Читать книгу Patient Education: You Can Do It! - Ginger Kanzer-Lewis - Страница 4



This book is dedicated to all the people who have made my life and career a joy. It is dedicated to all the patients I ever taught and who taught me, to all the diabetes educators who ever worked for me and taught me what diabetes education is really about, and to my dears Liz Kennett, Gloria Coshigano, Virginia Rago, and Mary Lemeseveski. Can you imagine being a diabetes educator in my department? I am so grateful that they are my dearest friends to this day.

The book was possible because I met Betty Brackenridge and she got me involved with the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) by telling me to put my money where my mouth is. She has been a mentor to me and so many others. The diabetes community is so lucky to have her.

I am full of gratitude and love for all the AADE presidents who dared me to go forward and pulled and pushed me up: Debbie Hinnen, Marilyn Graff, Jan Norman, Kathy Mulcahy, Chris Tobin, and for all the AADE staff who work so hard and put up with me. My sweet, dear Judy, what a year we had! I offer a prayer for all the presidents who will come after me and lead diabetes educators into the future, Kathy Berkowitz, Jane Kadahiro, Virginia Zamudio, Mary Austin, and those yet unnamed.

This book exists because of the love of my family, the real educators: my best friend and brother Mark and his wife Doctor Deena, my sister Sherry, and my children: Bill; Dawn, who did so much of the book for me; Kathy and Beth and their spouses; Jim; Ron; Jack; Donna; and especially my dear, own Glen who has been my joy always and his bride Helaina. It will be a remembrance for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and it is in memory of my parents Abraham and Pat, my brother Freddy, my sister Beth and for Bea and Sandy, who chose to be my parents.

I know there are lots of you not mentioned, and I ask your forgiveness for not thanking you here.

This book and I exist because of the Captain of my ship, my darling husband Jack. Safe waters always and all my love.

I love you all. Take care.


Patient Education: You Can Do It!

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