Читать книгу Dynamic Spectrum Access Decisions - George F. Elmasry - Страница 93 Generalizing a Metric Description


One of the challenges that can face the designer of DSA as a set of cloud services for heterogeneous networks is ensuring consistency. We discussed in the previous chapters how different waveforms can have different link status metrics and how a common definition for link health metrics between all the waveforms used in a heterogeneous system is needed such that services as reactive routing are optimized appropriately. The design of DSA as a set of cloud services needs to also ensure that a metric is measured consistently with regard to all types of waveforms and all points where the metric is measured. Co‐site interference impact as a DSA service metric is a good example of creating consistency. Different signals have different tolerance to co‐site interference. Co‐site interference can have different levels of spectral density in different frequency harmonics. The co‐site impact as a DSA service metrics has to be normalized between all waveforms such that the metric evaluation is consistent and means the same for all waveforms.

Dynamic Spectrum Access Decisions

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