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Chapter 2

After things slowed down a bit, Sue brought a woman into the house who did reflexology. This woman massaged Sue’s feet and then massaged Mr. Oliver’s feet. Reflexology is very relaxing, especially when rubbing the feet. Mr. Oliver really loved this workout and liked all the attention. He would finally be put into a hypnotic state. Sue took advantage of this and brainwashed him over and over until he believed everything he was told. She made him believe everything he was told. She made him believe that her family was his family. The routine went on constantly for weeks. The caregiver, Darna, was aware of what was happening and informed the family. The daughter, Barbra, finally told the reflexologist to get out and never come back.

One nice, warm afternoon, the boss wanted to go into his pool which was a little distance from the house. I took him over in his golf cart and made sure he was safe in the shallow end. While I was occupied with Mr. Oliver, I happened to glance over to the back door, and I saw Sue take food bags into the house and hide them in the pantry. She packed up all the groceries she wanted for her family and carted the bags to her house. This was being observed by Darna. All this food was paid for with Mr. Oliver’s credit card. I thought, Here we go again!

Mr. Oliver belonged to a singing society that met once a week. He really enjoyed this get-together for singing comradery. He invited this group and his friends once a year in the spring to a songfest in his home. Sue took this opportunity to invite her friends without asking Mr. Oliver. A good bit of food and spirits were served. Lots of booze magically disappeared. Guess where? Mr. Oliver’s family did attend some of the affairs but never checked on what was going on behind the scenes.

Mr. Oliver had an extensive collection of cars. These were exotic foreign cars that I maintained. One day, when I was off, eight of these autos disappeared. The next day, I asked Mr. Oliver what happened to his cars. He said a friend of Sue’s bought the cars and that he would get big fat check! These were beautiful Jaguars, Maseratis, and Porsches. I could tell they were taken out on a “flatbed” because some were locked, and there were skid marks on the floor from the winch attached to the truck. I informed Jack, his son. He said he would look into it, but he never did. By the way, there was no “fat check!” Again, the family was told, but nothing was done.

What Sue was planning to do eventually was to devise a way to change his will and hopefully inherit the estate for herself and her family. She was taking advantage of his onset of dementia. Within a few weeks, Mr. Oliver’s accountant and lawyer were visiting, and Sue enticed them into changing his last will and testament over to her. She promised them a tidy sum. These people did not care about Mr. Oliver and treated him badly! These meetings went on for three or more times. Darna, the care giver, couldn’t help noticing what was happening. She notified the family. They just laughed about it and said they wouldn’t do that; but yes, that’s just what they were doing! The kids recommended calling the “old folks foundation!” Sue talked her way out of that somehow.

Finally, after a month or so, the son thought that she might get away with this scheming. He came over and told her to get off the property and stay off! Finally, I couldn’t believe it. She did eventually stayed away!

The Caretaker

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