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William J. Grippin, treasurer of the Eastern Malleable Iron Company, is one of the well-known men connected with the metal trades, with which he has been prominently identified since entering upon his business career nearly twenty years ago. Mr. Grippin was born in Troy, New York, September 19, 1876, the only son of William Avery and Adele (Jackson) Grippin. His father was one of Bridgeport's prominent manufacturers, of whom further mention is made elsewhere in this work.

William J. Grippin was but a boy of eight years when his parents removed to Bridgeport, since which time he has been a resident of this city. Graduating from the Bridgeport high school in the class of 1894, he next entered Yale, finishing with the Sheffield Scientific class of 1897. Selecting a business rather than a professional career, he returned to Yale for another year's study and took a special course in law, believing such training to be most valuable in the conduct of business affairs. In October, 1898, he became connected with the Bridgeport Malleable Iron Company. Beginning, as it were, at the bottom to learn the business, he was advanced from one position to another until he became assistant superintendent and later superintendent and succeeded his father as treasurer and general manager. He maintained this relation to the company until July 1, 1916. In the meantime the Bridgeport Malleable Iron Company became a part of the Eastern Malleable Iron Company. This is one of the important industrial enterprises of Connecticut and Mr. Grippin has bad an active part in the administration of the affairs of the company as a whole and also in the operation of the Bridgeport plant. He has ever endeavored to introduce methods of the highest efficiency and his well formulated plans have resulted in the attainment of desired ends.

Mr. Grippin was united in marriage to Miss Ethel Kimber, of Bridgeport, and they now have two children: Kenneth Kimber, born March 26, 1911, and Rosalind, born June 25, 1912. Mr. Grippin is a member of the Brooklawn Country Club and the University Club of Bridgeport and the Yale Club of New York. He turns to golf for recreation in summer and to squash in winter. His political allegiance is given to the republican party, but his interest is only that of a business man and citizen. Aside from his business his greatest activity is in church affairs. He is a prominent member and worker in the Baptist church and was for some years president of the Baptist Social Union of Connecticut. He succeeded his father as a member of the board of the American Baptist Home Mission Society. His influence is always on the side of progress and improvement and it is that of a man whose character is the expression of his professions and his belief. Everywhere he is spoken of in terms of the highest regard and while he has made a success in business, it is his natural worth which has gained for him the feeling of friendship and respect which is so uniformly entertained by those who know him.

History of Bridgeport and Vicinity, Volume 2: Biographical

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