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Materials and Accessories


The materials you frequently use must become yours in the deepest sense of the word. You have to get used to having them in your hand, to manipulate them, to make them a kind of natural extension of your body.


Prepare the deck

A good magician has a symbiotic relationship with their deck of cards. In a deck of new cards, freshly opened, playing cards are rigid, they slide, and they are difficult to manage. The first step that must be done is to spread out the cards and then, with a little patience, handle them one by one. Each card must be bent and rubbed over the edge of the table (fig. A), first on the back and then on the front. Afterwards, the card has to be wound around a thick marker (fig. B); stretched and wound around again, beginning first at one end and then on the other one, both the front side and the back side. These operations must also be repeated by rolling the card on the longest side. At this point it is unlikely that the cards are still slippery; otherwise, you have to use a white pencil rubber and rub the card uniformly and with constant pressure: since the rubber will render the surface opaque when this is not done correctly, very obvious signs will appear.

The guiding card

To succeed in many of the card games, it is essential to have a “guiding card or “pilot” card. This is produced when the deck is prepared, cutting a strip of less than a millimetre from the upper end of a card (fig. C). This makes it recognisable because, when the deck is closed, it does not align with other cards. Alternatively, a card can be reinforced by pasting another card (from an identical deck) on the back. It is recognised more easily when the deck opens like a fan.

The predetermined deck helps in an elementary first game. Take the deck and open the cards like a fan so that you can see the backside. Place the deck on the palm of your hand, close your eyes and ask a spectator to pick to place the card in the deck. Open your eyes and place the cards again fan-shaped (always in a way that the audience can only see the reverse); you will immediately see that one is out of place: it is the one that has been chosen by the spectator. Before removing it from the deck, act in a way that it looks as if you had located it with your mind.

Sort the deck

For some games it may be useful to place the pack of cards in a precise order: for example, place the first five cards of each suit, then the second five, and finally the figures. The suits always alternate with the same sequence (it could be the original: hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades, or one of your preference).

Shuffle the deck

In some games it may happen that the deck has to be shuffled, keeping the position of one or more cards in their original position. These have to be the first or last cards of the deck. In order not to alter the top card when shuffling, you have to hold the deck in your left hand. While the thumb of your left hand is holding the card or the cards that must not change position, your right hand moves the other cards, holding them and mixing them in blocks behind the left thumb that is blocking the top cards. The last movement of the right hand should consist of placing the block held with the left thumb on top of the deck in its original position. To avoid moving the last card in the deck, the movements are exactly the same, but reversed: the left hand mixes the cards, while the thumb of the right holds the signalled card (or the cards) that do no need to be moved.

The obvious choice

“Forcing” a person to choose a card is really easy. You take the deck remembering the top card and, without moving it, shuffle the cards. Ask a spectator to cut the deck and pick one of the two halves. If the half they chose is the one that has the card you are interested in on its top, ask them to take the first card. If the spectator chooses the other half of the deck, suggest that they take it with the backside downwards and put it, in cross, on the other half; thus, the selected card is the first in the deck that shows the reverse and is underneath.

Distract the spectator and the whole audience with a discussion, with a musical interval, or a good joke. Focus the attention again on the cards and invite them to observe the point where the deck has been cut. Lift the top group of cards (the one which has the right side upwards), move it, take the one from below and ask them to observe the first card. It is the card that we had wanted to be chosen.

Two ways to play with cards

The flying deck

We have all, at one time, admired the hands of a magician while passing the cards from one hand to the other: they fly through the air with a perfect trajectory. There are no tricks to this ability: it is a matter of skill that should be the first mainstay for the person who wants to get involved in card games. A well prepared deck can help a lot.

The ideal distance between both hands is 30 cm. The important thing is to calibrate the exact force, holding the cards with the correct tension; bending them precisely.

The obedient deck

Another operation that every magician should be able to perform is the rotation of the cards. Align all the prepared cards perfectly from a deck showing the reverse: each card covers three quarters of the previous card. The cards must be well prepared and perfectly aligned. With a lifted card in the first row and with a regular gesture, flip all corners: the obedient cards will rise, fall and twist. This is a game that should not be played on too bright a table and slippery surfaces.

Magic wand

It is the magician’s calling card and, at the same time, a precious instrument: attracting the attention of observers, keeps their prying eyes away from the point where the trick is developed. In the general version it is a dark wooden stick with white tips at the ends. Whoever wishes so, can create a customised version with flashy colours or decorations. It may be appropriate (and has a hook) to have more than just a wand. A sort of hollow magic wand, made of cardboard, offers probably more variations on the theme. Like the magician’s hands, the wand is always moving, but it should be a soft, slow, harmonious movement and easy to follow.


If you are a novice magician, sew the handkerchief, which you intend to use, yourself. The colours have to be eye-catching and contrasted. You can freely choose a natural, soft cloth as long as it is not slippery. Synthetic or transparent materials are unsuitable, while opaque and slightly rough ones are a valuable aid for many tricks. Creating such material yourself will allow you to make scarves in sizes and shapes matching exactly the games that have been chosen. The hem needs to be regular, unless the trick requires otherwise, such as some games do.

Balls, coins and banknotes

Balls, coins and banknotes are utensils that are hardly subject to initial treatment that alters its structure, although frequently used with special utensils built for the occasion. Where balls are concerned, the standard is the ping-pong ball. If you choose another kind of ball heavier and less slippery, you should avoid rubber ones, which bounce too much and also make irregular trajectories. Compact foam rubber balls or soft rubber balls (normally used as ‘anti-stress’ balls) are ideal for some games.


To make some utensils, especially for games aimed at children, coloured cardboard is recommended. The ideal one is the finest and softest that folds well without forming secondary wrinkles. Instead, thicker cardboard can be useful for making boxes, cartons, and other articles intended for frequent manipulation. In this case work with the material, following the natural crease.

Ropes and rubber bands

Natural fiber ropes are hard to find in stores. But nylon ones have the defect of being very rigid and slippery; continuous use will improve their features, but they will never be ideal. Coloured ropes are less suggestive, but they are a good substitute for games played at a little distance.

Besides coloured rubber bands essential for some tricks, specialised stores sell fine and resistant threads, fully transparent and without reflection. They can be used to perfectly perform games in which fishing line is advised, more robust and visible, but easier to find in case of a house party.


For some games it is necessary to resort to using tampered envelopes. The risk of discovery of the rigged envelope is rather minimal and visible only to a trained eye. For example: a marked point in a corner of the envelope made with a toothpick; an angle cut half millimetre in the fold of the flap, or a slight cut in the adhesive edge, etc. (fig. A). All will work well to secretively marking the envelope.

Table and accessories

The magician almost always needs a supporting surface to perform a show. Besides accessories, which we will discuss later, you can use any table covered with a cloth that also reaches over the table legs, preferably all the way to the ground.

On the table the necessary accessories to perform the show are placed in an orderly manner as well as a box to hold the materials that will be needed later. Below, if it is necessary, place two baskets: one for the materials you will actually throw away and one for the other materials to be recycled. If you cannot prepare the table in advance, equip yourself in the same way with a two level trolley, which you can take wherever you want to.

The storage box

The storage box is a strongbox which is hooked on the edge of the table, which the magician relies on. It must be of the same colour as the cloth that covers the table and placed in a way that it is invisible. In specialised establishments several models are sold. If you do not have any special requirement, a handmade model can be produced, building a sturdy carton, of a shape (square or rectangular, flat or deep, wide or narrow) and adapted to the proportions and the size of the table and the space available. The box is attached to the table with hinges (fig. A), which are sold at hardware stores or in DIY stores, ora hook (fig. B). The latter solution is less complicated and allows you to move the recipient without problems.

The drop hole

Most shops sell ready-made tables equipped with a falling hole, i.e. an opening in the middle of the work area where you can drop the objects to disappear from audience view (fig. C). Anyone in possession of a table that he does not need, can cut a part in the centre and then place in it a bag of the same fabric of the tablecloth (fig. D). Evidently, the front of the table has to be covered so that the audience cannot see the container.

The bag

On the table, which is covered with a cloth, you can build a bag. A false hem is created in the fabric, which is closed with two paper clips or two small stitches (fig. E).

You can hide flat objects inside as, for example, cards, banknotes or scarves. Someone who is skilled in sewing can make a real bag that can be placed in a fold of the cloth. Done well, the bag will be completely hidden.


After choosing the games and the necessary accessories, you have to decide how to dress: a jacket and a shirt with a sweater or something lighter. Depending on the colour you choose for your wardrobe, you will choose the colour of the rubber bands and threads to be used. Pay particular attention to the organization of the material in the pockets and sleeves so that objects do not get entangled, and the game can take place correctly.

The magic word

The magic word is the distinctive “house mark” of the magician. Sim-salabim and Abracadabra are rather effective, but they’re also overused. You can find one that fits your requirements: synthetic, bombastic, effective… but acceptable. A word sounding harsh, unadulterated, hard, will not motivate the audience to take the right attitude. With a little imagination, you will certainly find one that suits you: Barlabí-Barlabá, Barbanzé-Barbanzé, etc. It’s not difficult!

The Best Magic Games

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