Читать книгу The Pastor's Christmas Courtship - Glynna Kaye - Страница 13


Chapter Five

“Hey, isn’t that Jodi over there, coming out of Dix’s Woodland Warehouse?”

At his friend Drew Everton’s words, Garrett’s attention jerked from the menu at Camilla’s Café in nearby Canyon Springs, and he turned to stare out the snowflake-decorated window by their table. It was Jodi all right, bundled against the cold in what looked to be a new turquoise jacket. New knee-high boots, too, which complemented her shapely, jeans-clad legs. As always, that long red-gold hair was an identity giveaway.

“Yeah. That’s her.” He once again studied the menu in his hands, unwilling to analyze why his heart rate had picked up a notch.

The Pastor's Christmas Courtship

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