Читать книгу The Anatomy of the Human Peritoneum and Abdominal Cavity - George S. Huntington - Страница 12


Fig. 127.—Adult human subject with non-rotated cæcum. The terminal ileum turns caudad from right to left to enter right side of colon.

Fig. 128.—Adult human subject with non-rotated cæcum, the ileum entering large intestine from the right and behind, and the appendix placed to the right of the ascending colon. (From a fresh dissection.)

The resulting conditions are shown in Figs. 127 and 128, taken from adult human subjects in which the final stage of rotation of the large intestine has not taken place.

In Fig. 127 the terminal ileum is sharply bent on itself and adherent to the prerenal parietal peritoneum. It passes from right to left and downwards to enter the right posterior circumference of the large intestine. The cæcum is turned cephalad and the appendix is in contact with the right lobe of the liver. The cæcum passes with a sharp bend into the obliquely directed ascending colon.

In Fig. 128 the ileum enters the colon from the right and below. The apex of the cæcum is turned cephalad and to the right and the appendix extends beneath peritoneal adhesions along the lateral border of the proximal segment of the colon.

In the next place it is desirable to clearly understand the vascular supply of the intestine before and after rotation and the final relation of the superior mesenteric artery to the transverse portion of the duodenum.

Development of Aortal Arterial System.

The thoracic and abdominal aortæ are at first double, the first aortic arches continuing as so-called “primitive aortæ” ventrad of the vertebral column to the caudal end of the body.

The cephalic portions of the two vessels unite in the chick on the third day and from this point fusion into a single vessel proceeds slowly caudad.

In the rabbit the fusion of the primitive aortæ begins on the ninth day in the region of the lung-buds and progresses from here caudad until by the sixteenth day a single aorta is formed (Fig. 129).

Fig. 129.—Diagrams illustrating the arrangement of the primitive heart and aortic arches. (After Heisler, modified from Allen Thompson.)

That the entire descending aorta in man results from the fusion of two vessels is shown by the rare cases in which the aorta is divided throughout its entire length by a septum.

The arteries of the allantois are originally the terminations of the primitive aortæ. After fusion of the primitive aortæ to form the abdominal aorta the allantoic arteries, now passing as the umbilical arteries to the placenta, appear as the branches of bifurcation of the abdominal aorta, in the same way as the common iliacs do in the adult.

They furnish branches, which at first are very small, to the budding posterior extremities and the pelvic viscera. In time these rudiments of the future external and internal iliac arteries become larger, but as the umbilical arteries continue to develop throughout the entire intra-uterine period they appear even in the fœtus at term as end branches of the aorta, a condition which is only changed after birth by the obliteration of the umbilical arteries and their conversion into the lateral ligaments of the bladder, while the iliac vessels now appear as the terminal aortic branches. The statement that the umbilical arteries appear as the terminal branches of the embryonal aorta requires to be modified in the following respect:

When the allantois develops its arteries are in fact end-branches of the two primitive aortæ. After their fusion and after the formation of the single aorta this vessel is continued beyond the umbilical arteries as a small trunk, the caudal artery or rudiment of the adult sacralis media. Consequently the umbilical arteries are really lateral branches of a median vessel, viz., aorta abdominalis and arteria sacralis media. But as the umbilical vessels are very large and the caudal aorta very small, the former, even under these conditions, appear as the real terminal branches of the abdominal aorta.

The arteries supplying the yolk-sac and subsequently the intestinal canal are the vitelline or omphalo-mesenteric. At first they are branches derived from the two primitive aortæ, and after the fusion of these vessels they arise from the resulting single abdominal aorta. The omphalo-mesenteric arteries are at first multiple and later are reduced to two. When the primitive intestine loses its original close contact with the vertebral column and the common dorsal mesentery develops, the two omphalo-mesenteric arteries unite to form a single vessel, running between the layers of the mesentery. After a short course this artery divides again into two branches, passing one on each side, around the intestinal tube, which has in the meanwhile become closed. Ventrad of the intestine these branches reunite so that the gut is surrounded by a vascular circle. The left half of this loop becomes obliterated and the trunk of the omphalo-mesenteric artery now passes on the right side of the intestine to the umbilicus. The peripheral segment of the omphalo-mesenteric artery disappears with the cessation of the vitelline circulation. The proximal portion, situated between the layers of the mesentery, gives numerous anastomosing branches to the intestine and is converted into the main trunk of the superior mesenteric artery.

The derivation of the superior mesenteric as the fully developed proximal segment of the embryonic omphalo-mesenteric artery passing to the yolk-sac is responsible for the rare anomaly in the adult of a branch of the superior mesenteric artery continuing beyond the intestine to the umbilicus. I have encountered one instance of this persistence of the intra-abdominal portion of the omphalo-mesenteric artery in a male subject 54 years of age. A connective strand, containing a small artery derived from the superior mesenteric vessels, extended between the right layer of the mesentery, some distance from its attached border, and the ventral abdominal wall at the umbilicus. The vessel which was pervious throughout, was the size of one of the digital arteries.

Hyrtl has observed the same variation. An example of partial persistence of the omphalo-mesenteric artery in the adult is well seen in the case of Meckel’s diverticulum shown in Fig. 37, where the arterial vessel continued upon the diverticulum represents the embryonic omphalo-mesenteric artery.

The remaining intestinal arteries are at first more numerous and paired. In man and most mammals they are early reduced in number, passing from the abdominal aorta to the dorsal or attached border of the intestine, between the two peritoneal layers of the primitive dorsal mesentery (Fig. 104). The arterial blood supply of the intestinal canal then presents three general divisions:

1. Vessels pass from the proximal part of the abdominal aorta to the stomach and pyloric portion of the duodenum. This set of vessels forms the rudiment of the future cœliac axis. With the development of the liver and pancreas by budding from the duodenum, and with the appearance of the spleen in the mesoderm of the dorsal mesentery, branches corresponding to these organs (hepatic and splenic arteries) are added to the gastric and duodenal vessels and the adult arrangement of the cœliac axis is thus obtained (Figs. 130, 131, 132 and 133).

Fig. 130.—Diagrammatic representation of the arteries proceeding to the alimentary canal and appendages prior to rotation of intestine (stage of simple umbilical loop). Fig. 131.—Diagrammatic representation of the arteries of the alimentary canal in the first stage of intestinal rotation, showing relation of superior mesenteric artery to the transverse portion of the duodenum.
Fig. 132.—Arteries of alimentary canal in the later stages of intestinal rotation. Fig. 133.—Final arrangement of arteries of alimentary canal after completed rotation of the intestines.

These vessels have an important bearing on the formation of the adult peritoneal cavity in the retro-gastric space, and will be considered in detail below with that portion of the subject.

2. The next vessel in order derived from the aorta and supplying the duodenum, pancreas, the small and a part of the large intestine is the above-mentioned superior mesenteric artery, which arises from the aorta a short distance caudad of the cœliac axis (Figs. 130, 131, 132 and 133).

At the time when the intestine still presents the primitive arrangement of the umbilical loop (Figs. 104 and 130) this vessel passes between the layers of the dorsal mesentery through the narrow duodeno-colic neck to reach the two limbs and the apex of the intestinal loop. In its course it gives off successively branches to the gut from each side. Those from the right side of the main vessel pass to the duodenum, pancreas, jejunum and ileum. Those from the left side of the main vessel accede in succession to the colic angle of the isthmus, the proximal portion of the colon, the cæcum and the ileo-colic junction. The terminal portion of the superior mesenteric artery supplies the ileum near the ileo-colic entrance. After rotation it will be found that the turn has occurred at the point X (Fig. 130), i. e., in that part of the vessel which occupies the duodeno-colic isthmus. Hence it will be found that the first branches derived from the right side of the primitive superior mesenteric artery, supplying the duodenum and pancreas (Art. pancreatico-duodenalis inferior) still arise after rotation from the right side. They are succeeded, beyond the point X, by the original highest left branches passing to colon, cæcum and ileo-colic junction, while all the original right-sided vessels, except the inferior pancreatico-duodenal, appear now as branches from the left side of the main artery, supplying the coils of the jejuno-ileum. Hence in the adult (Fig. 133) the succession of branches derived from the right or concave side of the superior mesenteric artery is as follows:

Fig. 134.—Schematic representation of intestinal arterial supply from superior mesenteric artery in cases of arrested rotation of the intestine.

1. Arteria pancreatico-duodenalis inferior.

2. Arteria colica media.

3. Arteria colica dextra.

4. Arteria ileo-colica.

On the other hand, the first branches from what has now become the left or convex side of the vessel are the original lower right-hand vessels to the small intestine developed from the descending limb of the loop. Hence in the adult the left side of the superior mesenteric vessel gives rise to the vasa intestini tenuis.

3. The caudal intestinal arterial branch derived from the aorta is the inferior mesenteric artery supplying parts of the transverse colon, the descending colon, sigmoid flexure and rectum (Figs. 130, 131, 132, and 133).

On the other hand in the cases of non-rotation of the intestine as above described in Figs. 118-122, the embryonic type of the intestinal arterial supply persists, as indicated schematically in Fig. 134. Not only the pancreatico-duodenalis inferior, but all the remaining branches to the small intestine are derived from the right side of the superior mesenteric artery. The terminal branches of the main artery supply the ileo-colic junction, while the arterial supply of the large intestine, A. colica dextra and media, are given off from the left side of the parent vessel.

II. Demonstration of Intestinal Rotation in the Cat.—The changes in the relative position of the different intestinal segments and the final disposition of the mesenteries and blood vessels can best be understood by the direct examination of the abdominal contents in an animal whose permanent adult arrangement corresponds to one of the early embryonal human stages, and in which the necessary manipulations can readily be carried out and their results noted.

It is doubtful if the above detailed developmental stages in man can ever be clearly comprehended unless the student will for himself examine the conditions and perform the manipulations in one of the lower mammals.

The necessity of keeping the three dimensions of space in mind and the fact that certain structures during and after rotation cover and obscure each other, make diagrams and drawings unsatisfactory unless the actual examination of the object itself is combined with their study. Fortunately, among the common domestic animals of convenient size easily obtained the cat answers every purpose of this study admirably. The student is earnestly urged to pursue his study of the development and adult arrangement of the human abdominal viscera and peritoneum in the light which the anatomy of this animal can shed on the complicated and obscure conditions encountered in the human subject. The plan of having the opened abdominal cavity of the cat directly side by side with the human subject, while the arrangement of the abdominal viscera and peritoneum is considered, cannot be recommended too highly.

Directions.—After killing the animal with chloroform the abdominal cavity is to be freely opened by a cruciform incision and the skin flaps turned well back and secured in this position. It is well to select a male animal or an unimpregnated female, as the size of the pregnant uterus in the later stages renders the examination of the abdominal viscera and peritoneum more difficult.

Fig. 135.—Abdominal viscera of cat; great omentum raised; intestines turned down and to left. (From a fresh dissection.)

For purposes of careful study and comparison of the vascular relations of the abdomen, it is highly desirable to inject the animal with differently colored gelatine, starch or plaster of Paris mass. The arterial injection can be made through the carotid artery, the systemic venous injection through the femoral vein, and the portal circulation can be filled after opening the abdomen, by injection through the superior mesenteric or splenic veins. Animals prepared in this manner are especially useful for the study of the upper portion of the abdominal cavity and of the peritoneal relations of liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas and duodenum. They may be kept for permanent reference in a 5 per cent. solution of formaline or 50 per cent. alcohol.

After opening the abdominal cavity turn the great omentum up over the ventral surface of the thorax and secure it in this position, thus exposing the underlying intestines completely (Fig. 135). Trace in the first place the entire course of the intestinal tube from the pyloric extremity of the stomach down. It will be noticed that the first portion of the small intestine (duodenum) is freely movable, completely invested by peritoneum and attached to the dorsal midline by a mesoduodenum between the layers of which a portion of the pancreas is seen.

Following the duodenum caudad it will be observed that the gut can be traced directly continuous with the remaining coils of the small intestine. The ileo-colic junction and the beginning of the large intestine are marked by a short pointed cæcum. The large intestine is short, as it is in all carnivore mammals, and passes from the cæcum almost directly down into the pelvis.

Take the cæcum and the first portion of the large intestine and turn them caudad and over to the left side as far as the peritoneal connections will permit.

Spread out the coils of the small intestine in the opposite direction, i. e., over to the right side.

The arrangement of the intestinal tract after these manipulations should appear as shown in Figs. 136 and 137.

Fig. 136.—Abdominal viscera of cat, hardened; omentum removed to display derivation of intestines from umbilical loop and the relation of the superior mesenteric artery and common dorsal mesentery to the small and large intestines. (Columbia University Museum, No 728.)

Fig. 137.—Abdominal cavity of cat. (From a fresh dissection.)

It will be seen that all the essential features described for the corresponding stage in the human embryo (Fig. 104, A) exist here. The proximal portion of the small intestine (duodenum) retains its freedom and mobility, being attached to the ventral surface of the vertebral column by the portion of the primitive mesentery which now constitutes the mesoduodenum. The gut itself forms a bend with the convexity turned to the right.

Observe in the next place that the point (Fig. 136, X), where small intestine and colon approach each other closely, marks the situation of the fœtal duodeno-colic isthmus. The small intestine at this point corresponds to the future duodeno-jejunal angle as will be seen after rotation has been accomplished.

Recalling the development of the jejuno-ileum it will not be difficult to recognize in the numerous coils of small intestine which succeed to the duodeno-colic isthmus the results of the increase in length of the descending or efferent limb of the human embryonal umbilical loop. Tracing these coils it will be found that the terminal portions of the ileum correspond to the apex and to the proximal part of the ascending or recurrent limb of the primitive loop, while the remainder of this limb furnishes the cæcum and the next succeeding segment of the large intestine. Following the tube up to this point the colic boundary of the duodeno-colic isthmus will be reached; from here the short large intestine of the carnivore descends straight into the pelvis, attached to the ventral surface of the vertebral column by a mesocolon which corresponds to the distal part of the original primitive dorsal mesentery.

Now with the parts still in this position examine carefully the arrangement of the mesentery and of the intestinal blood vessels. Starting with the duodenum it will be seen that the primitive sagittal mesentery of this portion of the intestine has followed the gut in its turn to the right, so that the original right layer of the sagittal membrane is now directed dorsad and lies in contact with the parietal peritoneum which invests the background of the abdominal cavity in the right lumbar region below the liver and covers the ventral surface of the right kidney. Beneath this parietal peritoneum the inferior vena cava is seen, receiving the right renal vein and ascending to enter the dorso-caudal aspect of the right lobe of the liver. If now we assume that in the cat the opposed serous surfaces of the original right leaf of the mesoduodenum, now directed dorsad, and of the parietal peritoneum adhere to each other, and that the visceral peritoneum covering the dorsal surface of the descending duodenum likewise becomes obliterated by adhesion to the subjacent parietal peritoneum, we will obtain the arrangement found in the adult human subject, in which the descending duodenum is fixed by adhesion below the right lobe of the liver and ventrad of the medial portion of right kidney, right renal vein and inferior vena cava. During this process of anchoring the head of the pancreas, which is found between the two layers of the free mesoduodenum of the cat, would also become fixed to the abdominal background by adhesion of the original right leaf of the mesoduodenum, investing what has now become the dorsal surface of the pancreas, to the parietal peritoneum. The original left layer of the primitive mesoduodenum would then appear as secondary parietal peritoneum covering what has now become the ventral surface of the transversely disposed head of the gland. The stages may be represented schematically in Figs. 138-140.

Figs. 138-140.—Diagrammatic representation of three stages in the development of the mesoduodenum, duodenum, and pancreas leading to the secondary “retroperitoneal” position of these viscera.
Fig. 138.—Free mesoduodenum in sagittal plane, including head of pancreas between right and left layers.
Fig. 139.—Mesoduodenum folded to right; left leaf has become ventral; right dorsal, directed toward primitive prerenal parietal peritoneum.
Fig. 140.—Fixation of head of pancreas and duodenum under cover of secondary parietal peritoneum by adhesion of apposed surfaces of mesoduodenum and primitive parietal peritoneum.

Figs. 138 and 139 shows the arrangement in the cat where a free duodenum and mesoduodenum exists, with the pancreas included between its layers.2

It will be noticed that the duodenum in the cat can be carried over to the median line (Fig. 138) exposing the entire ventral aspect of the right kidney and the inferior vena cava beneath the primary lumbar parietal peritoneum. This manipulation will also expose the dorsal surface of the head of the pancreas, covered by what originally was the right leaf of the mesoduodenum.

Fig. 140 indicates the results of adhesion of the duodenum, pancreas and mesoduodenum to the parietal peritoneum as it normally occurs in the human subject. It will be seen that the primary parietal peritoneum can be traced mesad over the ventral surface of the right kidney as far as the point X, and that from here on to the median line the peritoneum is secondary parietal peritoneum, consisting of the visceral peritoneal investment of the ventral surface of the duodenum and of the original left leaf of the mesoduodenum, beneath which the ventral surface of the pancreas is seen. Pancreas and duodenum occupy in the adult secondarily a “retro-peritoneal” position, i. e., the peritoneum now covering the ventral surface of these viscera appears as a continuation of the parietal peritoneum, the transition between primary and secondary parietal peritoneum occurring along the line marked X in Fig. 140. The opposed peritoneal surfaces indicated by the dotted lines have become adherent and converted into loose connective tissue in which the pancreas and duodenum lie imbedded. In the human embryo this process of adhesion begins in the eighth week, starting at the duodeno-jejunal flexure and ascending gradually toward the pylorus. At the end of the fourth month the union is complete.

Proceeding caudad it will next be observed that the peritoneum of the mesentery occupies the narrow neck of the duodeno-colic isthmus, and that large vessels (the superior mesenteric) pass between its two layers at this point to supply the segments of the intestine forming the loop. In conformity with the greatly increased length of the intestine it will be found that the mesentery expands from the narrow pedicle at the neck in a fan-shaped manner in order to develop a sufficiently long margin for attachment to the intestine. The following points should be carefully borne in mind in studying the mesentery with the intestines in this position:

1. The mesentery presents two free surfaces, right and left. With the coils of the small intestine turned over to the right, the left leaf of the mesentery is turned toward the observer.

Fig. 141.—Schematic representation of mesentery of umbilical loop, common to small intestine and proximal portion of large intestine.

2. Inasmuch as the descending limb of the embryonic loop has developed the greater part of the small intestine, while a portion of the large intestine (cæcum and colon up to the isthmus) is the result of differentiation within the ascending or returning limb of the loop, it will be at once apparent that the double peritoneal layer which extends between the duodeno-colic isthmus and the attached border of the gut is partly mesentery of the small intestine, partly mesocolon passing to the large intestine (cæcum and proximal colon). This condition may be indicated schematically in Fig. 141.

The curved line A may be taken as an arbitrary division between the portion of the membrane which on the right of the figure passes to the small intestine, and the portion which proceeds to the left to be attached to the large intestine. In other words the line will schematically separate the true mesenteric from the mesocolic segment of the primitive membrane.

With the parts in their present position this line might be assumed to indicate a strip along which the opposed serous surfaces of the parietal peritoneum and the right leaf of the primitive mesentery became adherent. In that case an actual division into a mesenteric and mesocolic segment would have been effected.

Ventrad and to the right of this line of adhesion we would trace that portion of the primitive membrane which now passes to the coils of the small intestine as the true mesentery, having an apparent origin in the background of the abdomen to the dotted line of adhesion. In the same manner the peritoneal layers passing to the left to reach the cæcum and beginning of the colon would appear as a free mesocolon with the same line of apparent origin from the background of the abdomen. (cf. p. 80.)

These considerations should be followed out in the dissection of the cat in order to become familiar with the principle of secondary lines of origin for peritoneal layers. As we will see later this factor is of importance in correctly estimating the value of the human adult conditions.

3. A brief consideration of the mechanical conditions and comparison with the earlier stages will show why the peritoneal layers which occupy the bight of the fully developed umbilical loop are especially prone to develop secondary lines and areas of adhesion to other serous surfaces. If we compare the dorsal mesentery in its primitive condition, before the straight intestinal tube has become differentiated into the subsequent segments, and before the umbilical loop has been formed (Fig. 142), with the later stages represented by the intestines of the cat as now arranged (Figs. 143 and 144), it will be seen that the vertical line of attachment to the ventral surface of the vertebral column, between the points a and b corresponds in the advanced stages to the interval ab separating the two points of the duodeno-colic isthmus; also that the entire mesenteric peritoneal surface beyond the isthmus is the result of drawing out and lengthening the intestinal tract. Consequently folding or overlapping of this extensive membrane affords opportunities for adhesions between its own serous surfaces or between it and the remaining visceral and parietal peritoneum of the abdomen.

Figs. 142-144.—Schematic representation of three stages in the development of the mesentery of the umbilical intestinal loop.
Fig. 142.—Early stage before differentiation of intestinal canal. Fig. 143.—Stage of umbilical loop. Differentiation of common dorsal mesentery of earlier stage into dorsal mesogastrium, mesoduodenum, primitive mesentery of umbilical loop, and descending mesocolon.
Fig. 144.—Final stage. With complete differentiation of large and small intestine, the primitive mesentery of the umbilical loop contains not only the mesentery of the future jejuno-ileum, but also the mesocola and the ascending and transverse colon, developed from the ascending or afferent limb of the umbilical loop.
Fig. 145.—Abdominal viscera of cat, with intestines rotated to correspond to the stage in the development of the human canal in which the cæcum has reached the subhepatic position, but before the establishment of the ascending colon. (From a fresh dissection.)

Moreover, it will be appreciated that the entire extensive coil of intestines extending between the two boundaries of the duodeno-colic isthmus (a, b) is suspended from the back part of the abdomen by a narrow pedicle and that consequently rotation will readily occur around the axis drawn through the neck of the isthmus.

Now proceed to illustrate on the cat the result of the rotation as it occurs normally during the development of the primate intestinal tract. Take the cæcum and commencement of the colon and draw the same over to the right across the duodeno-colic isthmus and the duodenum. Twist or rotate the entire mass of small intestines around the isthmic pedicle, so that the original left leaf of the mesentery will look to the right and vice versa (Fig. 145). The conditions thus established will be found to correspond to the schemata shown in Figs. 114 and 115. The main features of the intestinal tract in the rearranged position will be as follows:

1. The two points, a and b, of the duodeno-colic isthmus (Fig. 145) are still close together, but reversed in position, b is in front and to the right, a behind and to the left, whereas before the rotation b was situated below and to the left, a above and to the right (Fig. 135).

2. The direction of the ileo-colic entrance is reversed, the ileum now entering the large intestine from below and the left upwards and to the right, instead of from right to left.

3. The descending duodenum is now situated dorsad to the colon.

4. The original left leaf of the mesentery has become the right, and vice versa.

5. The superior mesenteric artery crosses over the transverse portion of the duodenum, and with the exception of the inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery the original right-sided branches now arise from the left side of the vessel and vice versa.

It is now time to compare the conditions established in the cat by the manipulations just detailed with the arrangement of the adult human intestinal tract and peritoneum below the level of the transverse colon and mesocolon.

I. The shortness of the large intestine in the cat will require careful manipulation in order to produce a disposition in conformity with the arrangement of this portion of the human intestinal tract. By stretching the gut somewhat and pulling it well out of the pelvis sufficient length will be obtained to establish an ascending, transverse and descending colon. Move the cæcum from the subhepatic position which it occupies immediately after rotation (Fig. 145) down to the lower and right-hand corner of the abdomen. Pull the distal portion of the large intestine well out of the pelvis and obtain thus sufficient length to establish an ascending, transverse and descending division each provided with a free mesocolon (Fig. 146). In the formation of the three definite main segments of the human large intestine, ascending, transverse and descending colon, the following stages may be recognized:

Fig. 146.—Abdominal viscera of cat, with the intestines rotated to correspond to the adult human disposition, with ascending, transverse, and descending segments of the colon. (From a fresh dissection.) Fig. 147.—Human fœtus, 6.6 cm., vertex-coccygeal measure; liver removed. (Columbia University Museum, Study Collection.) × 4.

1. Immediately after rotation the large intestine lies transversely along the greater curvature of the stomach, with the cæcum on the right side in front of the duodenum and closely applied to the caudal surface of the right lobe of the liver (Fig. 147).

Persistence of Subhepatic Position of Cæcum in Adult.—The period at which the cæcum descends into the iliac fossa is liable to a considerable range of variation.

Treves found in two fœtus, measuring respectively 4½″ and 5½″, the cæcum on a level with the caudal end of the right kidney, while in several individuals at full term the caput coli was still placed immediately below the liver, with no large intestine in the place of the ascending colon. This condition is well illustrated in the fœtus shown in Fig. 124.

The cæcum may remain undescended throughout life. Treves, in an examination of 100 bodies, found this condition in two subjects, both females, one 41, the other 74 years of age. Both cases presented an identical disposition. There was no large intestine in the place of the ascending colon. The cæcum was placed on the right side, immediately underneath the liver, just to the right of the gall-bladder; it was quite horizontal in position, continuing the long axis of the transverse colon and included between the layers of the transverse mesocolon. From the extremity of the cæcum a horizontal fold was continued to the abdominal parietes and upon it the edge of the liver rested. In one of these instances the colon from the tip of the cæcum to the splenic flexure measured 38″. The great omentum was attached only to the left half of this portion. The descending colon was very long, measuring 15″.

In the other case the distance from the tip of the cæcum to the splenic flexure was 27″, the great omentum commencing 5″ from the former point. The descending colon was of normal length.

In both bodies the remaining viscera were normal.

2. The cæcum next descends ventrad of right kidney to the iliac fossa. The future ascending colon is at this time placed very obliquely on account of the large size of the fœtal liver, and passes without a marked angle into the transverse segment. Thus in Fig. 148, from a fœtus 5″ in length, the descending colon is vertical and the splenic flexure well marked, forming the highest point of the colic arch. There is no hepatic flexure, and no ascending and transverse colon, but instead of these an oblique segment passing upwards and to the left between cæcum and splenic flexure.

This disposition, due to the large size of the liver, is still marked at times in the fœtus at term, and occasionally even in children up to 2 or 3 years of age.

Fig. 148.—Abdominal viscera of human fœtus of 12.5 cm., vertex-coccygeal measure, hardened in situ; transverse and ascending colon not yet differentiated. (Columbia University Museum, No. 1815.) Natural size. Fig. 149.—Abdominal viscera of human fœtus at term, hardened in situ; hepatic flexure formed and ascending and transverse colon differentiated. (Columbia University Museum, No. 1816.)

3. The ascending colon is subsequently differentiated from the transverse segment and the hepatic flexure formed consequent upon the diminution of the relative size of the liver, which permits the fœtal oblique segment of the colon extending in the earlier stages between the right iliac fossa and the spleen to become divided by a right-angled (hepatic) bend or flexure into an ascending and a transverse segment (Fig. 149).

4. The splenic flexure develops early and is well marked. It indicates the point of transition of the original ascending limb of the umbilical loop into the remaining vertical median segment of the large intestine, from which the descending colon is formed.

In the adult the ascending and descending portions of the colon are vertical. The transverse colon is not quite horizontal since the splenic flexure is higher and placed more dorsally than the hepatic flexure. In the embryo the rapidly-growing coils of the small intestine push the descending colon to the left and dorsad into close contact with the dorsal abdominal wall.

Fig. 150.—Caudal portion of human embryo of 5 mm., with the end- and caudal gut at the highest stage of its development. × 25. (Reconstruction after His.)

A small bend which appears about the middle of the third month in the left iliac fossa indicates the rudiment of the future sigmoid flexure or omega loop.

The rest of the endgut follows the body wall in a well-marked curve, whose termination lies within the concavity of the caudal portion of the embryo (Fig. 150). From this terminal part the rectum develops after the division of the cloaca and the union of the proctodæum with the entodermal intestinal pouch has taken place as detailed above.

The early position of the colon produced by the large size of the fœtal liver, and before the descent of the cæcum has occurred, is shown in Fig. 124. In Fig. 123, where the liver has regained its normal proportions with reference to the abdominal cavity and viscera, and the cæcum has descended into the right iliac fossa, the hepatic flexure is well marked and the first segment of the colon has acquired the vertical position on the right side, the single obliquely transverse segment of Fig. 124, having become divided into an ascending and a transverse colon.

[Fig. 124. Early stage. Liver relatively large. Proximal portion of the colon extends obliquely between the right lumbar region and the spleen. The cæcum has not yet descended.

Fig. 123. Later stage. The cæcum occupies the right iliac fossa. Relative reduction in the size of the liver allows the colic segment to be divided by the hepatic flexure into an ascending colon and a transverse colon.]

The Anatomy of the Human Peritoneum and Abdominal Cavity

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