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Poemata Minora, Volume II / Маленькие стихотворения, Том II
Temperance Song
[Tune: “The Bonnie Blue Flag”]


1. We are a band of brothers

Who fight the demon Rum,

With all our strength until at length

A better time shall come.


Hurrah! Hurrah! for Temperance, Hurrah!

‘Tis sweet to think that deadly drink

Some day no more shall mar!

2. We’ll drive from off our table,

We’ll drive from out our gate

The gross offence that clouds our sense,

And leads to dismal Fate.

3. We’ll stop the bloated brewer,

We’ll close the foul saloon,

We’ll teach the land to understand

How mighty is our boon.

4. If aught our progress hinder,

Or check our upward course,

We’ll scorn the hand that threats our stand

And strive with double force.

5. And when at last we triumph;

When whiskey fades from view;

The drunkard slave no more shall crave,

But join our legions, too!

Кошмар По-эта

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