Читать книгу Sort Your Money Out - Glen James - Страница 10

hi, I'm Glen!


Congratulations on getting invested!

This book might be your first investment: an investment into yourself and your understanding about money, mindset, behaviours and investing.

Before we get into it, let me tell you a bit about me.

I run a podcast called my millennial money. I'm a millennial so the language I use on the podcast is ‘millennial’. However, I believe the basic laws of money and investing don't discriminate and we can all learn about them and apply them to our lives and goals.

This book is not for any specific age group, but I do use millennial talk a bit, so you'll come across terms such as TL;DR (too long; didn't read). The TL;DR section at the beginning of each chapter is for those of you who, like me, just want a list of points about what's in the chapter.

In addition to my podcast, I also have a website called ‘Sort Your Money Out’. The website is home to the Glen James Spending Plan online course, which I mention in this book. It's a place where Australian podcast listeners and blog readers can go to be connected to trusted professionals (financial advisers, mortgage brokers, accountants and lawyers) when they need help. I also run a Facebook group called ‘my millennial money’ that you'd be welcome to join; it's a great community of like-minded people.

Lastly, this book is not a textbook. Rather, it's a collection of my thoughts, and methods of doing things that I have seen over the years and have used myself. It's impossible to serve up individual financial advice about your own circumstances in a book or a podcast — that's why I am pro professional help for people at key moments in their life.

I'm just here to encourage you and if that’s all you take from this book, I believe I've done my job. Over to you.

Enjoy the read,

Sort Your Money Out

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