Читать книгу Training Your Guinea Pig - Gerry Bucsis - Страница 8




1. Preparations Come First

Getting ready for your guinea pig

A cavy-friendly cage

Commercial cages

Build-it-yourself cages

Assembly time

Prepackaged kits

Multi-level cages and extensions

Prime location

Bedding basics

A hidey house is a must

A vet for your pet

2. Good Nutrition Is Important for Lifelong Learning

Healthy body, healthy mind

Nutrition basics

A vital vitamin

Vegetables and fruits

Stay away from…


Dietary changes

3. Choosing Your Trainees

Which little piggies?

Where to buy

An only cavy is a lonely cavy

Breeds of guinea pigs

Male or female?

Young or old?

Pick of the litter

4. Training Your Cavies to Trust You

Stress-free homecoming

Settling in

Connecting with your cavies

Handling how-to

Grooming builds trust

Family fun

No nipping, please

Bonding takes time

5. Fostering Friendship: Guinea Pig Introductions

Time for another cavy?

Which groupings work?

Quarantine comes first

Socializing sessions

Be prepared for conflict

Same-scent strategies

A clean cage for a fresh start

Neighbors, not roommates

Guinea pigs and other pets

6. Learning Guinea Pig Language

Guinea pig sounds: a translation guide




Purring or chortling



Teeth chattering




An audio guide

7. Decoding Body Language

Gauging your guinea pig’s mood


Running laps

Sniffing and/or touching noses

Nudging and head tossing


Fleeing and stampeding



Reading the signs

8. A Need to Gnaw

Chomping and chewing

Management vs. training

Owner-approved chewies

What not to give

Lesson plans for lessening the damage

Hair chewing

9. Challenge Your Cavy’s IQ-Set Up a Stimulating Cage

Keeping your cavies on their toes


Tents and hammocks

Sleep sacks and cavy cozies

Bricks, stones, and rocks

Hanging toys and treats

Stuffed toys

Rearranging the furniture


10. Out-of-the-Cage Playtime

Exercise is a must

Picking a play area

Flooring considerations

Safety first: guinea pig proofing

Setup…keep it simple

Supervised play

Watch your step

Floor time

A guinea pig playpen

Outdoor play

11. Learning Through Play

Fun and games with your guinea pigs

Tunnel fun

Antics with paper and cardboard

Toss toys

Baked pine cones


Digging for treasure

Stay away from…

12. Training Technique #1 — Lure-Reward Training

Luring with food

Picking the treats

Treats on the “no-no” list

Turning in a circle

Random rewards

A positive experience

13. Training Technique #2—Clicker Training

What is clicker training?

The clicker and the treats

“Charging” the clicker

Capturing a behavior

Luring and modeling for results

Shaping, step-by-step

Adding a cue or command

Unrequested repeat performances

Phasing out the clicker

Clicking for success

14. Coming When Called

Coming on command

Luring and rewarding

Using an alternative cue

Clicking for your cavy

Keep practicing

15. Litter Training

Fact or fiction?


Picking a suitable litter box

Litter choices

Cage training

Training in the play area

Potty station

Accidents will happen!

16. Teaching Tricks

Make life interesting

Which training method to use?

Touching a target stick

Follow me!

Stand up and beg

Rolling a ball

Ringing a bell

The Guinea Pig Olympics

More tricks for treats

17. Lessons in Leash Walking

Leash walking a guinea pig?

Choosing a harness and leash

Getting your cavy accustomed to the harness

The great outdoors

Outdoor rules

18. Guinea Pig Travel Plans

The stay-at-home guinea pig

Short trips

Longer journeys

Air travel

19. A Lifetime of Learning

Ongoing interaction

Guinea pigs are individuals

A two-way reward



Training Your Guinea Pig

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