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Of their Nazarites and Rechabites


There are two sorts of Votaries mentioned in the Old Testament; Rechabites, Jerem. 35. and Nazarites, Numb. 6. I find scarce any thing warrantable concerning these two, more than what the Scripture delivereth in the fore-quoted places: therefore concerning the matter of their Vows, I refer the Reader to the aforesaid Texts of Scripture; here only we will note the distinction of Nazarites. The first are these Votaries, termed so from ‎‏נזר‏‎ Nazar, to separate, because they separated themselves from three things; First, from Wine, and all things proceeding from the Vine. Secondly, from the Razor, because they suffered no Razor to come upon their head, but let their hair grow all the dayes of their separation. Thirdly, from pollution by the dead: this separation again was twofold, either for a set number of days, or for a mans whole life; that they termed Naziræatum dierum, this, Naziræatum seculi: of that sort was Paul, and those four with him, Acts 21. 24. Of this sort was Sampson Judges 13. and John Baptist. The just number of days, how long the former of these two separated themselves, is not expressed in Scripture, but the Hebrew Doctors81 determine them to be thirty, because it is said, Num. 6. 5. Domino sanctus, ‎‏יהיה‏‎ erit; which word (say they) containing thirty, expresseth the just number of days to be observed in this voluntary separation. The second sort of Nazarites, were so termed from ‎‏נצר‏‎ Natsar, from whence cometh Natsareth, or Nazareth, the name of a certain Village in Galilee; where Christ was conceived and brought up: Hence our Saviour himself was called a Nazarene, or Nazarite, Mat. 2. 23. and those that embraced his Doctrine, Nazarites, Acts 24. 5. Afterward certain Hereticks sprung up, who as the Samaritanes joyned Jewish ceremonies with Heathenish Rites: so82 they joyned together Christ and Moses, the Law and the Gospel; Baptism and Circumcision: of the beginning of these we shall read, Acts 15. 2. Then came down certain from Judæa, and the brethren, saying, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. These Hereticks were called Nazarites, either of malice by the Jewes, to bring the greater disgrace upon Christian religion; or else because at first they were true, though weak Nazarites, that is, Christians mis-led by Peters Judaizing at Antioch, Gal. 2. 11. And hence it is83 that the Church at Antioch, in detestation of this new-bred heresie, fastened upon them by the name of Nazarites, forsook that name, and called themselves Christians, Acts 11. 26. Symmachus, that famous Interpreter of the Old Testament, was a strong Defender of this heresie, and84 from him in after times they were named Symmachiani. The Jews had them in as great hatred as the Samaritanes; whereupon85 three times every day, at morning, noon-tide, and evening, they closed their Prayers with a solemn execration, Maledic Domine Nazaræis. Lastly, another sort of Nazarites there were, so termed from ‎‏נזר‏‎ Nazar, signifying to abolish or cut off;86 because they did abolish and cut off the five books of Moses, rejecting them as not Canonical.


Sheindler, in Pentaglot.


Hieronym. Isai. 8. Idem refert Epiphanius. l. 1. Tom. 2. hær. 29.


Francisc. Jun. paral. lib. 1. 8.


August. l. 19. contra Faustum Manichæum. c. 4.


Epiphan. l. 1. Tom. 2. hæres. 29.


Epiphan. l. 1. Tom. 1. hæres. 18.

Moses and Aaron

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