poverty. The book asks and answers many questions. After emancipation, how were blacks historically segregated from the rest of American society? Why is self-segregation still a feature of black society? Why do large numbers of blacks resist assimilation and the acceptance of middle class norms of behavior? Why has there been so little black penetration in the private sector? Why did the removal of overt legal segregation and civil rights legislation in the 1960s not settle the racial conundrum? What are the differences and similarities between the leaders of the civil rights movement in the 1960s and today? Why do we still have the problems enumerated in the Kerner Commission report (1968) after trillions of dollars have been spent promote black progress? What, if anything, should be done, to eliminate the racial divide?
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To the Future of America
—Robin W. Winks, “The Value of History,” in A History of Civilization: Prehistory to the Present (1995)
The New York Times, a staunch supporter of Lincoln, advocated the reform of slavery rather than abolition. “We have admitted,” the Times argued on January 22, 1861, “the impossibility and the folly of immediate abolition of Slavery, [and] pointed out the ruin certain to flow from the sudden release of four millions of ignorant slaves from the dependence and control of masters. . . .” The great need of the South was a modification and amelioration of her system of slavery, which would keep blacks in the region’s cotton fields.
As white immigrants poured into New York during the eighteenth century, skilled black laborers were displaced and relegated to menial positions. Free blacks were left with jobs that whites did not want. Some blacks remained as sailors, but most became domestics in private homes, hotels, and boarding houses or worked as chimney sweeps, washerwomen, and “tubmen” (cleaners of privies). The gritty job of crawling down a chimney to remove soot was performed by black children between the ages of four and ten. These jobs, rather than stepping-stones to advancement, were forced steps backward.