Читать книгу Englische Rhetorik im Konferenzsaal - Gerhard Köstner - Страница 17
Anrede für verschiedene Würden- oder Amtsträger
ОглавлениеKardinal | Your Eminence |
Bischof | Bishop + last name / Bishop Carlson |
Ordensschwester | Sister + religious name / Sister Martha |
Katholischer Priester | Father + last name / Father Brown |
evangelischer Geistlicher | Reverend + last name / Reverend Jones |
Majestät | Your Majesty, (im Redetext: Sir oder Ma´am) |
Königl. Hoheit | Your Royal Highness |
Baron | Lord + last name / Lord Addington |
Baronin | Lady + last name / Lady Fraser |
Geadelte Männer | Sir + first name / Sir Anthony |
Geadelte Frauen | Lady + first name / Lady Anne |
Richter | Judge + last name / Judge Miller |
Botschafter | Your Excellency, / Mr/Madam Ambassador |
hochrangige Politiker | Your Excellency, |
Gouverneur | Governor + last name / Governor Cuomo |
Senator | Senator + last name / Senator Kennedy |
Minister/in | Mr/Madam Secretary (US) |
Bürgermeister/in | Mr/Madam Mayor |
Herr/Frau (Familienname) | Mr/Ms + last name |
Dr (Familienname) | Dr + last name / Dr Hamilton / (Anrede mit Ehefrau): Dr and Ms John Hamilton |
It is a very great honour for me to chair this conference (at this historic event, etc.).
It is a great pleasure for me to open / chair / this conference on …
It is an immense honour to have been nominated chairman / chairwoman / of this conference.
The Chair extends a warm welcome to all our guests from …
The Chair is pleased to present the Board members seated at the head table and the dignitaries seated in the audience.
Please welcome them with a round of applause.
Please give them a (big) hand.( …großer Applaus)
I consider it a great honour and privilege to welcome you to this meeting.
It is my privilege to welcome the participants in this meeting in the name of … and to permit myself some introductory remarks.
I´m pleased to extend greetings to all of the participants in this conference.
I want to extend a few special words of greeting and appreciation to our guests from …
On behalf of the steering committee / our company / our management, I extend a hearty / warm / cordial / sincere / welcome to all our visitors from … / to each of you.
It´s my pleasure to extend a cheerful welcome to you all.
On behalf of all who worked so diligently, I extend a sincere welcome to each of you.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is (indeed) a (great) pleasure / It gives me great pleasure / to welcome you to our meeting today on the subject of …
I should first and foremost like to pay tribute to … (His/Her Royal Highness, the Duke of …, His Excellency …)(Dank / Anerkennung aussprechen)