Читать книгу Мозаика размышлений. Сборник стихов - Герасим Аникин - Страница 4



So I’m old! Even I’ve a grand – daughter.

During life I crossed fire and water.

Being a rather experienced one,

I feel myself always likewise a son.

I am not simply a son of my mother,

But many teachers, my friends and all others,

Who had been tuning up strings of my mind.

Helping to get features of certain kind.

I am a son of provincial town,

I was up here and soon should be down.

Farmed in the 60-th I steadily show:

I am a son of Nikita Khrustchov.

Parents of mine were hard labour and hunger,

They educated me when I was younger,

Showing what was a kindness, a crime,

Forming the spirit – a son of my time.


Мозаика размышлений. Сборник стихов

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