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Beef Short Ribs with Brown Gravy

These delicious ribs were a staple on the Cocoanut Grove’s menu.

Serves 6

6 (12 oz.) beef short ribs

sea salt

freshly ground black pepper

fresh rosemary

1 cup diced celery

1 cup diced carrot

½ cup red wine

Brown Gravy (recipe follows)

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F.

2. Place the ribs in a shallow baking pan, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and rosemary, and place the celery and carrot pieces around them. Roast for 1 hour.

3. Add the red wine and Brown Gravy to the pan, cover with foil, and roast for an additional 1½ hours, or until the meat is tender when a fork is inserted.

L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants

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