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6.6 The Role of the Cell and End‐User Devices in 5G DSM


The optimization problem described in the previous section may require the collection of information from the end‐user device in order to ascertain if the central arbitrator resource blocks and power needs to be adjusted. Recall that Equation (6.12) did not consider the presence of AWGN or the relationship between allocated power and dissipated spectrum, which requires getting some performance metrics from the end‐user device to adjust the allocation of resource blocks and power. The end‐user device's lower protocol stack layer can collect different measurements such as block error rate, latency, jitter, and channel quality. This data can be utilized by the upper protocol stack layer algorithms for real‐time adaptation of traffic load pushed to the lower stack layers and can also be abstracted and forwarded to the centralized arbitrator to fine‐tune the global resource allocation modules.

It is important to note that the end‐user devices and the cell access points also have some functions that help reduce the need for the central arbitrator to continually readjust resource allocations. These functions can include the following:

 A cycle adaptation function that is responsible for managing coexistence with other transmit/receiver pairs. This function adopts the time‐domain utilization pattern.

 A listen‐before‐talk (LBT) function, which is tied to the coexistence function through detecting the state of the frequency resource prior to the data transmission. This function manages energy detection, preamble detection, and duration. This function can rely on tunable thresholds to compare the sensing results with.

 A frame format function, which is responsible for adapting the MAC frame according to the different active bearers (e.g., uplink versus downlink resource ratio, transmission time interval [TTI], or slot duration modification). This function can also react to the changes in the channel quality, enabling better coexistence without the need for intervention from higher hierarchy entity (e.g., cell).

 A contention coordination function, which manages any perceived contention on the utilized frequency bands. This function can adapt the random access schemes and block resources on licensed bands or can use a tunable contention access algorithms on shared spectrum bands.

 A multiple access (MA) function, which is responsible for the configuration and adaptation of the use of spectrum resources utilizing orthogonality and nonorthogonal multiple access schemes. Within the cell, this function can manage different active end users given the end‐user locations and QoS requirements.

 A sensing function that coordinates between the different sensing mechanisms. This function can create sequential sensing patterns on the different bands while using configurable parameters such as sensing duration, minimum signal detection level, and sampling rate to create effective spectrum sensing information.

Within the cell to end‐user radio access technology (RAT), the above functions make short‐term decisions leaving longer‐term decisions to the centralized function.

Notice that there are other aspects of DSM that have to be considered by the developed DSA technique, including the following:

 Traffic demand can be high in one area and low in another area. The centralized arbitrator allocation of spectrum resource blocks to the different RATs in different areas of the network it is managing can take into consideration traffic demand over time. The resource blocks (or the network infrastructure) are essentially a shared service between the different RATs.

 The small cell has limitations in handling traffic loads at a required QoS. Throwing more resource blocks to a small cell may be a waste of resources given the small cell limitations.

 Ultra‐dense urban deployments can force the DSM central arbitrator to create layered architecture of spectrum sharing. The DSM technique would need to consider the tradeoff between spectrum and network density to optimize the network spectral efficiency of multiple RATs sharing a spectrum resources pool.

Other aspects include the goals of the service provider. Some service providers may market guaranteed QoS for higher prices to attract high paying customers while others may market lower prices with less QoS guarantees to create a mass market. These revenue‐focused aspects will drive DSM implementation in the 5G infrastructure.

Dynamic Spectrum Access Decisions

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