Читать книгу Draca - Geoffrey Gudgion - Страница 18



29 th April. Wind SW Force 3. Showers.

It must be Harald Guthrumsson s . The saga fits. This is the only deep water inlet in miles.

After I finished translating, I spent a long time looking at the dragon as it soaked in its bath of chemicals. I even took a bottle of elderflower wine with me to help me think. I wasn t sure whether I wanted to keep it. I know what it s done now, what it has seen.

Maybe I should do what Jack says and give it to a museum. I fell asleep sitting on the floor of the shed, thinking, and I dream ed of blood and killing. There was a moment as I woke when I understood, but the wisdom faded like a dream. It was something to do with all deaths being steps towards Ragnarök, when even the gods must die and the world will drown, but I can t explain why that seemed beautiful.

Afterwards I felt strong and young again. I split logs with the axe, sending the pieces spinning over the garden until the sweat ran and my hands ached and told me I was old.

Maybe I ll keep it. A dragonhead for Draca . We were meant to be.


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