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Any spittoon, slop pail, sink drain, urinal, privy, cesspool, sewage tank, or sewage distribution field is a potential danger. A bit of spit, urine, or feces the size of a pin head may contain many hundred germs, all invisible to the naked eye and each one capable of producing disease. These discharges should be kept away from the food and drink of man and animals. From specific germs that may be carried in sewage at any time there may result typhoid fever, tuberculosis, cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, and other dangerous ailments, and it is probable that other maladies may be traced to human waste. From certain animal parasites or their eggs that may be carried in sewage there may result intestinal worms, of which the more common are the hookworm, roundworm, whipworm, eelworm, tapeworm, and seat worm.

Sewage, drainage, or other impure water may contain also the causative agents of numerous ailments common to livestock, such as tuberculosis, foot-and-mouth disease, hog cholera, anthrax, glanders, and stomach and intestinal worms.

Disease germs are carried by many agencies and unsuspectingly received by devious routes into the human body. Infection may come from the swirling dust of the railway roadbed, from contact with transitory or chronic carriers of disease, from green truck grown in gardens fertilized with night soil or sewage, from food prepared or touched by unclean hands or visited by flies or vermin, from milk handled by sick or careless dairymen, from milk cans and utensils washed with contaminated water, or from cisterns, wells, springs, reservoirs, irrigation ditches, brooks, or lakes receiving the surface wash or the underground drainage from sewage-polluted soil.

Many recorded examples show with certainty how typhoid fever and other diseases have been transmitted. A few indicating the responsibilities and duties of people who live in the country are cited here.

In August, 1889, a sister and two brothers aged 18, 21, and 23 years, respectively, and all apparently in robust health dwelt together in a rural village in Columbiana County, Ohio. Typhoid fever in particular virulent form developed after use of drinking water from a badly polluted surface source. The deaths of all three occurred within a space of 10 days.

In September and October, 1899, 63 cases of typhoid fever, resulting in 5 deaths, occurred at the Northampton (Mass.) insane hospital. This epidemic was conclusively traced to celery, which was eaten freely in August and was grown and banked in a plot that had been fertilized in the late winter or early spring with the solid residue and scrapings from a sewage filter bed situated on the hospital grounds.

Some years ago Dr. W. W. Skinner, Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture, investigated the cause of an outbreak of typhoid fever in southwest Virginia. A small stream meandered through a narrow valley in which five 10-inch wells about 450 feet deep had been drilled in limestone formation. The wells were from 50 to 400 feet from the stream, from which, it was suspected, pollution was reaching the wells. In a pool in the stream bed approximately one-fourth mile above the wells several hundred pounds of common salt were dissolved. Four of the wells were cut off from the pump and the fifth was subjected to heavy pumping. The water discharged by the pump was examined at 15-minute intervals and its salt content determined over a considerable period of time. After the lapse of several 15-minute intervals the salt began to rise and continued to rise until the maximum was approximately seven times that at the beginning of the test, thus proving the facility with which pollution may pass a long distance underground and reach deep wells.

Probably no epidemic in American history better illustrates the dire results that may follow one thoughtless act than the outbreak of typhoid fever at Plymouth, Pa., in 1885. In January and February of that year the night discharges of one typhoid fever patient were thrown out upon the snow near his home. These, carried by spring thaws into the public water supply, caused an epidemic running from April to September. In a total population of about 8,000, 1,104 persons were attacked by the disease and 114 died.

Like plants and animals, disease germs vary in their powers of resistance. Some are hardy, others succumb easily. Outside the body most of them probably die in a few days or weeks. It is never certain when such germs may not lodge where the immediate surroundings are favorable to their life and reproduction. Milk is one of the common substances in which germs multiply rapidly. The experience at Northampton shows that typhoid-fever germs may survive several months in garden soil. Laboratory tests by the United States Public Health Service showed that typhoid-fever germs had not all succumbed after being frozen in cream 74 days. (Public Health Reports, Feb. 8, 1918, pp. 163-166.) Ravenel kept the spores of anthrax immersed for 244 days in the strongest tanning fluids without perceptible change in their vitality or virulence. (Annual Report, State Department of Health, Mass., 1916, p. 494.)

Unsafe practices.—Upon thousands of small farms there are no privies and excretions are deposited carelessly about the premises. A place of this character is shown in figure 1. Upon thousands of other farms the privy is so filthy and neglected that hired men and visitors seek near-by sheds, fields, and woods. A privy of this character is shown in figure 2. These practices and conditions exist in every section of the country. They should be abolished.

Fig. 1.—One of many farms lacking the simplest sanitary convenience

Deserving of severe censure is the old custom of conveying excrements or sewage into abandoned wells or some convenient stream. Such a practice is indecent and unsafe. It is unnecessary and is contrary to the laws of most of the States.

Likewise dangerous and even more disgusting is the old custom of using human excrement or sewage for the fertilization of truck land. Under no circumstances should such wastes be used on land devoted to celery, lettuce, radishes, cucumbers, cabbages, tomatoes, melons, or other vegetables, berries, or low-growing fruits that are eaten raw. Disease germs or particles of soil containing such germs may adhere to the skins of vegetables or fruits and infect the eater.

Upon farms it is necessary to dispose of excretal wastes at no great distance from the dwelling. The ability and likelihood of flies carrying disease germs direct to the dinner table, kitchen, or pantry are well known. Vermin, household pets, poultry, and live stock may spread such germs. For these reasons, and also on the score of odor, farm sewage never should be exposed.

Important safety measure.—The farmer can do no other one thing so vital to his own and the public health as to make sure of the continued purity of the farm water supply. Investigations indicate that about three out of four shallow wells are polluted badly.

Wells and springs are fed by ground water, which is merely natural drainage. Drainage water usually moves with the slope of the land. It always dissolves part of the mineral, vegetable, and animal matter of the ground over or through which it moves. In this way impurities are carried into the ground water and may reach distant wells or springs.

Fig. 2.—The rickety, uncomfortable, unspeakably foul, dangerous ground privy. Neglected by the owner, shunned by the hired man, avoided by the guest, who, in preference, goes to near-by fields or woods, polluter of wells, meeting place of house flies and disease germs, privies of this character abide only because of man's indifference

The great safeguards are clean ground and wide separation of the well from probable channels of impure drainage water. It is not enough that a well or spring is 50 or 150 feet from a source of filth or that it is on higher ground. Given porous ground, a seamy ledge, or long-continued pollution of one plat of land, the zone of contamination is likely to extend long distances, particularly in downhill directions or when the water is low through drought or heavy pumping. Only when the surface of the water in a well or spring is at a higher level at all times than any near-by source of filth is there assurance of safety from impure seepage. Some of the foregoing facts are shown diagrammatically in Figure 3. Figure 4 is typical of those insanitary, poorly drained barnyards that are almost certain to work injury to wells situated in or near them. Accumulations of filth result in objectionable odor and noxious drainage. Figure 5 illustrates poor relative location of privy, cesspool, and well.

Sewage or impure drainage water should never be discharged into or upon ground draining toward a well, spring, or other source of water supply. Neither should such wastes be discharged into openings in rock, an abandoned well, nor a hole, cesspool, vault, or tank so located that pollution can escape into water-bearing earth or rock. Whatever the system of sewage disposal, it should be entirely and widely separated from the water supply. Further information on locating and constructing wells is given in Farmers' Bulletin 1448-F, Farmstead Water Supply, copies of which may be had upon request to the Division of Publications, Department of Agriculture.

Enough has been said to bring home to the reader these vital points:

1. Never allow the farm sewage or excrements, even in minutest quantity, to reach the food or water of man or livestock.

2. Never expose such wastes so that they can be visited by flies or other carriers of disease germs.

3. Never use such wastes to fertilize or irrigate vegetable gardens.

4. Never discharge or throw such wastes into a stream, pond, or abandoned well, nor into a gutter, ditch, or tile drainage system, which naturally must have outlet in some watercourse.

Fig. 3.—How an apparently good well may draw foul drainage. Arrows show direction of ground water movement. A-A, Usual water table (surface of free water in the ground); B-B, water table lowered by drought and pumping from well D; C-C, water table further lowered by drought and heavy pumping; E-F, level line from surface of sewage in cesspool. Well D is safe until the water table is lowered to E; further lowering draws drainage from the cesspool and, with the water table at C-C, from the barn. The location of well G renders it unsafe always.

Fig. 4.—An insanitary, poorly drained barnyard. (Board of Health, Milwaukee.) Liquid manure or other foul drainage is sure to leach into wells situated in or near barnyards of this character

Sewage and sewerage of farm homes [1928]

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