Читать книгу The Right Twin - GINA WILKINS - Страница 2

“Sorry,” he said. “Couldn’t resist.”


“You couldn’t resist dunking me?”

Aaron’s smile faded a little. His dark eyes locked with hers. “I couldn’t resist putting my hands on you.”

“Oh.” Had the water suddenly gotten hotter? Shelby felt a definite wave of heat course through her, and was almost surprised that steam didn’t rise from her skin. “Um—”

“No one’s watching,” he murmured, reaching out to draw her closer with his left arm around her waist. He braced his other arm on her watercraft to support them. “I’m not playing a part. So if you want me to back off, just give me a shove.”

She put a hand on his shoulder, but only to steady herself in the water. She had no intention of pushing him away.

The Right Twin

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