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Poemata Minora, Volume II / Маленькие стихотворения, Том II
To Pan


Seated in a woodland glen

By a shallow stream

Once I fell a-musing, when

I was lull’d into a dream.

From the brook a shape arose

Half a man and half a goat.

Hoofs it had instead of toes

And a beard adorn’d its throat.

On a set of rustic reeds

Sweetly play’d this hybrid man

Naught car’d I for earthly needs,

For I knew that this was Pan.

Nymphs and Satyrs gather’d round

To enjoy the lively sound.

All too soon I woke in pain

And return’d to haunts of men.

But in rural vales I’d fain

Live and hear Pan’s pipes again.

Кошмар По-эта

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