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Clever, colorful, talkative, and often bratty, Amazon parrots are sometimes considered a handful — but within the group you can find some species that defy commonly held beliefs.

First, the characters: There are about 30 species of Amazon parrots. Amazons undoubtedly have command presence. The yellow-naped and double yellow-heads are generally good talkers, but they can also be loud and demanding. They have the potential to become possessive of the person they may perceive as a mate, leading to the misleading description of being a “one-person bird.” You need to know about these possibilities before you start out with an Amazon. Some people like their in-your-face attitude; some don’t.

Other Amazons may be easier to live with, among them the lilac crowns, red-lored, blue-fronted, and white-fronted. These smaller species are less likely to push, are generally quieter, and are typically easier to handle. The trade-off: Their talking ability is usually not as good as that of the yellow-naped or double yellow-head.

Life expectancies for Amazon parrots are among the longest of pet birds; up to a hundred years is possible, particularly because we now better understand what it takes to keep these birds healthy. Unfortunately, poor diets and lousy care limit the life expectancy potential of many of these impressive birds; most of the pet population is gone long before the age of 50, with geriatric problems showing up in birds as young as 20 years old. Prices typically range from $500 to $2,500.

A common health problem seen in Amazons is obesity. If you have an Amazon, make sure you offer her a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, or else these natural perch potatoes will go to, er, seed, rather easily.

Birds For Dummies

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