Читать книгу The Color out of Space and Other Mystery Stories / «Цвет из иных миров» и другие мистические истории - Говард Лавкрафт, Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт, Adolphe de Castro - Страница 6

The color out of space



West of Arkham the hills rise steeply, and there are valleys with deep, dark woods that no axe has ever cut. On the less steep hillsides there are ancient farms with empty, moss-covered cottages filled with old New England[23] secrets. The old folk have gone away, and foreigners do not like to live there. They have come, and tried living there, and then left, and it is not because of anything that can be seen or heard or touched, but because of something that is imagined.

The place is not good for the imagination, and does not bring pleasant dreams at night. It must be the reason why the foreigners went away because old Ammi Pierce has never told them of anything he remembers from the strange days. Ammi, who has been a little strange in the head[24] for years, is the only one who still lives there or who ever talks of those strange days. He dares it only because his house is near the open fields and the main roads.


Новая Англия – регион на северо-востоке США, где находились одни из первых поселений (прим. сост.)


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The Color out of Space and Other Mystery Stories / «Цвет из иных миров» и другие мистические истории

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