Читать книгу Rekindling The Widower's Heart - Glynna Kaye - Страница 3


“She looks like a princess in a book, doesn’t she, Daddy?”

He glanced at Delaney, studying her, almost as if seeing her for the first time.

He abruptly looked away. “Yes, she does, Chloe.”

Luke shifted the child in his arms and she looped her own around his neck to settle in once more. Her eyes were growing heavier by the minute.

“Say good-night to Delaney.”

The girl waved. “Good night, Delaney.”

Luke nodded in Delaney’s direction, as well.

“Why don’t you lock up and I’ll see you to your car?”

“Thanks, but I’ll be fine. It’s not even completely dark yet.”

“It will be shortly. Chloe and I will see you there, then follow you to your place. Make sure you get inside safely.”

From the look in his eyes, there would be no point in debating the issue.

“Okay. Thanks.” She returned to the kitchen to secure the dead bolt at the back door. She suddenly felt like Chloe must feel when cradled in her father’s strong arms. Safe. Protected.

It was nice to know someone cared.

Rekindling The Widower's Heart

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