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Table of Contents

St. Nicholas and Other Saints Gentile da Fabriano. (Florence.) Frontispiece
St. Nicholas in East Frisia Reproduced from Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, Das festliche Jahr. 12
Christkindchen (Kris Kringle) and Hans Trapp in Alsace Reproduced from Reinsberg-Düringsfeld. 18
St. Nicholas Scenes in the Stained Glass of Bourges Cathedral From P. Lacroix, Science and Art in the Middle Ages. 34
Three Scenes from the Early Life of St. Nicholas Beato Angelico. (Rome.) 38
The Young Clerk Strangled by the Devil A. Lorenzetti. (Florence.) 42
St. Nicholas Restoring a Boy to his Father Fresco at S. Croce, Florence. 46
St. Nicholas and the Murdered Schoolboys L. di Bicci. (Metropolitan Museum, New York.) 48
Another Picture of the Same Scene F. Pesellino. (Florence.) 50
St. Nicholas and the Three Maidens A. Lorenzetti. (Florence.) 52
Another Picture of the Same Scene Florentine School. (Louvre, Paris.) 54
Another Picture of the Same Scene L. di Bicci (?). (Metropolitan Museum, New York.) 56
Madonna and Child and Various Saints L. di Bicci. (Florence.) 60
St. Nicholas and the Money Lender Fresco at S. Croce, Florence. 64
The Boy Nicholas Elected Bishop A. Lorenzetti. (Florence.) 68
St. Nicholas Saving the City in Time of Famine A. Lorenzetti. (Florence.) 80
Norman Baptismal Font at Winchester 84
St. Nicholas Saves the Knights about to be Beheaded F. Pesellino. (Florence.) 86
Triumphal Car of St. Lucy at Syracuse in Sicily 112
Images of Breton Saints 116
St. Nicholas Saves the City from Famine Beato Angelico. (Rome.) 118
St. Nicholas Rescues Seamen L. Monaco. (Florence.) 122
St. Nicholas in the Mosaics of St. Mark’s in Venice 142
St. Nicholas

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