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Deciding If You’re Ready for a Bird


Pet birds bring so much to their owners’ lives — color, song, speech, and a relationship that, at its best, approaches what you would find with a mate or a child (and, at its worst, approaches what you would find with a mate or a child). And that, for some people, is the problem. Birds give as good as they get. Sometimes birds are a joy to live with, and other times, they’re a big pain in the tail feathers.

Having a bird in your home is different from having a dog or a cat (we have both). Birds are birds, unique and magical in their own right. To be ready for them, you have to be open to their own feathered flavor of magic.

Having a bird is more rewarding than you could ever imagine. We believe that learning to share life with a bird can make most of us better people. When you understand your bird’s wide range of nonverbal communication, your own communication skills are enhanced, making you more sensitive and better able to interact with others (of all species).

But living with a bird isn’t easy. For your own sanity, and for the health and happiness of the bird you hope to introduce to your world, you need to ask yourself whether you’re really up to the challenge. Forewarned is forearmed, after all.

Birds For Dummies

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