Читать книгу Управление будущим - Георгий Георгиевич Почепцов, Георгий Почепцов - Страница 8
Часть первая
Конструирование будущего
Глава первая
Cтратегические горизонты
ОглавлениеСтратегия как базис
1. Luttwak E. N. Strategy. The logic of war and peace. – Cambridge etc., 2001.
2. Gray C. Modern strategy. – Oxford, 1999.
3. Barnett T. P. M. The Pentagon’s new map. War and peace in the twenty-first century. – New York, 2004.
4. Stark R. The rise of Christianity. How the obscure, marginal Jesus movement became the dominant religious force in the Western world in a few centuries. – San Francisco, 1997.
5. Toffler A. and H. War and anti-war. Survival at the dawn of the 21st century. – London, 1993.
6. Lees-Marshment J. The political marketing revolution. Transforming the government of the UK. – Manchester etc., 2004.
7. Lees-Marshment J. Political marketing and British political parties. – Manchester etc., 2001.
8. Hughes K. Ten minutes from normal. – New York, 2004.
9. Fukuyama F. The end of history and the last man. – New York, 1992.
10. Бродель Ф. Игры обмена. – М., 1988.
11. Лиделл-Гарт Б. Энциклопедия военного искусства. Стратегия непрямых действий. – М. – СПб., 1999.
12. Сунь-цзы. Искусство войны. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2002.
13. Warden J. A. The enemy as a system // Airpower Journal. – 1995. – Spring.
14. Schwartz P. Inevitable surprises / Rethinking the future nature of competition and conflict seminars series // www.jhuapl.edu.
15. Kometer M. W. The new terrorism. The nature of the war on terrorism. – Maxwell, 2004 /School of Advanced Airpower Studies.
16. Ronfeldt D., Arquilla J. What next for networks and netwars? // Networks and netwars. Ed. by J. Arquilla, D. Ronfeldt. – Santa Monica, 2001/ RAND.
Сценарный инструментарий
1. Heijden van der K. Scenarios. The art of strategic conversation. – New York, 2005.
2. Schwartz P. The art of the long view. Planning for the future in an uncertain world. – New York, 1991.
3. Schwartz P. Inevitable surprises. Thinking ahead in a time of turbulence. – New York, 2003.
4. Stevenson W. a. o. Using Event Structure Analysis to understand planned social change // International Journal of Qualitative Methods. – 2003. – Spring – 2.
5. Wilson D. S. Evolutionary social constructivism // The literary animal. Evolution and the nature of Animal. – Evanston, 2005.
6. Lempert R. J. a. o. High-performance government in an uncertain world // High-performance government. Structure, leadership, insentives. Ed. by R. Klitgaard, P. C. Light. – Santa Monica, 2005.
7. Popper S. a. o. Shaping the future // Scientific American. – 2005. – April.
8. Hammes T. X. The sling and the stone. On war in the 21st century. – New York, 2006.
9. Werff van der T. J. Scenario-based decision making – technique // www.globalfuture.com.
10. Connecting present and future // www.gbn.org.
11. Wylie I. There is no alternative to… // www.fastcompany.com.
12. Kahane A. How to change the world: lessons for entrepreneurs from activists //www.arlingtoninstitute.org.
13. The Mont Fleur scenarios // www.arlingtoninstitute.org.
14. Rowe G., Wright G. The Delphi technique as a forecasting tool: issues and analysis // International Journal of Forecasting. – 1999. – Vol. 15. – Pp. 353–375.
Анализ и конструирование будущего
1. Heijden van der K. Scenarios. The art of strategic conversation. – New York, 2005.
2. Груссе Р. Чингисхан. – М., 2002.
3. Kelly E. a. o. What’s next? Exploring the new terrain for business. – Cambridge, Mass., 2002.
4. Schwartz P. Inevitable surprises. Thinking ahead in a time of turbulence. – New York, 2003.
5. Nye J. S., Jr. Soft power. The means to success in world politics. – New York, 2004.
6. Schwartz P. The art of the long view. – New York etc., 1991.
7. Доклад Национального разведывательного совета США «Контуры мирового будущего» // Россия и мир в 2020 году. – М., 2005.
8. Popper S. a. o. Shaping the future // Scientific American. – 2005. – April.
9. Lempert R. J. a. o. High-performance government in an uncertain world // High-performance government. Structure, leadership, insentives. Ed. by R. Klitgaard, P. C. Light. – Santa Monica, 2005.
10. Barnett T. P. M. The Pentagon’s new map. War and peace in the twenty-first century. – New York, 2004.
11. Шинкаренко А. П. Методологические проблемы переподготовки управленческих кадров в России // Вопросы методологии. – 1997. – № 3–4.
12. Громыко Ю. Стратегические горизонты проектного сознания // www.mmk-mission.ru.
П. Шварц о будущем развитии мира
1. Schwartz P. The art of the long view. Planning for the future in an uncertain world. – New York, 1991.
2. Schwartz P. Inevitable surprises. Thinking ahead in a time of turbulence. – New York, 2003.