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Who by good Meanes, good things would gaine, Shall never seeke, nor aske in vaine.
ОглавлениеIllvstr. XXIIII. Book. 1.
IN vaine faire Cynthia never taketh paines,
Nor faints in foll'wing her desired Game;
And, when at any Marke her Bowe she straines,
The winged Arrow surely hits the same.
Her Picture, therefore, in this place doth shew
The Nature of their Mindes who Cynthia-like,
With Constancie their Purposes pursue,
And faint not till they compasse what they seeke.
For, nought more God-like in this World is found,
Then so Resolv'd a man, that nothing may
His Resolution alter or confound,
When any taske of Worth, he doth assay.
Nor, is there greater Basenesse, then those Mindes
That from an Honest-purpose, can be wrought
By Threatnings, Bribes, Smooth-Gales or Boyst'rous-Windes,
What ever colour or excuse be brought.
You then, that would, with Pleasure, Glory gaine,
Diana like, those modest things require,
Which truely may beseeme you to attaine;
And stoutly follow that which you desire:
For, changing though the Moone to us appeare,
She holds a firme Dependence on the Sunne;
And, by a Constant-Motion, in her Sphære
With him, doth in Conjunction often runne:
So, Constant-men, still move their hopes to winne;
But, never by a Motion-indirect;
Nor, will they stop the Course that they are in,
Vntill they bring their purpose to effect.
For, whosoever Honest-things requires,
A Promise hath of all that he desires.