The Woods of Westermain
A Ballad of Past Meridian
The Day of the Daughter of Hades
The Lark Ascending
Phoebus with Admetus
Love in the Valley
The Three Singers to Young Blood
The Orchard and the Heath
Martin's Puzzle
Earth and Man
A Ballad of Fair Ladies in Revolt
Lucifer in Starlight
The Star Sirius
Sense and Spirit
Earth's Secret
The Spirit of Shakespeare
Internal Harmony
Grace and Love
The Discipline of Wisdom
The State of Age
The World's Advance
A Certain People
The Garden of Epicurus
A Later Alexandrian
An Orson of the Muse
The Point of Taste
Camelus Saltat
To J. M.
To a Friend Lost
My Theme
Time and Sentiment