Founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children | |
Native East African Mother and Infant | 17 |
(Courtesy of Museum of Natural History, New York) | |
A Well-Cared for Eskimo Infant | 17 |
(Courtesy of Museum of Natural History, New York) | |
Family Life among Birds. Group of American Egret | 20 |
(Courtesy of Museum of Natural History, New York) | |
A Family of Anthropoid Apes, from a Drawing by Dan Beard | 24 |
(Courtesy of Museum of Natural History, New York) | |
Family of Polar Bears | 24 |
(Courtesy of Museum of Natural History, New York) | |
Primitive Family Life among the Hopi Indians | 28 |
(Courtesy of the Museum of Natural History, New York) | |
A Hindu Child-Mother, whose Cares will Make her Old at Thirty | 42 |
Zulu Girl with Baby. The Practice of Exposure Ended among the Zulus only within the Present Generation | 42 |
Special Repository for Bodies of Neglected Babies, China | 56 |
(Reproduced from “China in Decay”) | |
An Overburdened Chinese Child Carrying more than his Weight in Tea | 69 |
| |
“Little Mothers”—the One Five, the Other Eight, Years Old—China | 69 |
Tsuchi-Ningio. Clay Figure Substituted for Human Sacrifice—Japan | 80 |
(Reproduced from “Transactions and Proceedings of the Japan Society,” Volume I) | |
Crock Containing Remains of Sacrificed Child. Unearthed at Tell Ta’Annek | 80 |
(Reproduced from “Life in Ancient Egypt”) | |
A Pomeioc Chieftain’s Wife and Child | 94 |
(From the Original Water-Colour Drawing in the British Museum by John White, Governor of Virginia in 1587) | |
Eskimo Mother Carrying Infant in her Hood | 94 |
(From the Original Water-Colour Drawing in the British Museum by John White, Governor of Virginia in 1587) | |
Isis in the Papyrus Swamps, Suckling Horus | 106 |
(Reproduced from “The Gods of the Egyptians, or Studies in Egyptian Mythology”) | |
Group of M’ayptah, the Priest of Ptah, with his Family | 110 |
(Reproduced from “Life in Ancient Egypt”) | |
Letter of Illarion, an Egyptian Labourer, to Alis, His Wife. Papyrus Written at Alexandria, 17 June, 1 b.c. | 118 |
(Reproduced from “Light from the Ancient East”) | |
Florida Women Sacrificing their First-Born Children | 122 |
(From an Old Print) | |
The Incas Offering a Human Sacrifice to their Chief | 144 |
(From “Mœurs des Sauvages Amériquains,” by P. Lafitau, Paris, 1724) | |
American Savages Substituting an Animal for a Human Sacrifice | 144 |
(From “Mœurs des Sauvages Amériquains,” by P. Lafitau, Paris, 1724) | |
Musical Instruments Found in a Child’s Grave, at Tell Ta’Annek | 150 |
(Reproduced from “Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaft”) | |
Abraham and Isaac | 158 |
(From a Painting by J. S. Copley, R. A.) | |
A Notable Case of Abandonment—the Finding of Moses | 160 |
(After Painting by Schopin) | |
Blind Boys at Drill in “The Light House,” New York City | 200 |
The Finding of Romulus and Remus | 225 |
(From an Old Print) | |
Antoninus Pius, Consecrator of the World’s First Protective Foundation Benefit for Girls | 236 |
Constantine the Great, Emperor-Protector of the Roman Child | 236 |
The Sacrificing of Living Infants to the God Moloch | 238 |
“Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me” | 258 |
(After Overbeck) | |
The Holy Family | 272 |
(After Rubens) | |
(Reproduced by Permission of Museum of Art, New York) | |
Evening Recreation Centre for Boys, New York City | 282 |
Meeting of an “Evening Centre,” New York City | 282 |
Filling Christmas Baskets for Poor Children—Mothers’ Helping-Hand Club, New York City | 297 |
Saint Vincent de Paul, Founder of the First Permanent Asylum for Children in France | 298 |
A Healthy Pair of Indian Children, Western Canada | 318 |
Infant Toilers in a Silk Mill, Syria | 318 |
| |
Children of Two Families—As the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Found them | 333 |
The Same Families—After Attention from the Society | 333 |
Henry Bergh | 336 |
The “Inspiration” of Henry Bergh on which the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was Organized | 336 |
The Juvenile Court, New York City; Justice Wyatt on the Bench | 337 |