Читать книгу 75 Green Businesses You Can Start to Make Money and Make a Difference - Glenn Croston - Страница 5
This book would not have been possible without incredible help from friends and family. I thank my wife Guadalupe for always being there, my daughter Gaia for her wisdom beyond her years, Thomas Howell for tireless critical insight, Konsuelo Howell for constant support in innumerable ways, and Rafael Petrone, Mike Dunn, and Rob Meadows for their insight and guidance. For helping me get started I owe thanks to Taylor Wilshire, Sharon Wampler, and Ray Smilor. I would also like to thank Karen Billipp of Eliot House Productions, and Jere Calmes and Courtney Thurman of Entrepreneur Press for seeing the book’s potential and keeping it on track. Finally, I thank the many green entrepreneurs who have been so generous with their time and thoughts. They are too numerous to mention, but by living the change they are creating a greener future for us all.