Читать книгу Time and love. The novel in verse - George Pospelow - Страница 52

Part I
Indian spring
The South Indian favorite


If Ganesh31 is in, wisdom

hovers freely there.

If Ganesh is in, well-being

reigns always there.

Ganesh in the house brings

happiness to spite the enemies.

On the Earth, not in the Universe,

the eldest knows the trade.

Coconut water drops,

the light of lamps and flowers

will sweeten him, reward

you hundredfold, opportunely.

For ten days in September,

folks in Bombay, in South

India praise him to the skies,

dance, sing – do not be shy —

then lift tens of thousands

elegant sculptures and throw them

with laughter into the sea —

Ganesh, come back in a year!


Ganesh – in Hinduism, the God of wisdom and prosperity with the head of an elephant

Time and love. The novel in verse

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