Читать книгу Generation Impact - Goldseker Sharna - Страница 12

Introduction: The Most Significant Philanthropists Ever
Using This Book


We hope thoughtful readers interested in keeping up with today's trends and understanding the changing world will gain a better picture of the future we can all expect as these rising donors take the reins. You will get a sense of the likely impact of these next gen donors on your life, on the causes you also support, and on the organizations at the heart of your community.

Anyone working directly with this critical cohort of major donors – as well as the donors and their families – will find useful advice and insight here for making the most of this group's unprecedented potential to do good. Fundraisers and social entrepreneurs will learn how to attract next gen dollars for charitable, political, and religious causes and make next gen donors real partners in the work. Parents, peers, employers, wealth advisors, investment managers, and others will learn emerging best practices for guiding and helping these next gen donors as they make their mark on history. And we all will be better equipped to put this massive wealth to work in a way that makes a difference in a world with great need.

American society has experienced a long period of generational stability in the philanthropic world. The Traditionalists (born between 1925 and 1945) and the Baby Boomers (born between 1945 and 1965) have created and guided our key institutions for decades. But while we weren't looking, their children and grandchildren grew up. The future of philanthropy and the power to set the course of social change now rests in their hands. Let's see what they have in store.

Generation Impact

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