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Introduction and Acknowledgements


Psychoanalysis―Lacan said―is a practical way to feel better. This book can be considered an explanation of this sentence. It is based on two seminars held on March 6 and 7, 2020, at the California Institute of Integral Studies (San Francisco), thanks to the kind invitation of the Lacan School of Psychoanalysis (LSP). The first two chapters are related to the first seminar, entitled The Structure of Interpretations, and the other two correspond to the second one, entitled The Economy of Jouissances.

The impulse to transform both seminars into a book came from the audience, so I owe my first acknowledgement to those people, especially An Bulkens, Hannah Bennett, Marcelo Estrada and Maria Liza Ahearne, whose questions and comments made me feel that what I had transmitted was valuable to them. The publication aims to collaborate in the double task of installing the analytical discourse in the United States and building a bridge between the LSP and the Schools reunited in the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP).

I would also like to express my gratitude to Nathan Lane for his great help in preparing the seminars, Maria Liza Ahearne for the revision of the manuscript, Rodrigo Arenas for polishing the final version, and Henry Odell for his delicate editing work. In order to make the reader feel as if they have witnessed the aforementioned seminars, I have decided to maintain their colloquial style and gather the bibliographic references at the end of the book.

Buenos Aires, April 2020

A Practical Way to Feel Better

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