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As a young man growing up in what was then Rhodesia, I had always heard story’s about Texas and how big everything was in Texas” . . . .When I met Glenn after his arrival in my hometown of Bulawayo, I started to believe the stories . . . Tall, broad of shoulder, thighs like tree trunks and arms like steam engine pistons . . . Glenn stood out as the quintessentaial example of the what someone from Texas would look like, if you held those stories to be true . . . Apart from his physical stature I also learnt some other things about this man from Texas . . . His love, compassion, generosity and kindness were likewise Texas sized . . . He became and to this day is still someone whose presence I actively seek when I have the chance to travel anywhere near the place he and his wife reside . . .

When you read these poems you will start to know a lot more about him than I can ascribe to him in a few sentences . . .

Deeply convicted of his beliefs through a journey of life that moulded him into a man of God who knows the pain of separation and then redemption that God has offered to all those who seek His path . . . These poems truly encapsulate the wonder that is our Creator and our God . . . They are insightful, passionate, heartfelt and inspirational and would be worthy additions to anyone seeking comfort in the promises, made and kept, of Gods Forgiveness, Mercy and Grace . . . .

Glenn has one more Texas sized attribute that I believe is revealed by this Anthology in Poems of Gods wonderful plan for us . . . His heart . . .

Texas sized for sure, but Heavenward bound . . . Glenn is a man I am honoured to call friend, confidant, brother in Christ, of whom I can offer no greater compliment but to quote my favourite verse in support of these outstanding poems . . .

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38–39 KJV

Don Lambert


A Trilogy of Healing

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