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Chapter 4 Saturday night


Aquiles arrived at his apartment, took out the dirty clothes from his sports bag, put it in the washing machine, took off his shoes, and socks and went to his room, intending to sleep for a while before dinner.

He found Marina lying on the bed and watching TV.

“Hello, love, did you have a good time,” said Marina.

“Yes, I enjoyed it, but I'm dead tired,” answered Aquiles.

“I thought we were going to continue with the baby issue,” said Marina, in a mocking tone.

Aquiles looked at her in the eye, came closer, and kissed her on the lips.

“In your dreams… If you're hot, grab a sex toy and entertain yourself. Wake me up tomorrow before lunch,” Aquiles said sarcastically.

“I talked to the girls while you were playing, and around 09:00 p.m., they will come... we'll get together to eat something. Félix and Sofía don’t come because of his boys and the baby, so Marcos with Paula and Adrián with Inés will come.

“Not!” exclaimed Aquiles.

He likes meeting and sharing with his friends and his wives, but he was exhausted, and his plan was to wear underwear, watching TV, sleeping, and spend the rest of Saturday doing only nothing. While they were playing football, their wives had been busy planning the night, no matter what their husbands thought or wanted to do.

Aquiles rested his head on the pillow and fell into a deep sleep; he knew nothing more until he heard conversations in the living room and felt the cushion that knocked his head, thrown by Adrián that was standing in front of the bed foot.

“Come on, Sleeping Beauty, get up and get dressed; Inés is already in the kitchen with Marina, and Marcos is going upstairs with Paula,” said Adrián.

“Shit, man! I was deeply asleep, and they had the great idea of organizing a meeting for us...,” said Aquiles.

“I thought the same thing... I came home with the idea of throwing myself out and not moving anymore, and Inés came out with the news that they had already organized a night meeting,” said Adrián.

The doorbell rang. Marina went to open the door, and Marcos and Paula joined the group.

They heard Marcos asking, “Where are the beasts...?” talking about Adrián and Aquiles. He was entering Aquiles' room in less than a minute, diving onto the bed and hugging Aquiles...

“What had happened foal? Did Marina attack you again?” asked Marcos, smiling.

“JA, JA... she hinted, but I think it was a joke... Anyway, I put my head on the pillow and fell sound asleep,” answered Aquiles, who stood up and put on the bermudas.

The three of them went to the living room, where their women were chatting away.

“Hello, girls,” said Aquiles.

Aquiles and Adrián came over to greet Paula.

“What a sleepy face the Lord has,” said Inés.

“Yes... he was sound asleep... a lot of work, a lot of sport, a lot of sexual activity,” answered Aquiles.

“Darling, give him a break; you're going to kill him,” said Paula mockingly to Marina.

They all smiled.

Aquiles thought if Marina had already told them about the decision to start trying to get pregnant, an issue they had only talked about again in the morning.

Besides that, Aquiles was sure that their wives talked openly about their sex lives, so obviously, they spoke about their husbands' likes and preferences.

“Wine or beer?” asked Aquiles.

“It depends on what we would order for lunch,” answered Adrián.

“¿Sushi, pizza, empanadas?” asked Marcos.

The majority voted for empanadas, which they decided to accompany by beer.

“In the kitchen, I left a board of cheese and cold cuts,” said Marcos.

The men went to the kitchen to get beers and open the snacks that Marcos had brought, while the women stayed in the living room, gossiping and ordering empanadas. They already knew by heart what everyone wanted after years of meeting and sharing different moments.

“Homie, tell Adrián what happened in the office with Alejandro,” said Aquiles, looking at Marcos.

“Who is Alejandro?” asked Adrián.

“An employee of ours,” answered Aquiles.

“The issue is that I left my office and saw that he was in front of his screen with a video conference; on the other side, there was a naked guy... Actually, he wasn’t nude; he was wearing underwear, but later I'll tell the story in front of the girls to hear their opinions,” said Marcos.

“But is he a faggot?” asked Adrián.

“No… in fact, we don't know if he's a fag or not,” said Marcos.

“But stop... are you talking about the same Alejandro who once came to play football with us?” asked Adrián.

“The same one,” answered Aquiles.

“But that guy little fucker is zero fag! I remember that once he came to play with us, and he almost tore my legs off from his fouls and fought the ball hand-to-hand like a beast; he even stayed for a drink after the game and was very cool; I thought he was masculine,” commented Adrián.

“Yes, I agree, maybe we're still half closed-minded, and we think that only mannered men are attracted to other men,” said Marcos.

“I agree. In the building where we lived, we had neighbors who we didn't know if they were brothers or not, until a day, the janitor building told us they were a couple. We had supposed it, but the very masculine attitude they had, threw us… One of them even played rugby,” said Adrián.

“Changing the subject, how are things in the sailing world?” asked Marcos.

Adrián had studied naval engineering and had a shipyard that he had inherited from his family. Beyond continuing the tradition of his ancestors, it was an activity he enjoyed and allowed him to lead an excellent standard of living.

“No complaints. Besides the ups and downs of our country and its economy, the naval environment is a high economic target, so there is always work,” said Adrián, who added, “Like what happens to you guys; if the economy is up or down, we all need damn lawyers and accountants.”

“Of course, it's true,” said Marcos.

Marcos was a lawyer and had specialized in the criminal area, beyond the fact that the firm also handled the civil area.

Aquiles had specialized in the tax area, so they had managed to put together a good team of workers, and they had been friends for years.

The electric porter sound interrupted the conversation. The delivery was downstairs.

“I'm coming,” said Aquiles, who grabbed his wallet and put on slippers to go down.

Marcos and Adrián put the snack, glasses and drinks on a tray and went to the living room. It was rare for them to sit at the table to share a meal, unless it was some special one. They usually gathered around the coffee table in the living room and ate there, no matter in whose house they were.

Aquiles opened the door and entered carrying two boxes.

“Here is the food to feed the beasts,” he said.

He placed the boxes on the table, and they began to distribute the empanadas according to the flavors each one had chosen.

“What a pity Félix and Sofi couldn't come,” said Marina.

“They are at a stage where, if they can't manage to leave their children in someone's care, it will be difficult for them to leave, especially with a month-old baby,” said Paula.

“Of course, you don't have a problem anymore because you had your children very young, and now they are teenagers,” said Inés.

“That’s true... anyway, everything has its pros and cons. On the one hand, it was good to have them as young people, but we also had to delegate many things that you could do, especially me, because Marcos continued with his career,” said Paula.

Paula’s comment generated a second of uncomfortable silence because it was not clear if it was with a hint of reproach for Marcos or merely a description of what they experienced.

“Be careful not to misunderstand it; I'm not saying it as a reproach because it was a decision made in accordance,” added Paula, who approached Marcos and kissed him on the lips.

Paula was an architect and worked independently. She did it for pleasure and worked just when she hooks a client through her friend’s circle. She didn't do it out of financial necessity.

“Talking about children... Do you plan to wait much longer? Or did you decide not to procreate?” asked Marcos, addressing the other two couples.

“This morning, the gentleman just raised the subject with me, and we started working straight, attending this issue,” said Marina, referring to Aquiles.

“I understand; that's the reason you were crawling around on the court,” said Adrián, even known after the game, Aquiles had already told them what had happened to Marina.

They all laughed.

“Gee... look at you! Didn't you think to tell us?” said Paula.

“We're telling you now,” answered Marina, “Anyway, I have to go to the gynecologist to get my IUD because otherwise, it's going to be a little difficult for me to get pregnant,” she added.

“Well, my friend, then start eating well, take vitamins... there's a stage of having sex and more sex. I remember that, when we started to look for getting pregnant, we were so lustful about it, and it was a stage in which we did it almost every day,” said Marcos.

“Now I understand; it was the stage where you dropped your papers in the office and found you sleeping with your head on the desk,” said Aquiles, laughing and joking.

Everyone laughed again.

“And what about you?” asked Aquiles, addressing Adrián and Inés.

“We were also talking about it,” said Adrián, who was interrupted by Marcos who, brutishly and unfiltered, as was his custom, said:

“More than talking about it, you must put it on, my friend!”

Everyone laughed aloud.

“Kidding aside, we want to have a baby; Inés finishes her postgraduate studies in a couple of months, so I guess we'll have news any time now,” continued Adrián.

Inés was a systems engineer and was doing a specialization in robotics.

“Well, it looks like a lot of sex and extreme lust phase is coming,” commented Marcos.

“Speaking of sex and lust, tell the girls what happened in the office,” said Aquiles.

Intrigued by what Aquiles said, the three women stared at Marcos, waiting for the story.

“Nothing; it happens that on Friday noon, I left my office and saw Alejandro having a video conference with a guy in his underwear. It was an uncomfortable situation, and without him realizing I was there, I went back into my office, and that’s the story’s end. This afternoon I told Aquiles about it, and now we'll throw the subject out here to see what you think as women,” said Marcos.

“Who is Alejandro?” asked Inés.

“An employee of them, who once came to play football with us,” said Adrián.

“Is he gay?” asked Inés again.

“We don't know, at least it doesn't look like it; maybe it was something that has nothing to do with what we imagined. Maybe Alejandro is just a curious guy,” commented Marcos.

“Whatever, tell him to do it at home, not at the office,” said Paula.

“I agree, and just that's what we thought with Marcos; we don't know whether to face him directly or to wait and see if it happens again,” said Aquiles.

“In fact, besides his sexual election, definitely is not right he does it in the office; he wasn't playing "Candy Crush," he was in a video conference, and on the other side there was a man showing his nuts,” said Inés.

“He wasn't showing his nuts; he was half-naked and wearing his underwear,” said Marcos.

“Anyway, it's not something to do in the office,” Marina said, adding, “Are you guys also video chatting with naked women or guys? I don't know.

“All the time,” replied Marcos, throwing out laughter.

The truth was none of the four, including Félix, had ever had a slip after they were married. They used to talk about women and situations where they had the chance, but all four had remained faithful. Indeed, among other things, their women had known how to keep them satisfied.

Félix and Sofía had a traditional sex life. She would give in to Félix's wishes when he asked her to have anal sex, but not much more than that.

Marcos and Paula were the ones who had been married for the longest time and the only ones who had children in their teens. While they were still alone, Paula had given in to Marcos' desire to have a threesome and incorporate another woman.

Marcos was exultant and happy with the experience; he had told his friends about it in detail and tormented them for a long time with this story.

Sometime after that episode, he called the group to a gathering because he needed to tell his friends something. Marcos felt disturbed and saddened by Paula's proposal to repeat the trio since, this time, she desired to incorporate a man, a proposal that Marcos would never have expected.

That situation had disturbed him enormously, and at that moment, it was the subject of conversation almost daily.

After that experience, Marcos had confessed to his friends that, although he had enjoyed the lustful moment, sharing his wife with another man, fucking her simultaneously, seeing her enjoying like a bitch; his “macho” side had been hurt. It was the first and only time he shared a bed with another man in a sexual context.

Adrián had asked him directly and straightforwardly if he had touched with the other guy if there was anything between them, touching, kissing, anything, and Marcos answered no. Maybe, so far, he had dared to tell, or perhaps it was what had happened.

On both occasions, and by agreement, they choose the man and the woman by catalogs on escort websites. They had talked about it a lot and just wanted to experiment without involving or getting emotionally involved with anyone.

Adrián’s and Inés' sex lives were whole and uncovered. They used sex toys and practiced oral sex until the end. They played with Adrián’s sperm, passing it from one mouth to another; Adrián ejaculated into Inés' vagina and then licked it dry. Over the years, Adrián had allowed Inés to play with her fingers around his asshole until the day came when she penetrated him and found his prostate; it was a one-way journey. When Adrián discovered the pleasure he got from having his prostate massaged while his wife was sucking his dick, he couldn't stop anymore.

The first time he told about his experience in the childhood group of four, with details and without blushing, made everyone end with an erect and wet dick.

Aquiles' sex life was similar to Adrián's, stripped of inhibitions. Even at Marina's insistence and after having encouraged himself to experience prostate massages, pushed by the experiences reported by Adrián, he dared to allow Marina to penetrate him with a not very large sex toy, which had given him extreme pleasure.

This experience he never dared to share with his friends. Indeed, cultural and social mandates inhibited him, plus his own "macho" pride. Clearly, in his small group, no one would have been horrified, least of all, after what Adrián had told them; perhaps telling them would have even allowed Marcos and Félix to confess that they were doing it too, or that he had once tried, but he had never dared to tell them.

“Guys, shall we order some ice cream?” asked Aquiles, closing the subject.

Everyone gave the OK, and each one proposed flavors. Aquiles called the ice cream shop, and they waited for the delivery.

The women began to put things on the tray to clear the table and went to the kitchen, where they talked while preparing coffee.

The men stayed in the living room, turned on the TV, and engaged in a game of tennis until the doorbell rang, announcing that the ice cream was waiting downstairs.

“Give me the keys,” said Adrián.

“They're on the door. You know which ones are up and which ones are down,” answered Aquiles.

While Adrián went downstairs to get the ice cream, the girls returned from the kitchen, bringing the bowls and the freshly brewed coffee that had flooded the room with that exquisite and characteristic flavor.

Adrián returned and left the ice cream pots on the table.

“Self-service, here are the spoons, each one of you help yourself,” said Marina.

Paula made sure to serve coffee during the conversation.

“It looks like tomorrow is going to be a sunny day as today, the night is starry. Do you want to go sailing?” asked Adrián.

“I'll pass, my friend... if you agree, let's leave it until the next Sunday. The truth is I want to wake up when my body decides to do it and spend the day doing nothing at all, even though it will be a sunny day,” Aquiles answered quickly.

“We got engaged in taking the kids to the movies, so we can't either,” said Paula.

“OK, understood; we can arrange for next Sunday, and we can let Félix know if they want to come with the kids or if they leave them with someone and come alone; it would be fun if all the kids came,” said Adrián.

“Do you have anything planned for the next summer vacation?” asked Paula.

“Probably a beach, but we haven't talked about that yet, whether it's Brasil, the Caribbean, Punta del Este, or Cariló,” answered Marina.

“We assume local, probably Cariló. With teenage boys who are already planning vacations with friends, begging to tie you up a bit. Maybe, let's arrange with Félix and Sofía; I suspect that because of the baby, they won't go very far, if they decide to go somewhere,” said Paula and ask addressed to Inés, “You?”

“You know that Adrián likes to go out with the sailboat... if we don't go very far, the option is Punta del Este because here, except for Mar del Plata, there are no alternative ports. We haven't talked about it yet,” said Inés.

They continued with the ice cream and the coffee, talking about subjects that were not significant.

It was 02:00 a.m. Each one in the group took their belongings, greeted Marina, and went out to the elevator with Aquiles, who accompanied them to the ground floor to open the door and say goodbye.

Aquiles went back to his apartment, went into the bathroom, peed, cleaned his teeth, wiped his slippers heading to bed, took off his shirt, shorts, underwear, and fell, wishing not to be disturbed by anything or anyone.

Aquiles... a curious straight

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